Chapter 211 - Lim Yi Bai

Old as he is, Lim Ming Cong never expected that his grandson would use such kind of tone while speaking to him. He is not oblivious to the fact that he has a strong personality, he has been like this even during his prime years.

A lot of people might not know this but when he was young he learned by accident that his father has a mistress outside although they never had a child it is still enough the harmonious family they had.

His mother who was gentle and kind hearted learned of this affair which tormented her. The pain and shame she had felt brought her to the point of no return and claimed her own life. This incident made the young him be fulled with resentment towards his own father that ever since that day he didn't once called him father until he died.

Since they were of a high status and has money it s easy to cover up those scandalous things. When he became the head of the family, he imposed that once a member of the Lim Family committed ȧduŀtery even though he might not be put to jail he would still be banished from the family.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/lim-yi-bai_52809827855953015">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/lim-yi-bai_52809827855953015</a> for visiting.

He abhor this kind of malicious acts because it was brought his mother to death, because even if his father had repented for his wrongdoings it would not bring his mother back to life nor would it heal the pain he had felt before.

Today, he accidentally learned hat the reason why his grandson often visits America wasn't actually to check on their branches over there alone but as well as to see how his son's 'other child' is doing.

Lim Yi Bai, his youngest out of his two sons were the person he had chosen as the heir because he knew that he has the capabilities to bring their family to a greater heights and he was right.

He could create the best strategies in order to grasp every opportunities for the business and that is definitely what Lim Yi Sheng had inherited from his father but Lim Yi Bai has one flaw and that is he is unfeeling. It's as if he was devoid with emotion.

Even his marriage with the Su Nujiao is something the he just agreed without even considering about it a bit. His daughter-in-law is sincere and she is in love with Lim Yi Ba that's why he thought that Su Nujiao's sincerity will be able to melt his frozen heart but he was wrong.

The fact that Lim Yi Sheng cannot ignore the chil is understandable because no matter what he do, the fact that they are siblings will never change but just by thinking that his son was abe to do something unreasonable like that really infuriates him.

"I will listen to what you have to say but it does not justify the fact that you concealed something very important to me." he snorted.

Lim Yi Sheng on the other hand was relieved that his grandfather somehow is willing to listen to his explanation.

"Her name is Samantha and she's 18 years old. I took her in when she was eight years old, the year before father's accident happened and she has been under my care all these years.

"So, it's already been this long. You sure are capable."

Lim Yi Sheng could recognize the slight sarcasm on his grandfather's tone. "This is also the reason why I haven't told even after so long, because I'm afraid that you will lash out at her. Also it was because of her medical condition, I kept delaying the matter time and time again until I realized that I've already been doing that for 10 years."

"What do you mean by medical condition?"

"She was born with a heart ailment, VSD to be exact. This made her growing lifestyle different from other kids but because her ailment makes her weaker than normal kids. Before she could still attend class but at least about two years ago, her health deteriorated and tere was no other choice but to let her stay in the hospital."

"Just recently she got a heart transplant and it was successful. Right now she is already recuperating and believe it or not one of these days I would actually ell you this because I promised Samantha that once she is fully recovered I will tell her the truth about her identity."

"The kid doesn't know her real identity?" Lim Ming Cong asked confusedly

Lim Yi Sheng shook his head, "No, she still doesn't know but since I've already promised her thee she would know soon."

"You've been talking about the kid all this time but you still didn't mention her mother. How come the kid is with you and not by her mother, did she just dump to you the responsibility of taking care of her child?"

He knew that his grandfather's anger had been triggered once again. "She was unable to take care of her child because she is already dead.


"When I took Samantha in, her mother is already gone ad she was all alone. Cheng Ningxue, Samantha's mother died of a terminal cancer before I coul even meet her. I think she already know that she might die soon that is why she arranged everything for his daughter, since Cheng Ningxue doesn't have family there is one who will take care of Samantha when she died."

Temptress, that's probably the mage his grandfather has of Cheng Ningxue but that is because he still don't know about anything so it is easy for him to make conclusions like this. Moreover, as a grandson and future head of the Lim Family how could he not know where his grandfather is coming from?

"Days before she died, she had written a letter addressed to me and made the little Samantha delivered it to him. Of course, at first I didn't believe a single word from that letter so I had someone verify the validity of the contents of the letter myself. That time Samantha was so thin as though a gust of wind will knock her down so I had someone take care of her temporarily until I confirm whether we are indeed related or not."

This is why it is better to let his grandfather read the letter and conduct his own investigation, "I will bring the letter that Cheng Ningxue wrote in a few days and grandfather can judge whether Samantha is related to the Lim Family or not."

"I believe in your capabilities of obtaining the truth but I will still not recognize her as a daughter of the Lim Family. Not until I am the head of this family."

Lim Ming Cong said that not only as the head of the family who has established the rule about ȧduŀtery but as a son, because if he accepted this fact easily how would he be able to raise his head in front of his mother in the afterlife?

His grandson will soon be the next head of the family, when that time comes he will be the one to decide on this matter.

Actually there is a secret that is only known to him and to Su Nujiao and it is about Lim Yi Bai. Everyone knew that, Lim Yi Bai has been missing for approximately nine years now when the helicopter he was in crashed in the ocean. The search and rescue operation lasted for couple of months but there were no signs of Lim Yi Bai nor his body until they called off the search. Though they did not declare him dead, it was already deemed as so but the public.

A few years later, there was one time he and his dauughter-in-law visited his late wife's grave on her birthday but what shocked them was the fact that they saw Lim Yi Bai standing in front of the tomb alive and well but instead of explaining what happened and why he didn't go back when he's actually fine the only thing he said is, "Treat me as you've always treated me these past few years."

The meaning behind those words were as clear as day, he meant that they should treat him as if he was dead. He can't even remember what kind of reaction does he have at that moment nor how Su Nujiao was able to accept that fact but one thing is for sure, from that day on they never saw him again as if that short encounter never happened.

After that encounter they tried to investigate his whereabouts but they were never successful until it was Su Nujiao who persuaded him to stop and just let Lim Yi Bai do whatever he wants to do, at that point he couldn't help but pity his daughter-in-law who has dedicated her whole life to his son who never cared.

This is a secret, a dark secret that is yet to be revealed.