Chapter 27 - A Werewolf!

Name:The Creature Inside Me Author:Laiba
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Even when he struggled all his life to know the answer to the question of what made him different from others, why he was different and who he actually was, he never expected an answer so disappointing. He always thought something was very wrong with him and there was a demon inside him that controlled him and his actions but hearing that he was a werewolf was not what he wanted to hear.

Not because he thought that the demon inside him was more powerful or that what he actually felt and dealt with was commanding and should’ve been called something more ferocious but because he knew exactly how ferocious werewolves were. He had seen few movies to know that they were not looked at as kind creatures. He was disappointed because even though he knew his demon was something wild, he still hoped that it would be something softer. Maybe an angry angel or something. But not a werewolf.

“I can’t be.” Zadkiel chuckled, looking at Abel as if he had lost his mind and he was sure that he did because Zadkiel couldn’t be a werewolf. He wasn’t as vicious and as nasty as those creatures. He knew he was wild but not that.

“Zadkiel, the aconite you use… do you know what its other name is?” Abel questioned though he didn’t wait for Zadkiel to answer. “It’s wolf’s-bane. It is used to weaken a wolf.” He gave him the look.

“Look, I don’t know about it but I can’t be a werewolf. I know that werewolves are supposed to turn into wolves on the full moon but that never happened. Did it? I never turned into a wolf on full moons.” Zadkiel argued back.

“Maybe, turning into wolves is just a myth.” Abel pointed out.

“The whole concept of werewolves’ existence is a myth, bro,” Zadkiel stated, denying every possible way he could.

“Then who are you? The way you’re denying it, it seems like you had some guess in your mind. You seem disappointed.” Abel narrowed his eyes on his best friend and stood before him to be more intimidating.

“I don’t know. I always thought whatever I had inside me is some angry demon and can do harm to anyone but deep down I knew it wouldn’t because it is as scared to hurt anyone as I am. A werewolf is a wild creature. A werewolf kills with no remorse. I can’t be that worse.” Zadkiel shrugged. He was embarrassed the second those words left his mouth. He hoped for anything but not a werewolf but if he was being honest he was always scared deep down because every road was leading to this answer. He just didn’t want to admit it.

“You called Irvin your alpha. Zadkiel, werewolves are made in pairs. Alpha and Omega. They love each other and care for each other. They’d be devastated if they aren’t with each other. I don’t know about wildness but this in my opinion is really cute.” Abel spoke softly.

Zadkiel was in deep thoughts. The more he thought about the things between him and Irvin and the things he went through, the more Abel’s words started to make sense. He started to think if he really was a werewolf but before he could question Abel further about it, the door to the room opened and in stepped Irvin.

“Oh wow, you seem all healed,” Irvin spoke, staring at Abel in shock.

“Zad did it.” Abel beamed up and pointed to his best friend who seemed lost in his thoughts. Irvin frowned and walked closer to Zadkiel.

“Hey… what happened?” He placed his hand on Zadkiel’s shoulder which made him come back to reality.

“What am I, Irvin?” Zadkiel stood up and demanded an answer in a very stern voice. Irvin looked behind him to sneak a glance at Abel who made a weird face, shrugging which confirmed Irvin that Zadkiel already knew and was looking for the confirmation. He always had an idea how Zadkiel would behave because being a werewolf is not what one desires to be and that’s why he hadn’t told him along with other reasons. It’s not some superhero with underpants wearing over his tights who rescues the world from monsters. It itself is a monstrous creature everyone fears. Even though humans have no idea they exist, they still fear what the world would be like with werewolves. Irvin was also not unaware of the fact that how many people annually die at the hands of werewolves that they have to cover with some other news.

“A werewolf,” Irvin answered his question honestly. What exactly he had to hide now?

Zadkiel didn’t speak after that. He turned his gaze to the floor. His eyes were filled with tears as he stared at the floor. He wanted to be a normal guy. He didn’t want to be such a dangerous creature.

Irvin when looked at Zadkiel’s condition, glared at Abel for telling him that but he couldn’t be mad at Abel as well because one day Zadkiel had to know about this all. Abel shrunk under Irvin’s hard glare and chuckled nervously.

“Is this a bad thing?” He questioned, scratching the back of his neck. Irvin rolled his eyes and looked back at lost Zadkiel, feeling bad for him.

“Zadkiel, it’s not as bad as you think.” Irvin tried to convince him. Zadkiel lifted his gaze to look at Irvin.

“Have you ever hurt someone in your life?” He asked him, eyes filled with tears. Irvin broke the eye contact and lowered his head.

“I knew it,” Zadkiel murmured, sitting back on the bed with a jump as he broke down. He thought he hated his life enough but the hate he was feeling at this moment was extreme. He wanted to just rip off his neck with his own claws.

“I don’t want to be this way.” Zadkiel cried. Abel sat beside him to hold him.

“Zadkiel, think about the bright side. If you weren’t like this, you wouldn’t have met Irvin.” Abel spoke softly. Zadkiel didn’t reply but rested his head on his friend’s shoulder. He took his time to quieten down. Abel knew his best friend. He knew he would never hurt anyone so, there was nothing to worry about. He’d get used to this lifestyle.

“You good?” Irvin questioned, kneeling before him. Zadkiel lifted his eyes to meet Irvin’s and gave him a soft smile.

“Yeah. I’m sorry for being a cry baby.” He whispered, head still on Abel’s shoulder while his hand rested on Irvin’s hand that was placed on his knee.

“You’re not a cry baby. You’re just a baby.” Irvin chuckled at him. Zadkiel blushed, hiding his face in his best friend’s shoulder while Abel coughed giving Irvin a look. Irvin chuckled again at Abel’s expression. He was about to stand up when the door opened and Dr Hill entered the room.

“Where is your bandage?!” His first words when he saw Abel’s bare head but then his eyes landed on Irvin and his jaw that was already hanging, dropped to the floor.

“Why are you kneeling? You’re an Alpha. This doesn’t suit you.” He said to Irvin who rolled his eyes. Zadkiel lifted his head off his friend’s shoulder and scowled at the guy.

“What’s with all this strictness? Is this some hard rule? I swear to god, even Father was better than this with his rules. At least, he didn’t tell us how we should sit.” Zadkiel huffed, completely annoyed.

“Alpha is like the king of the pack and a king never kneels.” Dr Hill argued. Zadkiel opened his mouth to fire back a comment but Irvin beat him to it.

“Dr Hill, it’s not that deep. Leave it.” Irvin sighed.

“Okay. But a king never bows or kneels.” He pointed that at Irvin as if reminding him of the universal rule.

“Oh, bullshit! He is your Alpha’s mate. Your alpha will go down on his knees for him daily if you know what I mean.” Abel ended it with a smirk. Realization hit on Dr Hill’s face while Zadkiel turned pink and hit Abel on his chest with the back of his hand.

“Shut up!” He murmured, avoiding to meet Irvin’s gaze. Irvin finally stood up to end the argument.

“Okay, Mr Human. But where is your bandage?” Dr Hill asked him, walking to him to get a look at his wound.

“I’m healed. Zadkiel healed me.” Abel told them, a grin appeared on his face. He couldn’t be more proud of himself.

“Who healed you?” Dr Hill asked but then he sucked in a sharp breath, looking shocked when he actually saw the healed skin with no mark.

“Zadkiel,” Abel answered frowning. “Why didn’t one of you do it? I think you guys have a beef with humans.” Abel rolled his eyes.

“Let’s go home.” Irvin was quick to answer which made all three of the people look at him in confusion.

“But Alpha, he-” Irvin didn’t let Dr Hill complete his sentence and sternly spoke.

“I said we’re heading home, Doctor!” He seethed through his teeth, glaring at Dr Hill and it made Abel and Zadkiel more confused.

Irvin grabbed Zadkiel’s wrist and pulled him up from his position, telling him that they were heading home.. Both Abel and Zadkiel just followed him quietly but sneaked glances at each other trying to decipher the meaning behind all of that happened.

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