Chapter 207 - Attempted Suicide

Some things she can let go, some things she cannot. She clearly understands where An Qi Lu's worry is coming from because all these years he had witnessed her pain and suffering. There are times when she felt guilty because ever since they met when tey were young, all he's ever done was to worry about her.

"You know that I'm always thankful that you are a part of my life. Your existence in my life could never be replaced by anything or anyone. I've gone through hell and during that time you held my hand tightly and never once let go."

She wanted for these words to reach him, to make him believe that he is not the same as before who doesn't care about her life or death.

"Qi Lu, don't worry unlike before now I have realized that there are so many people around me who sincerely cares and for that reason I know that I have to cherish my life. Back then, I felt like I only have myself, I was young and naive thinking that by doing something as ridiculous as that it will solve all my worries but clearly I was wrong."

This is actually a taboo topic between them and its been many years when they last talked about this because of its sensitivity. Furthermore, Xi Ana knows that An Qi Lu will never open this topic so she decided to do so.

Actually this happened before they met Fang Wenna and Li Jingli so they don't know about these story. When they just arrived in England, she did something unforgivable because she attempted suicide by slashing her wrist.

They had yet to settle that time since they have just arrived and still has no concrete plan for their next course of action and they were only staying in a hotel, if An Qi Lu didn't enter her room that day she would have died there alone.

When she came to, the first person she saw was An Qi Lu and she was surprised at his expression. She knew what she did so what she was expecting was his scolding but instead what she saw was An Qi Lu crying silently while holding her hand. He didn't say anything as the tears continuously flowed from his eyes with his face looking as pale as paper.

Seeing the young man crying painfully while holding her hand, she felt her heart ached hat she also cried with him. No words might have spoken at that moment between them but thhose tears were enough to tell their agonies.

Even though it already happened in the past, that memory was engraved in her memory forever because that is the first and only time she had ever seen him cry.

They have been friends for a few years by that time, but that was the first time she realized that in this cruel world there is at least someone who will not let go of your hand even if you've already let o of yourself.

That time she had promised herself that it doesn't matter if she was hurt along the process of her goal but she had promised something o herself, that if she is already determined to die she will not let her own hand to end her miserable life.

"I've never told you this before, but you know what? If you didn't survive that, I don't know what kind of life would I have been living now because believe it or not you were the only reason I have to keep living then. Back then I was powerless but that was not the case anymore so please rely on me more."

Those words surprised her a little but she immediately collected herself because she knew that it is possible. They were both at that point where they could give up their lives at any moment. When other kids were excitedly thinking about the red envelope they would received during New Year they were struggling on how to deal with their inner demons.

The kind of childhood they had was so different from others which let them mȧturė faster than usual. Their experiences and sufferings they have experienced forced them to be the way they are now.

"I've been relying on you for half of my life now, Qi Lu and that has never changed it's just that I also want to do something for myself and just like what you've said, I will only be truly free if it was me who freed myself."

Aside from the two of them remembering that incident, the thing that reminds her the most about it was the scar that the wound left. Before the scar was so visible and hideous but due to constant application of medicine it eventually lightened and since it was usually covered with a wrist watch only few people who have noticed this and of course this 'few people' includes her friends and her husband.

The thing is, they might have seen it a few times but she had never explained the cause of it. She didn't know whether they have just forgotten about it or they are just being considerate towards her.

"Then I will say this again, no matter when and where I will always stay by your side."

The two have already composed themselves when Fang Wenna and Li Jingli came. It was a short conversation but it did trigger a lot of memories for the boh of them.

"Let's have an early dinner first, Qi Lu made curry."

"Really, then let'sdo that after all this is a rare chance for us to be complete if we don't take this opportunity who knows when will be the next time." Fang Wenna said excitedly.

During their university years and even when they were still staying in England, they almost stick to each other 24 hours a da but when they started to truly immerse themselves to their respective businesses, a gathering like his has become rare and rare.

"Alright, let's go." Li Jingli said with a smile as they helplessly followed the two women to the kitchen.

All four of them helped in seting the table and when their finished they ate joyfully as though they were just simple people gathering for an expected reunion.

During this rare meal, they didn't talk about business at all and they simply talked about random things that comes to their mind. They might not say it in words but this meal is indeed a warm and enjoying one.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/attempted-suicide_52716427064435666">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/attempted-suicide_52716427064435666</a> for visiting.

Xi Ana and Fang Wenna decided to stay in the kitchen to clean up a bit as well to brew tea to aid their digestion before following the other two in the receiving area of their hotel room.

After setting the tea on the table and pouring each of their cups, Xi Ana sat down as well and now they were all face-to-face.

This time they don't have any documents to scan with them because the things they needed to know weren't written in papers but they could only learn of it from Xi Ana's lips.

Xi Ana stared at her friends who are waiting for her to speak. If it was not her and another person is currently sitting here and receiving these stares, there's a chance that the person might not even be able o straighten his words.

This pressure is simply overwhelming.

Xi Ana started speaking after a sigh, "I know that among us, one's problem is a problem of everyone although we can't totally change our individualistic nature at the end of the day we are still friends. This is one of the things I didn't tell you before, the reason why I took the young Wang Xinyi back then."

She surveyed their expressions but there is still no visible changes to it, "The reason why took her in is because her eyes were similar to that person. You know that I really don't have a clear picture of him but I will never forget those sharp eyes and Xinyi has the same eyes. At first I really didn't think too much about her identity and just treated her as someone who can remind me not to forget all the things that happened before."

Just whe she was abut to continue what she was trying to explain, Fang Wenna spoke, "You mean you've been keeping this a secret all this time?"

"I know that you're mad about the fact that I kept this a secret If there is a way to make it up to yo then I will definitely do so." the fact that she hid the truth is something Xi Ana can't can deny.

Fang Wenna sighed and gestured for Xi Ana to continue what she is saying. "Let's talk about that later then. Continue."