Chapter 42 - Confirmation

Name:The Creature Inside Me Author:Laiba
Since the day, he started suspecting that he could be that baby, he couldn’t digest the food given by the same people who were responsible for the massacre of hundreds. He didn’t even want to live with them but he had nowhere else to go.

Zadkiel went to Nora’s room that he had been using for the last two days and sat on the bed. He didn’t want to use her room now. He held Nora equally accountable for what Edmond had done because they all were hiding the crime.

He collected all of his stuff from the room and put it in a duffle. He had made up his mind to move out of the room. He didn’t know where he’d go but he wouldn’t stay in Nora’s room anymore.

When he was done, he was waiting for Nora to show up at the door to ask if he needs anything before going to her own bed, like she did every night. To Zadkiel, all this care and love was fake now because if it wasn’t, she would’ve told him about his identity when he was crying in her arms about it.

It was almost 11 in the night when Nora decided to show up at the door to ask the usual questions but she saw the duffle next to Zadkiel on the bed, she asked him about it.

“You can have your room. I’m sharing the room with Abel.” Zadkiel spoke but came out as rude so he covered it up by “Thank you for letting me stay.”

“But why?” She was confused.

“I talked to Abel, we’re going to share the room as long as he’s here.” Zadkiel lied. He wasn’t going to disturb Abel’s privacy.

“Okay, if that’s what you want.” Nora was confused but she understood that Abel and Zadkiel had an unbreakable friendship, one of its own kind so, Zadkiel would want to spend some time with his best friend.

Nora left after that, saying she’d move back in the morning and Zadkiel could stay for the night as well. Zadkiel declined the offer and as soon as Nora was gone, Zadkiel left the room and crashed the couch in the living room for the night. He didn’t know where he’d go next.

He lied down and tried to sleep but his mind went back to everything he now knew. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense that the baby Edmond was talking about was him. He wanted to know more to take some action and he had no idea how he was going to do that. He made it sound so easy when Abel asked but the truth was, he had no control over his powers. How was he going to use them?

“Why are you sleeping here?” He heard the voice which brought him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Irvin standing at a distance from the couch.

“I… I… I didn’t want to use Nora’s room anymore.” Zadkiel had no idea how to respond because, after the argument, this was the first time Irvin talked to him. Plus he hadn’t thought about what he would say when someone would ask why he was lying on the couch when Nora gave him a big ass room.

“C’mon.” Irvin gestured through his head for Zadkiel to follow but Zadkiel stayed put, sticking his ass to the couch. He wouldn’t go back to Irvin’s room until he apologized even though he had already forgiven him.

Irvin turned around to see Zadkiel still sticking to the couch like a leech. He sighed and walked back to him.

“Okay… I’m sorry.” Irvin spoke as he crouched down to Zadkiel’s level. Zadkiel looked away pouting.

“I shouldn’t have told you to get out and I shouldn’t have brought up your parents into the argument when I know it’s a sensitive topic.” Irvin continued, placing a hand on Zadkiel’s knee but Zadkiel still didn’t meet his gaze.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you when I know you have no control over your powers and it happened accidentally,” Irvin spoke, hoping Zadkiel would forgive him but Zadkiel still kept looking to his side.

“I’m sorry for everything I said and did that day.” Irvin rubbed Zadkiel’s knee and it was becoming hard for Zadkiel to stay mad but he was very much experienced in the controlling department.

“Zadkiel… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for hurting you and taking so long to apologize.” Irvin pleaded. This time Zadkiel was satisfied with the apology and he locked his eyes with his mate.

“Never do that again.” He pouted, making Irvin smile and nod.

“I promise I won’t,” Irvin stated before standing up. He picked up Zadkiel’s duffle and grabbed his hand. They made their way to the room silently.

“Sleep well.” Irvin placed a kiss on Zadkiel’s temple before making him sit on the bed as he marched to place the things back in the closet. He was still questioning when Zadkiel grabbed this stuff from his room. He must have sneaked in when Irvin wasn’t around.

When Irvin was done, he turned around to see Zadkiel already asleep on the bed. He smiled, scolding himself mentally for letting his father’s words get into his head and yelling at Zadkiel for no reason. He dipped down to place another kiss on his temple before making his way to the other side of the bed.

Zadkiel who was pretending to be asleep, opened his eyes when Irvin turned off the lights and sighed. Though he had forgiven Irvin for what he did and said the other day, he was still contemplating that why would Irvin hide the cursed thing from him.

He could understand that Irvin was trying to cover up for his father by hiding what he did to his pack but he was confused that if Irvin knew about all of this, then he should’ve taken Zadkiel straight to a witch, not to a doctor.

Was Irvin’s concern was all a drama? A show that he was putting up for Zadkiel? Because it seemed like that. Irvin taking him to a doctor when he knew doctors didn’t have his cure and how Irvin never brought up the witch treatment again after the first time Dr Hill recommended it.

He wouldn’t lie that it hurt him so much. It pained him to know that the person he was falling for, wanted him dead. The wolf was always sad inside him, no matter how much he smiled from the outside.

He tried to sleep, he tried to forget about it for a while and take some rest but the emptiness inside him was suffocating him. Irvin was asleep after a while. He could tell that by the little snores but he was wide awake.

Every cell in his body was protesting that he was thinking wrong. Irvin would never want him dead. Irvin was his alpha and alpha wouldn’t want his omega dead. But his body also knew that whatever he was thinking was logical.

Zadkiel was sure that Irvin knew about everything because he remembered when Zadkiel asked about Mr Caddel, Irvin acted weird. He was questioning who said the name as if it was forbidden to take that name.

Before all of this, he thought Mr Caddel was some kind of their enemy and that’s why Irvin was so pissed that someone told him about Mr Caddel but now that he knew why Irvin became super weird. He was mad because Mr Caddel was related to Zadkiel and he feared that someone might have revealed the information about Zadkiel’s past to him.

There was still a part of him that was trying to find a different answer to all his questions. A part of him that was refusing to believe that Irvin would want him dead. A part of him that was hoping that Irvin is unaware of everything that happened in the past but Zadkiel knew he was wrong and it was the most painful truth for him.

He didn’t even know when the light from outside started peeking inside the room, breaking through the small area between the curtains and filling the room with brightness. The voice of the bird chirping outside confirmed that indeed it was dawn and Zadkiel still hadn’t slept.

He turned his head to Irvin who was sound asleep, snoring lightly as his face was covered with his curly fringes which he brushed off. A smile appeared on Irvin’s face as he extended his arm and pulled Zadkiel against him, hugging him and nuzzling his face in his neck.

Zadkiel didn’t put up a protest but he wanted to know what Irvin would do after him. Because he must have planned something for the Luna of the pack after Zadkiel’s demise that’s why he wasn’t bothered that Zadkiel was going to die.

His eyes filled with tears when he gave more thought to it. Maybe he was going to marry Vanessa after all.

He didn’t understand that if Irvin wanted him to die then why didn’t let him stay at the orphanage where he would’ve died without even knowing who he was a werewolf. Why he took him out of the orphanage and offered treatment? Why he didn’t marry Vanessa and left her when he knew about the prophecy?

There were so many questions like these that Zadkiel wanted to be answered because what his mind could come up with was that Irvin wanted to make sure that he would never get the proper treatment to get cured. He wanted to make sure that Zadkiel dies.

He didn’t know why he was hurting himself by thinking about all of this. He should’ve stopped but he couldn’t. He wanted answers. He needed answers that why they brought him here to hurt him if all they wanted was his death. He would’ve died in the orphanage and no one would’ve known about it.

Irvin snuggled close to Zadkiel, inhaling Zadkiel’s scent and sighed in content. Zadkiel turned around, detaching from Irvin who whimpered in his sleep. Zadkiel gave him a cushion to hug and Irvin was at peace again.

Finally, the tears in Zadkiel’s eyes made their way down his face seeing, how easy it is for Irvin to replace him. He knew that he was being dramatic because Irvin was asleep and he didn’t know what he was doing but it gave him an idea of how easily he would be replaced.

He sat up, leaning against the headboard and stared at Irvin’s face who looked way too innocent while sleeping and hugging the cushion. He placed his hand in his curls and brushed them, massaging his scalp.

A thought crossed his mind. He could have visions while hugging Nora and he could read Edmond’s mind without doing anything. At least he could try reading Irvin’s mind or get a vision at least.

He closed his eyes and focused on reading Irvin’s thoughts or peek into his brain. His hand was still in his hair as he continued concentrating for a while but it didn’t work. He tried again and again but it didn’t work. He had to learn how to control his powers for that.

He huffed, shuffling off the bed and scurried to the bathroom to do the morning chores. It was already breakfast time so, he decided to finish with his morning routine before Irvin.

It took him almost half an hour to take shower and freshen up. When he walked back into the room, Irvin was wide awake, sitting cross-legged on the bed and was going through his phone.

“Good morning.” Irvin beamed, looking up from his phone.

“Morning.” He smiled at Irvin before making his way to the mirror to style his hair.

“Did you sleep well?” Irvin question, getting off the bed and walking to the closet to grab himself a pair of jeans and a shirt.

“Yeah. You?” Zadkiel turned his way to look at him.

“After two days I actually slept well.” Irvin grinned at Zadkiel.

Zadkiel returned the smile before continuing doing his hair while Irvin grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt to head to the bathroom. Zadkiel could see it from the corner of his eye but he didn’t question that why Irvin was dressing in his casual clothes. He didn’t need to know if Irvin was going to work or not because he didn’t care.

But then he remembered something…

“Uh, Irvin…?” He called him as he was about to enter the bathroom.


“I want to get the witch treatment that Dr Hill suggested.”

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