Chapter 193 - Breakfast in Bed (2)

Xi Shendong looked at his grandson and decided to tease him a little. "If my future granddaughter-in-law is half as sensible as Lim Yi Sheng it would definitely make my old bones happy. Don't you think so, son?

He looked at his son-in-law who looked as though he didn't sleep at all. Their talk must have taken a huge blow seeing as how he look right now and the fact that Ana is still sleeping which is very unusual.

The words that Xi Shendong said obviously has deeper meaning even though it seems like they "Father is right, it would be great if she can get along with Ana as well so that during family she is that only woman around."

"Should I introduce to Xiao Chen the granddaughters of my friend? He's already 23 this year yet he has never introduced a woman to us!"

Actually this also what worries Xi Shendong because as soon as Xi Ch became an ȧduŀt, he's already been following his sister dedicating his time and focus to his work if this continued he would definitely be like Xi Ana.

Even his granddaughter, surely if it wasn't for his intervention who knows if she will even date someone.

"Did you hear that, Chen? You're a man, why are you making your grandfather worry about your future?"

"Really, how come I became the center of the conversation all of a sudden?"

"If not you, who else would it have to be?"

"I'm still young, why the rush? My sister married at 27!"

"That's the problem, when it comes to work attitude you certainly took after her. There are so many young ladies who are clearly likes you but you've never paid attention to them at all."

During socialization gatherings, Xi Shendong would often bring Xi Chen would him and there would sometimes a separate banquet for the youngsters to gather and start socializing with each other and t's no a secret that Xi Chen gathers attention during those times but until now he still doesn't have a girlfriend!

Xi Chen on the other hand felt annoyed upon remembering those young ladies who doesn't even have a sense of propriety and just cling to him. "I don't like superficial women who only know how to dress up an put make ups on their faces." he said with disdain.

How can they actually refute those words when they wholeheartedly agree to it? It's not like they are very strict when it comes to choosing a partner, it's just a personal preference that is common among them.

Furthermore, the women in this family although they have left the world early they were truly remarkable both in attitude and in ethics.

"Cheng Mu, what do you say about what the young master said?" Xi Shendong asked their family butler who is standing at the side.

The old man was surprised when he was suddenly called out but he still answered truthfully, "Well, they are in the age where they prefer dressing up little but Young Master's preference is understandable since our Young Miss was already working in the company at that age."

Hearing Cheng Mu's response, Xi Shendong nodded in agreement. "It was indeed hard to find someone like Ana. Anyway, it was good that you're basis is your sister but don't be so focused on that as not everyone could be like her."

Xi Chen grew up with an outstanding sister and this fact would certainly make him have high standards when it comes to his future partner so him being like this is completely normal.

"Alright, I understand what you mean grandfather. Anyway, the two of you doesn't have to worry about things like this and like I said, I'm still young and these things could be discussed in a few more years."


Auntie Cheng was busy instructing the kitchen staffs about what to prepare for dinner so that they could go to the market early to purchase the things they needed to buy when she suddenly heard the servant near the door greeting someone

"Good morning, Young Master Lim."

She turned around and saw Lim Yi Sheng entering the kitchen in casual clothes. It seems like they won't be going to the office early she thought as their Young miss also not present in the dining hall when they served breakfast.

"What brings you here, Young Master?" she asked. Is the Young Miss not feeling well?

Lim Yi Sheng politely answered, "Ana is still resting so I thought I could prepare a light meal for her. If it's not a bother Auntie Cheng, can I borrow the kitchen for a while?"

This is her first time to hear that Lim Yi Sheng could actually cook. A husband who can cook delicious meal is certainly the wife's fortune. It seems like the old master really chose a perfect husband for their Young Miss.

She ȧssessed his tone and it seems like there is no problem with their Young Miss so she felt secretly relieved.

Since they've already served breakfast, there is nothing much to do in the kitchen anymore and they just have to wait for them to finish eating so she happily agreed.

"Of course, Young Master. I don't know what you will need but please feel free to use anything inside the fridge. If there is something that you can't find, just ask the kitchen staffs."

They can't actually ask someone to go to the market or even the grocery store in case they needed something that is not available the kitchen because the distance from Xi Mansion to there is not near.

"I'm only preparing simple dishes Auntie Cheng you don't have to worry. Thank you."

"There is no need to thank me, Young Master. I shall leave the kitchen to you."

The old lady then turned to look at the servants and carefully told them to do whatever to help Lim Yi Sheng in case he needed some. "Be attentive of what Young Master needed."

"Yes, Auntie Cheng." they said in unison which satisfied her and so she left the kitchen with a smile on her face.

Lim Yi Cheng then went and prepared the things he needed. It's not like he will prepare something complicated.

A while ago, he suddenly remembered that Xi Ana once mentioned that she is fond of Japanese food so he decided to make an omurice for her, it's a combination of omelet and rice in a single dish.

He will just put lesser rice to make it lighter since they aren't used to heavy breakfast anyway.

This omurice is a relatively simple dish, it didn't require much time to prepare and he was done in less than an hour. He also heated up two glasses of milk before putting them on the bed tray table.

Before going up to their room he didn't forget to thank the other people inside the kitchen, "Thank you for letting me use the kitchen."

"It was our pŀėȧsurė to be of help, Young Master. There is really no need to thank us."

The servants offered to help him carry the bed tray table going up but he kindly refuse but he still asked someone to follow him because both of his hands were occupied, opening the door would be challenge so needed help.

With someone following behind him, Lim Yi Sheng carefully made his way to their room carrying the tray with both hands. Upon reaching the room, the servant carefully opened the door."Thank you for opening th door. You may go."

"Yes, Young Master."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/breakfast-in-bed-(2)_52391843500970703">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/breakfast-in-bed-(2)_52391843500970703</a> for visiting.

Lim Yi Sheng entered the room and gently closed the door using his foot.

The room is still slightly dim because the curtains were not fully opened yet but from the light peeking from the gap of the curtain she can tell that it is already late. If she's not wrong then iit's probably around 7 or 8 am already.

"You're awake?" Lim Yi Sheng walked and placed the tray on top of the table as he walked towards her.

It's already late so there is no point in rushing anymore and with her husband's attire, he probably considered that the wont be able to go to the office for this morning already.

Lim Yi Sheng kissed her forehead, "Good morning, sweetheart."

"Good morning." she never believed before that there could be someone in this world who can make another person feel comforted with their presence alone.

There was this warm feeling inside which makes her feel happy. Certainly, this is supposed to be just a normal morning but right now it really felt special and she knows that this feeling she has now will never be recreated no matter how many mornings will pass.

There is no doubt anymore, she really loves this man.