"Boss, you kill me!" The mouse almost cried.

"As for? Let's explore it, not let you drill into the coffin! " Lin Feng said, "you didn't carry your bag? There are micro detection robots in there. I saw you before! "

"Oh, yes!" The mouse was so nervous that he forgot his old line. He could detect it with machinery and instruments!

Lin Feng smiled and said, "don't always say that you are a burden, but your role is great!"

The red scorpion asked, "boss, what do you think of this coffin? Is there any gold and silver in it? Blood jade should not be hidden in a coffin of the next man? "

"I don't look for treasure or blood jade, I'm looking for the key," Lin said

"Key?" The red scorpion has some doubts.

"Have you not found that the way back is sealed? How do we get out of this secret room? Have you ever thought about it? " Lin Feng Road.

"Yes!" The red scorpion nodded.

Just now, I only dealt with the mechanism in front of her. The boss went into the black bury and lifted the mechanism. After pulling off the black cloth, she and the mouse were attracted by the coffin. Suddenly, they forgot what to do next. Lin Feng said that they only reacted. There was no way around. Besides the stone gate when he came in, there were walls around them.

Besides this coffin, the room is empty. Therefore, Lin Feng locks his target in the coffin.

Lin Feng had systematic training before. He received a comprehensive training. He should understand everything in all walks of life. He also learned the Yin Yang eight diagrams and Qimen dunjia in the ancient culture of Longguo. It contains the knowledge of tomb geomancy and the master of the school of finding gold.

Lin Feng carefully observed the wind and water and structure of the tomb, and found that it was a typical large house with Yin and Yang.

In the yin-yang house, the mansion is the structure of the tomb, and the Yangzhai is the living room structure. As the name implies, the mansion is built by combining the two houses with the living room structure of the living person in the Yang room.

Generally, this mansion is so constructed that the bedrooms of the lower people are placed in front of them, which is a kind of protection mode. In the past, when the society was in turmoil, many large houses were often attacked by thieves. If the lower house was placed in front, it became the first barrier. This is also the reason why many tombs choose the structure of yin and Yang houses. The living people use this structure to set the burglars and the dead Use this construction to prevent tomb thieves.

In this structure, if the coffin of the ghost is not opened, that is, the coffin of the martyr, it is impossible to take out the key for the next step.

But this is also the problem. There must be the most vicious mechanism in the ghost coffin, otherwise the key is easily removed, so the design will not make any sense.

So Lin Feng did not open the coffin directly. He was not sure what was in it except the dead body of the martyr.

If there are some emergency situations, it is nothing to protect their lives. They are afraid of the mouse and scorpion. So Lin Feng intends to let the mice explore the road first.

The mouse took out his stuff from his backpack and said, "boss, I didn't expect a small Eastern cemetery. It was so luxurious. It opened the eyes!"

Lin Feng also some sigh, the heart said to himself: "the owner of this tomb, is it really the Lord Liu family and too milk? When did they die? The tomb feels like a few years! "

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly remembered the words of the guard of the eastern cemetery. The guard said that the descendants of Liu family later had money, and then they came to repair their ancestral graves, and then renovated the whole eastern cemetery once. The high wall power grid around stopped, and others could not enter. It was not like the Cemetery outside the South City, which was just a waste grave post.

Lin Feng thought that the underground tomb was built secretly when Liu family returned to the eastern cemetery a few years ago.

The reason why they want to repair the whole eastern cemetery is a cover. Only then can a large amount of reinforced cement be transported to the site and built underground tombs. Otherwise, it will be suspicious to build a single ancestral grave and make so many materials come.

Liu family built a plank road to cross Chencang secretly, and the surface was in Xiudong cemetery, but actually, they rushed to work day and night to build the underground tomb secret way.

It's hard for them too. To keep the blood jade, it is very painstaking. They may feel that the blood jade is simply placed under the tombs or is not insured. So with money, they come and repair a large tomb directly. Only their own people know how to come in and go out. Others come in and cross out.

But Liu Jiaqi is wrong, they should not make four pieces of broken jade to carve clues, Lin Feng also does not understand what this is doing. Since people in their family know where the blood jade is, what is the mystery of the ancient poetry of four pieces of broken jade?

But since things have happened, there must be a reason. Lin Feng guesses that Liu family is afraid that he can't keep blood jade, so he will fry four pieces of jade to fry it out, and divert everyone's attention to find the broken jade. So the blood jade will be temporarily safe and broken jade becomes the primary goal of everyone.

But Lin Feng thought about it again. Since it was hype, in order to shift his eyes, it would be good to make false clues. Why did four poems write really? If someone gathered four pieces of jade, it is not the same to find the blood jade?There are a lot of strange points in this, Lin Feng did not want to understand for the time being. At that time, Jiangzhou City masters were like clouds. How could this blood jade fall on the Liu family? The Liu family didn't seem to be very powerful at that time, did it?

However, it is true that the Liu family got the blood jade. No wonder the Liu family hired people to maintain order everywhere in Jiangzhou. It turns out that they secretly obtained the blood jade, and then organized a large number of people to maintain public order. In fact, they investigated the situation everywhere and found that those who coveted blood jade should start first.

As for how the Liu family got the blood jade, Lin Feng plans to check it later. Now the first task is to get the blood jade.

At this time, we can see that the mouse has installed his micro detection instrument, which is a ball like a little thumbnail laughing. After the mouse has been debugged on the mobile phone, his mobile phone can remotely control the ball.

Although the ball is very small, its structure is very complicated. It not only has a miniature high-definition camera, but also has infrared radiation function, video recording and recording functions. In short, the mouse spent three years in the Rubik's cube team to study this thing. So far, it is one of the most competitive detection weapons of the Rubik's cube team Mercenary organizations do not have such sophisticated detection equipment.

Mouse will detector and mobile phone connection, after debugging said to Lin Feng: "boss, I am ready, how to put the detector into the coffin?"

Red scorpion also squints: "yes, this is a problem!"

Lin Feng is a face calm way: "give it to me!"

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