"But Niangniang, if she goes on like this, the emperor can't even think of her Jinghui palace." Mammy can't help it.

Imperial concubine glanced at her: "now the most urgent thing is to let he promise to give birth to the Dragon heir in his belly. As for her..."

The tone was cold.

Now this one is in the way of too many people, and she is not needed to deal with it.

The night in the palace was doomed to be a night of no peace.

The next morning, Qin Heng had to go to the early morning and got up, while Chu Yue in bed was still sleeping.

After Qin Heng ordered people to come in to serve him, he went to the court with breakfast.

When he left, magpie came in and called Chu Yue, but he had to go to Fengqi palace to ask for peace. She couldn't sleep any more.

Chu Yue feels that she is really a miserable person. Look, this is the biggest reason why she is not willing to enter the palace. She can't even sleep in.

After washing, she sat on the dresser, and magpie dressed her up.

Magpie learned this skill from Mammy Yan. The others also learned, but only magpie learned the best.

"What palace does the emperor rest in these days when I go home to visit relatives?" Chu Yue asked with her eyes closed.

"The emperor did not come to the harem after the nobles went out to visit their relatives. They were all resting in the Panlong hall." Said Huang Liu.

Chu Yue had guessed for a long time. She was endless on the carriage. Last night, it was like a wolf who had been hungry for a long time. Her legs were still weak!

But after listening to this, she was still quite pleased.

After a simple breakfast, I took a small sedan chair.

When she came, it was not early. Everyone else came, but the queen had not come.

As soon as Chu Yue came in, all the ladies, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines.

Most of them are with sharp knives. If they are told to catch the chance, they can trample them into meat cakes and feed them to the dogs.

So Chu Yue, supported by magpie, came slowly and leisurely. She began to knead her waist in full view of the public. She said angrily, "do you have any medicine for injuries caused by injuries? My concubine slipped and fell when I went home to visit relatives. My waist is almost broken. If you have good medicine, you can't hide it. Can I borrow it? "

It's said that she fell and hurt, but in fact, it's showing off that she went to bed again last night.

None of the people present could hear the overtone of the little bitches, especially when she was in front of her for a while. It was true that she had served the emperor so much that she helped the wall to greet her. Her eyes were red with envy.

"You're a man of the month. Can you serve the emperor?" Yu Bin said with a cold face.

Since this bitch entered the palace, the emperor has never called her to sleep. It is definitely the bitch who has spoken ill of her in front of the emperor!

"What the concubines said is that I really can't serve them. Last night, all the concubines sent the emperor to the Luoyu Pavilion of the concubines. They could also help the emperor to moisten the dry land, but the Emperor didn't want to go there, so I had to sacrifice my life to accompany the hero." Chu Yue sighed, she rubbed her waist, a pair of tossed not light appearance.

Yu's concubines gritted their teeth with anger.

"Do you want to serve the emperor He mei'er's eyes were red and he said.

"Serving the emperor is our duty and duty as concubines. How can I not? However, you have to be more competitive with your eyebrows. You have been in the palace for so long, and you haven't served the emperor very much. " Chu Yue reproached.

He mei'er almost jumped up in anger and pointed at her.

How many days does the emperor enter the harem in a month? Last month was the most, more than 20 days, but she alone accounted for half a month.

This month up to now, in addition to resting at the beginning of the month, the emperor also came. They often stayed here, but they all stayed in her Weiyang palace.

How can she serve her when she is so domineering?

Not only she, he Yuzhu and other new entrants to the palace, only got such a share of the soup, but Chu Yue had enough to eat. How can they be satisfied?

In a group of small imperial concubines to jump when, Xiao empress was helped in.

A group of concubines salute and greet each other. When empress Xiao let her take her seat, they took the seat together.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively." Xiao Huang with a smile behind, took the purple perilla tea, said with a smile.

"The Queen's wife will make decisions for the concubines." He Mei er said first.

"What's the matter?" Empress Xiao put down the tea cup and said.

"The lady Yuegui was just blaming the concubines for not serving the emperor, but she did not reflect on himself. Now that she is so dominating the emperor, how can we serve him?" He Mei er said.

Empress Xiao looked at Chu Yue and said, "you have something to say."

Chu Yue sighed: "the empress's mother is wise. My concubines have never wanted to occupy the emperor. Last night, my concubines advised the emperor. My concubines are too weak to bear so much favor."

When she said this, she wrinkled her eyebrows, rubbed her waist, and continued: "my concubines have grown up outside since I was young. It's not as good as the ladies in the palace who are in charge of the palace to understand the rules with the ladies who come out of the gate, but I also know that the emperor wants rain and dew."Who can't talk about beautiful scenes?

But because of the fact that she was jealous of the emperor, Yu Bin sneered: "how can we remember that Yuegui was angry and even angry with the emperor because the emperor went to Yan GUI?"

"Have you misunderstood something? My concubine is a little noble person. How can I get angry and go away with the emperor's ability Chu Yue's face is not red and breathless.

Yu's concubine coldly hummed: "are you jealous? You know in your heart that you can not think that you can achieve the goal by saying a few scene words. Now the emperor can only go to your Weiyang palace. Dare you say this is not your trick!"

"Yuegui Ren's method has never been seen in our palace and the emperor for so many years. The former imperial concubine Dong Guifei is such a demon princess!" Shu Fei also stares at Chu Yue Dao coldly.

Other people also have to look at Chu Yue, eyes are full of that kind of grapes can not eat sour grapes jealousy.

Say this month noble person is demon imperial concubine, that can really take injustice her!

Empress Xiao on the throne did not speak and looked at Chu Yue lightly.

Chu Yue took out her handkerchief and began to wipe her tears. "Concubines don't know that she has become a demon concubine. In this way, concubines might as well die."

A group of concubines all sneer at her, who does this move show? If you want to die, hurry up, don't hesitate.

Chu Yue looks at empress Xiao: "does empress also want concubines to die?"

"Lady Yue, I have never mentioned this in my palace." Empress Xiao had to open her mouth and said faintly.

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