When Princess de Fei began to drink the secret recipe of begging for children, Qin Heng ordered to take Jiang Xia, who was "not doing a good job," back to Beijing. This incident also spread, causing quite a stir.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. What's the situation?

Emperor Ming has a tendency to promote Jiang Xia. On the fifth day of the new year, only a few families in the capital got the second blessing?

Yongle Marquis's house will get it!

It's not too much to say that the future can be expected!

But what's the matter now? Is it the silver that Jiangxia coveted to build a dam?

The emperor is most disgusted by those who are greedy for money. If this is the case, the Yongle Houfu will be finished.

It is said that all the old men in Yongle Hou's house are lying on their beds, and several famous doctors have been found to rescue them.

In the palace.

Empress Xiao is pregnant now. She looks pretty good. She really can't do anything when she's pregnant. But she's much better.

"The emperor doesn't know what's going on. How can he do it well? He's going to attack the Yongle Marquis's house?" Empress Xiao stroked her stomach, not knowing why.

Naturally, empress Xiao is also clear about things outside, especially when she crosses the Longjian dam. Her brother is there. She also wrote a letter to her specially to ask her for help. She said that there was no corruption. The repair of the dam was going on in an orderly way, but the speed was slow.

But this is also because of the spring planting and summer harvest, and the nearby people are busy, which slows down the speed. After all, it is still limited to rely on the soldiers and some forced recruits.

"Mother, don't pay attention to it. Now it's important to concentrate on raising babies." Big palace maid zisu said.

Where can empress Xiao not know, Emperor this is intentional, natural won't go out this head, she just don't understand.

What's the matter with the Yongle Marquis?

First, he was inexplicably promoted, and then inexplicably, the emperor was not so uncertain.

"What's going on with the prince?" When empress Xiao didn't understand, she changed the topic and asked.

That's what she cares about most.

"Everything is fine." Zisu pursed her mouth.

Because her mother was pregnant, she didn't say anything about it. For example, the emperor attached great importance to the eldest prince.

Is it not to pay attention to it? Basically, every day, the chief manager has to go to see it once and ask about the life of the eldest prince.

When empress Xiao was about to say something, she heard gong'e come in and report: "Niangniang, the Abbot's wife sent someone to send a post, and she wanted to see her."

"Let my mother in." Empress Xiao nodded her head.

The Abbot's wife came into the palace and brought two women in.

There are basically no secrets in the palace.

The Abbot's wife brought two steady women to serve the queen. Soon, other palaces also knew about it.

Qingli palace.

Even if empress Xiao is pregnant now, the popularity of Qingli palace has not been suppressed at all.

After all, it's still in the stomach. It's not necessarily the prince or the princess.

It's not impossible to be a princess as a general concubine, but it's not like this side of Qingli palace, where the dust has settled down.

However, as long as the result has not come out, Princess Shu is worried. Empress Xiao is a strong opponent. The emperor attaches great importance to her and often goes to eat with her.

In the past, when she was pregnant, she would not let anyone ask the emperor to come, and if she did, she would not be able to ask for it.

"Now all this month, the queen can see the birth of a real, in the end is the prince is a princess?"

"According to the report from the people below, it's quite round." The old mother said quickly.

When she was pregnant, her stomach was sharp. At that time, steady mother said that she couldn't run away.

Only when pregnant with a princess, the belly is round.

Xibin had a round belly, so she gave birth to a princess.

But not absolutely.

"The queen has been happy lately?" She asked again.

"In addition to the first few months of pregnancy and vomiting continued to eat some more, but now it is not heard." Said the old mother.

Princess Shu also knows that Fengqi palace is not easy to inquire about news. Now she asks an du to avoid it, and the affairs are basically handed over to Princess De to deal with her.

When it comes to Princess De, the lady chuckled and said, "Jinghui palace is a real one who can't lay eggs. Those small promises only get a few Royal favor, and they can carry the Dragon seeds. She can always share a share of the soup, but there is no news coming out."

"Don't look down on your mother. Even so, the emperor doesn't cold her." Said mammy Gong.

Naturally, Princess Shu knows that Princess De is a good woman. Otherwise, how could she fight such a beautiful battle?

It's all on the bench, but it's back in favor.

But as long as she can't have a baby, she won't take her seriously.In this palace, children are the most important thing. Even if she is favored again and has the means to bear a child, it will be useless.

But the lady soon couldn't laugh, because it was less than a month before the good news came out.

Or in the harem to celebrate the emperor's birthday, singing and dancing.

Princess Defei was dizzy and pale, which directly attracted Qin Heng's attention.

He thought it was a serious illness, and even though it was his birthday today, he called the great doctor to come and have a look, and it was confirmed that it was Xi Mai.

Even if the time is still short, this is less than a month, the pulse is very weak, but if the plate is moving beads, it is no doubt that the pulse is happy.

The emperor Longyan was so happy that he rewarded many good things on the spot.

Don't say what other people think, when she comes back to the palace, she almost breaks her white teeth.

"Go to my palace to check. I want to see what tricks she used. She has been unable to conceive. How could she suddenly become pregnant?" Lady Shu's face was gloomy.

Although it's secret, it's not traceless. It's found that this is the prescription of the concubine of Yan's three sons in a row!

"It's so self indulgent that she is willing to take a prescription for a concubine's room!" She said sarcastically.

"Niang, that prescription is very evil. Nine out of ten are born sons." The old mother said quickly.

"So effective?" Lady Shu does not follow the way.

"Well, my mother should have planned ahead." The old mammy nodded.

"It's not good to have a look like princess Defei." Said the lady, squinting.

"Not so much." Mother Gong's eyes flashed and said.

"That's not necessarily a blessing." Lady Shu took a sip of tea and put the cup "Dang" on the tea table. She said calmly.

However, other people in the palace are saying that the Empress Dowager is blessed. She sent good news on the emperor's birthday, which made the emperor's Long Yan happy.

Isn't this a blessed man?

Compared with haiyanheqing outside, Yongle Houfu was almost deserted at this time, and there were still people coming and going a few days ago. At present, the door has withered.

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