Chapter 30 - Threat To The Pack

Name:The Creature Inside Me Author:Laiba
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“What’s the process of mating?” He asked Irvin before he could control himself but now the words were out and he wanted the earth to swallow him.

“Eager huh?” Irvin teased him which made his cheeks heated.

“I’m just curious,” Zadkiel informed, looking down at his lap.

“To claim a mate you have to mark him first because if your mate, mates with someone else, the bond breaks. But after the claiming, it’s on you when you want to have sex but the longer you take, the weaker the bond becomes.” Irvin explained it to him.

“So, you want to tell me we should hurry?” Zadkiel smirked, raising his eyebrows. Irvin laughed.

“I just told you what you asked.” He put his hand in the air, chuckling.

“What do you mean by mark?” Zadkiel asked, scooting closer to Irvin because he had enough of control.

“The Alpha bites the omega and leaves a mark there. It stays there for a while but it’s a sign for other alpha’s to stay away because the omega is taken.” Irvin informed. He could sense that Zadkiel wanted him because the hormones Zadkiel’s body was releasing was inviting him. He could smell that in the air.

“That’s the reason I never brought you here in your heat because in heat unmarked omega’s scent invites every alpha and it’s hard to control for alpha but once the omega is marked, no other alpha looks at him because then the omega’s scent is only alluring to his own alpha and even if the scent is alluring no one would dare to touch a marked omega.” Irvin rested his arm on the back rest behind Zadkiel. Zadkiel closed the distance between him and Irvin.

“Every alpha has an omega?” Zadkiel questioned but his voice was now shaky because he wanted Irvin. Being so close to him wasn’t helping either and he hadn’t taken aconite as well.

“Every werewolf is born in a pair. The bond is made by the moon goddess. It’s the strongest bond a werewolf has. There’s no restriction that the mate would be a werewolf. Sometimes a werewolf’s mate is human, vampire, witches, angels or even fallen angels.” Irvin informed him.

“You said you didn’t believe in fallen angels.” Zadkiel gave him a look.

“I didn’t but now I do.” Irvin shrugged, looking away from Zadkiel.

“Why? Crossed path with one?” Zadkiel mocked Irvin’s statement when he told him about vampires and witches.

“Heard about one,” Irvin murmured. “Leave it. Are you tired?” Irvin tried to change the topic. Zadkiel noticed it but didn’t question it.

“No. Tell me how this works in humans? Like, do the human omegas die as well without their mates?” Zadkiel questioned. He didn’t want to leave the warmth of Irvin’s body as he pressed him against his mate.

“No. Humans are built differently. Humans lack compassion. Like if their alpha dies, they search for a new one. You know how it works in humans. They marry one and then after a divorce, they re-marry like the person before held no importance in their life. In werewolves, it doesn’t happen like that. We are like pair of swans. We have only one mate for our whole life. Our mate’s death or even rejection is enough for us to die in sorrow. Sometimes, even alphas die when their omega is no more. Except few who reject their mates, every werewolf needs its mate. Even after rejecting, we can’t forget the bond with our mate.” Irvin explained.

“You guys don’t seem to be very fond of humans.” Zadkiel giggled. Irvin chuckled in return.

“It’s not like we’re not fond of them. They just think of themselves as something superior while they are creatures even worse than animals. At least animals care for their own but humans don’t. They are jealous creatures. They’re always in the race to prove themselves better than the other, to be richer than the other, to be more successful than the other. They are always in a race. They don’t care who they hurt in the process of getting what they want. They just care about their own needs. They put themselves first over humanity. At least we’re not like that.” Irvin sighed. Zadkiel couldn’t argue with that because humans are like that.

“What if a person’s mate is a boy but he’s straight?” Zadkiel giggled at his own stupid question but he wanted to lighten the mood. Irvin let out a chuckled and pinched Zadkiel’s cheek.

“You’re so cute.” He said in adoration but then continued. “That never happens. Moon goddess knows everything. Plus everyone is a little bit gay.” Irvin shrugged, chuckling.

Everything about Irvin was alluring Zadkiel. He wanted to just be in his arms and he had difficulty holding him back now. He wanted nothing more but just Irvin to wrap his arms around him but being who he is, he tried to still avoid it.

On the other hand, Irvin could feel that Zadkiel needed him though he didn’t push the line because he didn’t want to offend Zadkiel but it was becoming difficult for him as well. He had his breaths under control but the whimpering inside him was becoming hard to handle.

“There is no wedding then, is it?” Zadkiel questioned, trying everything to avoid those feelings.

“If the mates mate, then no. If one of the mates wants to be with someone else after rejecting their mate, then yes.” Irvin answered, playing along with Zadkiel.

“It’s too much. I don’t think I know even half of this.” Zadkiel sighed, looking around.

“You can ask me whatever you want,” Irvin assured him. Zadkiel waited for a moment before speaking again.

“There’s always a voice inside my head. It’s the one always longing for you. What’s that voice?” Zadkiel questioned.

“A werewolf has two minds. One is a human brain and the other is a wolf. You can literally hear the thoughts of the other. Like when you’re human, you can hear wolf thoughts in the back of your head and when you’re wolf you can hear human thoughts. But the wolf is always the one who is more desperate for a mate. Especially in omegas. She can’t live without an alpha.” Irvin spoke.

Zadkiel now had it enough. The way Irvin was speaking, his scent, his voice, everything was making him go crazy. He turned to Irvin and rested his head on Irvin’s chest, not caring about his actions.

“I can’t control,” Zadkiel murmured in a very low voice but Irvin heard it. He wrapped the arms around Zadkiel’s petite body and pulled him closer, leaving no air between them.

“I know,” Irvin mumbled back, inhaling Zadkiel’s scent and kissing the top of his head. “Your scent is intoxicating at this moment.” He added, rubbing circles on Zadkiel’s lower back. Zadkiel hummed in content, relaxing his body in Irvin’s arms.

“Mark me.” Zadkiel pulled apart to look at Irvin who had his eyes wide open, totally startled that Zadkiel would say that.


“Mark me, Irvin. I don’t want anyone else to come at me. I just want you.” Zadkiel requested, cutting off Irvin.

“I can’t do it right here.” Irvin looked around to see that few of the people were staring at Zadkiel and he knew why… his scent was inviting every alpha.

“Let’s go home.” Irvin stood up before Zadkiel could say anything. Zadkiel followed Irvin’s gaze and he hid himself behind Irvin from the sneaking glances of few men. He could swear they weren’t there before. It was his scent that attracted them.

“Irvin…” He whispered in fear as he looked around, trying to hide behind Irvin. But that didn’t last for a second, because in seconds they dispersed and went back to where they came from.

“What? How? What happened?” Zadkiel was in a state of shock and confusion.

“You’re lucky that I’m the alpha of the pack.” Irvin smugly stated as he encircled his arm around Zadkiel’s waist to lead him through the way.

“But you didn’t even say anything.” Zadkiel frowned.

“I did. You’ll know.” Irvin smirked.

“Tell me.” Zadkiel pouted making Irvin chuckle. He looked so cute with the pout and looked 10 years younger.

“We talk through mind links. Every alpha can talk to their pack like that. Even mates can talk like that after mating.” Irvin explained to the curious Zadkiel.

They both were walking back to the home as Zadkiel kept questioning about different things like a curious kid in the zoo and Irvin answered every question like the parent of that kid.

When they reached home, Zadkiel ditched Irvin right away and went to Abel’s room. Abel was watching some kind of boxing with bored expressions on his face as if someone had forced him on a gunpoint to watch it.

“How was your tour with Irvin?” Abel instantly turned off the TV when he saw his best friend.

“I wanted to kiss him.” Zadkiel honestly answered, lying flat on the bed, horizontally.

“Whoa!” Abel chuckled. “Why didn’t you?” He smirked at Zadkiel.

“I didn’t want to come off as desperate.” He sighed, staring at the ceiling.

“Omegas are notorious for being desperate, bro,” Abel replied, lying down with Zadkiel.

“You mean he wouldn’t have judged me if I had jumped on him?” Zadkiel giggled. Abel turned his face towards the ceiling.

“The chances are low to none,” Abel answered.

“Hey… I was thinking of leaving this place because I can’t stay here for the rest of my life.” Abel started but before Zadkiel could answer him, he heard the faint voices of Irvin arguing with someone.

“Shush.” He sat up and closed his eyes to focus on just hearing.

“We’ve always been told to think about the pack before ourselves and that guy is a threat to the pack!” He heard the voice say. He couldn’t recognize the voice.

“He’s just a boy!” Irvin answered the person furiously.

“He’s not just a boy and you know that! He possesses powers that we don’t. What if he reunites with his pack to attack us?!” The person said with the same level of anger.

“If he wasn’t your mate, you would’ve thought the same about him!” The person who sounded very grown-up by his deep, gruff voice spoke.

“It’s not about my mate. You want me to kill him because he possesses power? Is this even logical, dad?!” Irvin scoffed. Now Zadkiel realized that it was Irvin’s father who was arguing with Irvin.

“You are going to kick him out and that’s my order!” Edmond sternly stated.

“You’re not my alpha anymore, Dad. I’m your alpha so, calm down and let me handle things like I want to!” He heard Irvin say before he heard a door slam which pulled him out of his thoughts.

He turned to look at Abel who was staring at him in concern. He sighed, looking down at his fidgeting fingers.

“What happened?” Abel questioned, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“I don’t know where I belong. I am a werewolf but I’m a different kind of werewolf. The one these guys haven’t seen before.” Zadkiel murmured. Hearing these kinds of comments about himself always made him hate himself more. His mind thought of one thing, he was a threat not only to humans but to werewolves as well which meant he was really dangerous and he didn’t want to be dangerous. He wanted to make friends and stay in people but he never allowed himself in a fear of hurting humans and now he was fearing that he’d hurt werewolves.

“What do you mean?” Abel frowned.

“Irvin’s father was just saying that I’m a threat to the pack. That I should be killed or kicked out.” Zadkiel gave him the answer before standing up to leave.

“Threat? But how?”

Zadkiel didn’t answer the question and opened the door to leave the room. Abel grabbed his wrist to hold him back. He turned him around and tears were welling up in his eyes.


“I’m fine, Abel. I just want to be alone.” He cut off him before he could continue. Abel pressed his lips together and let Zadkiel go.

Zadkiel ran upstairs to his room where he bumped into someone. After understanding what happened, he looked up to see if the other person was alright. It was Irvin’s mother who had bumped into him.

“I’m so sorry. It’s my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He instantly apologized. Nora placed her hand on Zadkiel’s shoulder and took a glance at him.

“You alright?” She questioned, scanning his face that held tear stains.

“Yeah.” Zadkiel avoided meeting her gaze and mumbled a ‘sorry’ once again before leaving her to rush to his room.

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