Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Huo Xiao rubbed his slightly sore wrist, thinking about how he could finally go home to be with Xiang Wan after finishing his work.

He set down his tools, stood up, and went outside to wash his hands. At that moment, he overheard a conversation that caught his attention.

“… Are you serious?”

“How can I lie to you? She’s exactly that kind of person!”

“I couldn’t tell. She’s a rich young lady, to begin with. It’s normal for her to struggle with adjusting, right?”

“What do you know! What rich young lady? That’s all in the past. She’s now hooked up with the mayor!”

“Impossible, the age gap is ridiculous! The mayor looks like he’s at least 60 years old!”

“You still don’t believe me! Otherwise, why would Liu Chun and the gang get arrested as soon as she arrived? They’ve swindled others of their money before! Think about it!”

“Oh, now that you put it that way! It does seem possible!”

“What are you talking about?” Huo Xiao suppressed the anger building up in his chest and questioned.

“Huo… Huo Xiao? What are you doing here? Ha… haha!” Both of them turned abruptly and saw Huo Xiao behind them. Their legs turned weak with fright.

“Tell me what you were talking about!” Huo Xiao’s face darkened.

“We didn’t say anything!”

“Speak!” Huo Xiao roared, startling them.

They quickly told him the whole story.

“Huo Xiao, we didn’t say that. Now that everyone is saying that, it must be true!”

“Yes, yes! Don’t be fooled by Xiang Wan!”

They persuaded earnestly.

“Shut up! Don’t let me hear any more slanders about my fiancée. Watch your mouths!” Huo Xiao glared at them before he turned and walked away.

They watched him leave, pursing their lips.

The only thought in Huo Xiao’s mind right now was to hurry home and see her. At the same time, he hoped that the rumors hadn’t reached her ears.

The moment he returned home and saw her, he suddenly felt this was his home.

She was holding a magazine on a stone stool in the courtyard. Everything looked serene and peaceful.

He was afraid of disturbing the atmosphere, so he stood still, not saying anything, silently watching her.

“You’re back! Why are you back so early today?” She sensed someone behind her and turned around to see Huo Xiao.

Just like waiting for her husband to return from work, she set down the book in her hand and walked over to Huo Xiao.

“Yes, I’m done with my work today.” Huo Xiao took off his coat and hung it on the hanger before returning to the dining table to eat with her.

For the past few days, Zhou Zhou had been delivering the food. After that, Xiang Wan helped to prepare the food in advance—well, ‘prepare’ might be a stretch; she simply took the dishes out of the containers and arranged them nicely.

After finishing the meal, Huo Xiao would willingly wash the plates, and then they would go together to Auntie Wu’s house to return the food containers, which also served as a way to aid digestion.

Occasionally, they would eat together. The Wu siblings enjoyed spending time with their beautiful ‘little auntie’. They would go to Huo Xiao’s house all day long and hardly play with the children in the village.

At the dining table, Huo Xiao ate while listening to Xiang Wan recount the day’s events.

“Today, that kid Zhou Zhou came by and brought me some news.” She felt it necessary to inform him about this matter so that he wouldn’t be caught off guard.

“You don’t need to worry about the rumors outside. I’ll deal with them.” Unexpectedly, Xiang Wan was already aware, and his eyes immediately darkened.

“Don’t worry. I’ve already come up with a plan. I asked Zhou Zhou to help me with it. If I can’t handle it, then I’ll ask for your assistance!” Xiang Wan explained.

“Alright, go ahead and do it! I’ve got your back!” He said to Xiang Wan.

She smiled and didn’t say anything. She didn’t like to rely on others because she could handle it on her own.

However, hearing his words, she felt touched. In her previous life, no one acted as her support, and no one would back her up.

She couldn’t afford to make any mistakes if she wanted to keep her position. Once she made a mistake, everything would be lost.

She had grown accustomed to facing everything on her own; she had always been alone.

Looking at Huo Xiao’s earnest expression, she thought that perhaps trying to rely on someone else could be a novel experience.

Maybe God also wanted to change her monotonous life, which was why she was brought here.

“However, this plan needs your help.” She winked at Huo Xiao mysteriously.