Chapter 209 - Resigning

The long discussion between the four finally ended and Xi Ana doesn'tt have any regret about telling them, this is what she had decided after all so there is nothing she could do.

They might not have explicitly said in words that they were hurt with he way she had kept this from them, she knew that somewhere in their hearts they were. If they will hate her after concealing something important from them, she just hope that they will still forgive her.

Xi Ana is already inside her car after the four of them separated ways. Both Fang Wenna nd Li Jingli will be going back to City M right away and An Qi Lu also has another engagement so they didn't linger anymore.

She plans to go back to Xi Corporation to fetch some documents since it is still early but she remembered that her husband told her that he will be picking her from here. She was just about to make the call when Lim Yi Sheng's number already flashed on the screen of her phone which she is currently holding.

His honeyed voice immediately entered her ears, "Dear, am I interrupting your meeting?"

"No, I was just about to call you that it was finished earlier than I expected so I will be going back to the office to fetch some documents so you don't have to go to Sky City anymore. Anyway, why did you call?"

"I actually called to tell you that I won't be able to pick you because Grandfather suddenly summoned be back to the mansion so I have to go, I am not too sure how long will I stay there, will you be alright going back home alone?" he sounded really worried.

Going home alone is actually really fine and it's not like this is the only time she will go home alone but then again she can't help but feel touched deep inside her heart. These simple gestures could touch the hearts unknowingly.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about something like that. I will send you a message when I arrive home so that you will feel at ease. By he way, why would grandfather suddenly call you like that? Do you have any idea?"

"I'm not too sure myself but he seems very angry when he called earlier so I guess it is a serious matter."

Lim Ming Cong's strong personality is not a secret among the people in the upper society tough he had mellowed down when he entered old age, one's personality couldn't be changed just like that so Xi Ana is sure that whatever the reason is it must be really serious for the elder to be angry.

Thinking about this, Xi Ana cannot help but worry a little. Being scolded is not a big thing but how could she bear it as a wife, right?

"Then hurry along, don't make grandfather upset even more. In case your discussion will end late, you don't have to worry about me and just stay the night there. Don't even argue with me about this, okay?"

Xi Ana head a small laughter at the other ed of the call, "I haven't even said anything and you're already on a counter attack. Alright, I will listen to my wife."

"That's good to hear. If there is nothing else then you should hang up and be on your way. Be careful while driving."

"Alright. You too, be careful on the road."


After the call ended Xi Ana also started her car and went to the Xi Corporation without delay but she only stayed there for a few minutes since she only needed the documents and went home.

The guard on duty recognized the car of Xi Ana immediately and so he went out of the guardhouse and approached. When Xi Ana saw this, she rolled her windows down and greeted the guard. "Good evening, Uncle Hu."

"Good evening, President Xi. I just want to inform the president that Ms. Lee is at your residence right now." It is a customary in Imperial Residence that if the owners were not around and someone visited, it will be reported once they arrive.

Hannah? It is a bit surprising knowing that it was not Hannah's style to just visit unannounced, well maybe it was because she hadn't followed up with her matter for a while now.

"Thank you for telling me, Uncle Hu. I will order some late night snacks for you in a while, please share it with everyone."

"Thank you for your generosity, President Xi." the guard smiled as he thanked Xi Ana.

Imperial Residence is a place where only the rich and influential people are living, so they are used to seeing fancy cars that costs even higher than what the earn for their entire lives.

On the other hand, Xi Ana took her phone and ordered from the nearest fast food chain so that it will be delivered immediately. As someone who is used to eating fast food, she knows the joy of having your order delivered so fast.

She arrived at the entrance of their residence and she indeed saw a woman standing near the doorway which is probably Hannah since not anyone can easily enter Imperial Residence, impersonating someone else just to enter is also not possible.

She parked her car and went down from it. As soon as she approached Hannah, the latter bowed and greeted. "Thank you for your hard work today as well, President Xi."

This is indeed the typical Hannah that she knows. So what could possibly be the reason why she came here. With the same expression on her face, she asked "Are you here to talk to me about something?"

"If you will allow it, yes president I do have something want to tell you."


Xi Ana entered the house and left the door opened to let Hannah enter. She sat down on the couch in the living room and waited for the latter to sit as well.

When Hannah is already settled, Xi Ana opened her mouth and spoke a single word. "Speak."

Hannah has already been used to seeing this cold temperament from Xi Ana after all she had stayed for a long time beside her and she had seen how she treated others but now that she is on the receiving end, she can't say with confidence that she isn't scared even a little.

Faced with this kind of person, she can't help but secretly sigh in her heart. This was her decision so she must bear with the consequences.

She knows that Xi Ana hates beating around the bush so she took the letter from her bag and pushed it in front of Xi Ana, "President, I am very thankful for all the years that you have let me work beside you. It was my honor to be your ȧssistant. I know that I've done something unforgivable to you that's why I want to apologize in person."

"Is this the reason why you're resigning? I have't made a decision yet and you are already jumping into conclusions?" Hannah was a little bit surprised at what Xi Ana said that she unconsciously raised her head only to see that the person in front of her is staring at the letter. For a while, she was at lost on how to respond.

A few days ago when this thought first lingered her mind, she did think that she made this decision because she knew that she is not worthy of being Xi Aana's ȧssistant anymore. After a while, she came up with the excuse pof furthering her studies.

At first this was only an excuse but after her conversation with Shen Feng she had reflected on herself and realized that it's not a mere excuse and that she is sincere with the fact that she wants to study.

"I apologize if president was offended but that was not the case. I am resigning because I want to further my studies and also to use this to improve myself. Indeed, there is also the fact that I feel that I am not worthy to work for you anymore but more than that, my dėsɨrė to learn is higher."

She had already voiced out everything she wanted to say.

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Hannah was momentarily shocked because those were the same words Xi Ana usually asked whenever she wanted to hear her opinions and remembering those times, she felt bitter inside.

"Yes, president." she responded with conviction.