All the way to Qinglong hotel.

Lin Feng arranges the red scorpion in the VIP room of Qinglong hotel. The VIP suite of Qinglong hotel is for the members and leaders of the chamber of Commerce. Although Lin Feng is not the leader here, he sometimes has more power than the leader. This is known to all of the members and leaders of the Qinglong Hotel. In addition, it is rumored that Jin Fenghuang, chairman of the Qinglong club, is a woman of Lin Feng.

However, these are all spread within the green dragon Association, which outsiders do not know.

Lin Feng let the red scorpion rest, but the red scorpion is very excited, said nothing to sleep, and must join the party with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not force, let the red scorpion at will.

At this time, it was more than ten o'clock in the morning, and the guests of the banquet entered one after another.

Lin Feng went out to entertain the guests. Red scorpion took off his fur coat and followed him closely.

The hotel hall has nearly 1000 square meters, with more than 100 tables. Now most of them are full of people.

The people invited this time are all real name system. Science and technology are progressing, and the party is also standardized. All people enter the venue with tickets. Each table has a name and is seated according to the number.

There are only three tables without specific names. They are the ones that Lin Feng wants to sit on. One is the backbone of the Qinglong Association, the other is for Lin Feng and some special people.

As for who are special people, they are Luo Qing and Ouyang Zhenhua. There are many programs in his family today.

At 10:30 in the morning, people are almost there. Luo Qinghe and others are also present one after another, leading to the main table by the hotel staff.

After all of them took their seats, Lin Feng slowly entered with the Golden Phoenix and red scorpion.

In the back, the Golden Phoenix and the red scorpion just met. The Golden Phoenix is very tolerant, but the red scorpion is a little hostile to the Golden Phoenix.

The women around Lin Feng are hostile, even the best sister, the black widow.

After Lin Feng appeared, everyone was quiet. After all, this banquet was advocated by Lin Feng, so he was the main character of the banquet.

Lin Fengding's banquet started at 11 o'clock on time. There is still half an hour left. In this half hour, he has also arranged some links.

First, he exchanged greetings with all the people. It was nothing more than a series of scene words, such as the Lin family and the green dragon Association. Then, he simply hoped that everyone could eat and drink well, and then ended his speech.

After he sat down, he gave Luo Qinghe and others a wink and said softly, "how many people are sitting so quietly? Did you forget something? "

Luo Qinghe and Ouyang Zhenhua looked at each other. Luo Qinghe said, "Oh, yes, we said that we would like to sincerely apologize to brother Lin in front of everyone today."

"President Luo has a good memory. Let's start!" Lin Feng smile: "to be sincere, or I won't pick it up!"

Luo Qinghe held his temper and laughed. Then he took a deep breath, stood up and said, "ladies and gentlemen, before the banquet starts today, I have something else to do in front of everyone. I want to apologize to Lin Feng brothers in front of everyone. The last duel between Ouyang family and Lin Feng was also present. I have a misunderstanding with Lin Feng brothers. I am wrong. I give Lin today Brother Feng compensate is not, I hope you will give me an authentication, brother Lin Feng, I'm sorry! "

Luo Qinghe clenched his hands on his chest, then slowly lowered his head and bowed deeply to Lin Feng.

Tang Zhen and Tang Ruoxue also imitated Luo Qinghe and apologized to Lin Feng and bowed deeply.

Ouyang Zhenhua has more lines, but it is also those words that I made a mistake and Ouyang family should get along well with the Lin family.

Finally, he bowed with his hands clasped.

In the eyes of others, this scene is quite shocking.

The Ouyang and Tang families, two of the four big families in Kyoto, the white tiger hall, one of the four main gates in Kyoto, and the Hewan Association, one of the three major chambers of Commerce, bowed to Lin Feng to admit that he was wrong. This is a treatment that ordinary people can't receive.

Even if they do wrong, they can rely on their own strength to turn big things into small things. But in front of Lin Feng, they choose to admit their mistakes.

And the next second, it's embarrassing.

Lin Feng sat on the chair without any expression.

In front of so many people, four big people apologized to Lin Feng. According to the law, Lin Feng wanted to mean something and stood up and said, "things are over. We are still friends." Like that.

But Lin Feng did not move. His face was still.

For a moment, there was no movement. Luo Qinghe and other four people were standing there, very embarrassed.

Luo Qinghe recalled what Lin Feng said just now, is it that he apologized not sincere enough?

Luo Qinghe said: "brother Lin, we are very sincere to apologize to you, your adults do not remember villains, forgive us!"

Luo Qinghe, founder of the United Press Association and chairman of the Qinghe group, was such a business tycoon that he apologized to Lin Feng in a low voice. If it had been put on others, he would have gone to the peace talks for a long time. However, Lin Feng was still indifferent."What is sincerity? If the upper lip touches the lower lip, is sincerity? " Lin Feng said.

This is a rhetorical question that no one has thought of.

Facing Luo Qinghe, Lin Feng is like questioning a child who has made a mistake. Is this too much?

If Luo Qinghe is really angry, can Lin Feng hold it?

Luo Qinghe also bit his teeth. In front of so many people, he was so embarrassed that he could not get down. It's really his mother's urine!

However, it is obvious that he made a mistake first, so he can't turn his face now. Moreover, Ouyang Zhenhua has arranged a way to deal with Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng will have a good air for a while, and his air will not be long.

Luo Qinghe said to Lin Feng in a low voice: "how can brother Lin feel that I am sincere? There are so many people who want to give me some thin noodles? "

"If you are not sincere, I won't give you face. It's very simple. As for how to be sincere, is this what I can teach you? What else can I teach you to call sincerity Lin Feng reprimanded Luo Qinghe.

Luo Qing's friendly face was red, but she still kept her temper and thought for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Oh, just now I forgot to say that this incident caused a lot of psychological trauma to brother Lin Feng. I specially brought a small gift to apologize for it!" Luo Qinghe said.

"With gifts?" Ouyang Zhenhua and Tang Zhen are all stunned. Why didn't they say it in advance?

Luo Qinghe said: "I will privately transfer 5 million yuan to Lin Feng as compensation, and you will also take it as a witness."

"Wait!" Lin Feng smile: "when you hired a murderer to kill me, how much money did you support Ouyang family?"

Luo Qinghe changed his face and said, "20 million!"

"So if you kill 20 million people, you'll have to pay five million? How come to me, the quota is different? " Lin Feng asked.

Luo Qinghe took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "well, since brother Lin dislikes little, I'll compensate him 20 million!"

"It's not much of a problem!" Lin Feng said: "this is the truth. What I want is not money, but reason."

"Yes, yes, you want truth!" Luo Qinghe had no choice but to nod.

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Ouyang Zhenhua and others: "when you bought and killed me, how much money did you pay? You know it in your mind. I also know how to do it, do you know?"

After a short silence for a few seconds, Ouyang Zhenhua said reluctantly, "I know!"

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded: "apologize!"

"What?" Everyone was stunned. Didn't that apology count? Do you have to do it again?

Is Lin Feng too much?

However, before everyone reacted, Lin Feng added: "Oh, by the way, I apologize and sign the contract. Otherwise, it will be too late." , the fastest update of the webnovel!