V4.C16 Tio’s story, two M became friends?


He smiled and bent down to let her jump on his shoulders, her favorite place.

"Myu, let's go and play."


Her legs waved around in happiness as she messed with his hair. He sighed and accepted his fate of being a toy for his daughter.

"L-Leo-kun, why is she calling you Papa?"

Shizuku and Irene stared at him with a 'Tell me, tell me' look on their faces. He already told Eri everything about Myu, so she was calm... for the time being.

"Myu is my daughter?"

"Papa is papa, nano?"

The father and daughter replied together, accompanied by a head tilt.

Pshiiii~ Irene felt an imaginary arrow piercing her heart, she resisted the urge to jump on the pair of father and daughter and formed a poker face.

Shizuku had complicated feelings about this. The boy she liked already has a cute daughter, albeit an adopted one.

"I'll buy some gifts for Myu, you girls please sort out the mana crystals for me. Keep the higher quality ones in your ring and give me the cheap ones, okay?"


"Yes, Master."

"Ara, I'll also help them. Dear, go have fun with Myu."

"Go ahead."

Shea already took out the mountain of mana crystals and started organizing them.

Leo jumped in the air and headed for the nearby shops.

"Papa fly~ Faster nano, faster!"

After Leo was gone, Remia looked at Eri with a mischievous smile.

"Ara~ I'm Remia, Dear's mistress, ufufu."

Eri's brow twitched at the beautiful woman acting so brazenly. This woman reminded her of her first meeting with Maria nee-chan.

Eri shook her head and kept digging through mana crystals.

"This one wants to travel with your party."

Her request made everyone turn to her, bewilderment written on their face.

"...What for? And how many dragonmen are still alive? Why did your prideful and noble race go into hiding? Why are you here?"

Yue poured out her curious thoughts she bottled up until now.

"For one to know about the ideals of our Dragonmen race, who are thou?"

"...I'm the survivor of the Vampire race... My father... told me stories about Dragonmen, how they alone ruled all monster races alone… The ideal example of how a nobility should rule."

Tio looked at Yue with a slack-jawed expression.

"For someone of Vampire's race to survive the war three hundred years ago... Are thou the Immortal Vampire princess Aletia?"

"...Yue, that's my new name given by my beloved..."

She cupped her slightly blushing cheeks, surprising everyone by her sudden bashful attitude.

"Wait! Yue-san is more than 300 years old!?"

Shizuku asked in a surprised tone. Everyone turned their gaze and stared at Yue intently.

Yue averted her gaze and pouted her cheeks. "...So what?"

Tio raised her hand to attract everyone's attention. "For reference, this one is more than 500 years old."

Her words provoked a dumbfounded look on everyone except Yue's face.

"...Why did you come here? And why were you being controlled?"

A sad look flashed across Tio eyes before she answered, "This one was out of Tribe to check up on the otherworlders summoned by Ehit and if possible... find some reliable allies… But this one got careless and slept in the Northern mountains… It was then the magician used magic to control me… I tried to take control but he kept brainwashing me… The blood of helpless innocent humans stained this one's hands…

"It was then a human appeared and beat me over and over. This one was conscious enough to feel him knocking this one's body without any mercy. He could've killed this one easily, still he tried to help this one. For that, this one is eternally grateful. This was the first time for a man to dominate this one's body and soul with his hands."

Her expression turned solemn as an oppressive aura wrapped around her. "This one will try best to help your party in accomplishing your goal."

Her emotional story added with her noble appearance made everyone empathize and respect her. Shea, the most sentimental person, sobbed quietly while hugging Tio.

It didn't last long though. Tio

"Besides, this one wants Master's punishment like he did before. Haa, Haa… those mighty blows enough to shatter this one dragon scale easily. Hah, I might need to change my panties at this rate."


Shea jumped back unconsciously and looked as Tio embraced her own body with both arms while fidgeting.

Yue gazed in the distance, her eyes seemingly dead. The respect she had for Dragonmen was decreasing from Tio's perverted behaviour. She couldn't believe this woman with such a noble bearing was… a masochist pervert.

"Hearst-sama, take this one under your tutelage. Teach this one the ways of painful pleasure."

Hearst shook her head. "My knowledge is still shallow, so let us we both walk this path together with the aim to conquer Master's heart and receive his painful affection."

Eri shook her head at their drama. But unknown to her, a warm smile was formed on her face.

Remia watched everything with a motherly smile.

'Fufufu, as I thought, staying with dear makes everything interesting.'

"I also want to accompany Leo!" said Irene, "Because I love him with all my heart and soul."



"Papa! Myu want that one~"

Myu pointed at a cute teddy sitting on a shelf in the shop nearby.

He looked at the old shop owner and asked, "How much for that teddy?"

The old man looked at Myu on his shoulders and a gentle smile formed on his aged face.

"Young man, it's a prize for winning the dart game. A hundred Luta per try."

His eyes fell on the wooden board fixed on the wall, painted in black and white strips with numbers carved on it. Around 10 teddies of different colors were lined up below the dart board.

He smirked at the shopkeeper and slammed a black coin on the counter. "Old man, give me ten darts."

Old man smiled kindly. "Young man, you do remind me of my younger self. Here, take it."

"Okay~ Point, aim and shoot~"

Thud! With a loud sound, the dart was nailed on the dead center of the board.


"Bullzai~!! Good job papa!"

The old man's eyes stretched wide in shock. Then he examined the features of the young man in front.

"Lad, you are the hero who saved our Kingdom?"

"Yes, papa is the hero who fights bad guys~"

He sighed and bought all the remaining teddies with 9000 Luta, people might gather here in some time. Myu wasn't good with a large crowd staring directly at her. With Myu controlling him by yanking his white hair while he followed her directions with a smile.

A sudden chill ran through his body, he turned back in a hurry and sharpened his glare.

"Papa, what happened?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, I just felt something."

"Nano? Let's go back to Mama~!"

He headed back towards the Royal Palace.


Leo landed in front of Remia, letting her take Myu from his shoulders. He glanced at everyone still here, chatting with each other.

He tried his best to ignore Tio boasting something to Hearst with a smug face. Hearst was listening to her with an extremely serious face.

"He even kicked this one's ass~"

"I... Master slapped my ass when we were alone... He even praised it."

It was Tio's turn to be envious. Hearst puffed her chest proudly at her. It was quite a strange sight to watch two beautiful women boasting about their punishments.

"This is one of the times I regret having sharp senses..."

He muttered under his breath and looked at Yue gazing into the distance with a blank stare. Shea was babbling at her, trying to get her attention. He so wished he could comfort her right now, but his eyes were stolen by heap of mana crystals.

The mana crystals numbered 45000 at the very least. The rest of the mana crystals with raw materials were donated to the Heiligh Kingdom for compensation for harvesting them. Many soldiers died in war, he wasn't the one to ignore the suffering and grief of their families, besides his party only killed about 60-70% of total monsters.

He placed his hand on top of the mini mountain formed by crystals, a small light flickered and the mana crystals disappeared.

His SP ramped up to an amazing 2450000 SP from 120000 SP. He really wanted to scream in happiness, but his image in girls eyes might crumble if he did.

He coughed dryly and said, "Oh yeah, I bought some teddies as a present."

He touched his treasure trove ring and a bunch of teddies appeared in the air. Time slowed down around him as he looked at the Teddy bears slowly succumbing to gravity.

One by one, he threw the bears to their new owners while praising himself for creating new useless ways to utilize this skill.

"I'll be off for an hour."

Without waiting for their answer, he flew off. He was about to buy the thing he waited so long for...