Chapter 186 - A Servant's Wish

Once the husband and wife reached the Xi Mansion they were sent to change by Xi Shendong as they will be staying the night anyway. During that time, the servants in the kitchen have already started to prepare for dinner.

The two immediately complied and after doing so, they went out of their room and walked towards the hall hand and hand. They didn't dare take long since people are waiting.

"You can rest ahead of me later, I still have something to talk with father and I don't know how long will that take."

It seems like the father and daughter really has something important to talk together, Lim Yi Sheng thought.

"You don't have to worry about me, I think I can still play a round of go with grandfather before resting. It's also been a while since I played with him." whenever they visit here, he would always play with Xi Ana's grandfather that it almost has become a habit.

"Then it's up to you, but if you are really busy I'm sure grandfather would understand if you cant accompany him for today." he can understand wh Xi Ana would say so since this is an unplanned visit, she might be thinking that he still has a lot of unfinished works that he brought home.

Lim Yi Sheng tapped Xi Ana's nose lightly, "You're thinking too much, I can handle myself alright? I'm not a little kid anymore."

"I can't help it, sometimes you really act like one." Xi Ana retorted in joking manner.

Lim Yi Sheng leaned towards her and spoke right beside her ear, "Say that when we are on the bed and let's see if you can still say that I'm a little kid."

Hearing him tease her, Xi Ana blushed a little. Since this is his first time saying those kinds of words to her, this is a normal reaction but she immediately recovered herself as if she never felt embarrassed at all.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/a-servant&apos;s-wish_52218590425829305">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/a-servant&apos;s-wish_52218590425829305</a> for visiting.

Xi Ana cleared her throat a little before speaking, "So my husband has already learned to say these kinds of words, huh. This is truly surprising." there was an undisguised smile on her face.

"I have the best teacher to guide me, if I don't learn well wouldn't that waste the time and effort I exerted in observing my excellent mentor?" these words ade Xi Ana laugh.

So it was actually her who is the main culprit of everything, "I guess your mentor is quite the bad influence, huh."

"You can say so." the smile on Lim Yi Sheng's face is so sėxy that even Xi Ana who is already his wife could easily be swayed by this.

"Then you have to stop learning from that person lest he would led you stray than you already is." she said this though it was not her who they are talking about.

It was Lim Yi Sheng's turn to laugh, "Even if I wanted to, I really can't stay away from her because she's too beautiful that I can't take my eyes off of her."

This sentence made the two laugh even more. They were enjoying their pointless discussion that they have reached the dinning hall unknowingly.

The people who have seen the interactions between the two were truly delighted to see that their young miss who rarely smiled and always carried a cold and scary aura before has become brighter now.

Xi Shendong saw that the two entered the dining hall while laughing and it's obvious that they were no merely acting.

This is one of his worries when they just got married, that they would just pretend to be a loving couple when in front of the elders but base from his observation, their relationship is really a real one.

His decision to bet on this young lad is really worth it. He ought to visit that old Lim Ming Cong again when he had the time, after all if it wasn't for his suggestion that time these two wouldn't have meet.

"It seems like you two are in a good mood, come on and take your seats." Xi Shendong said to the two of them.

"Sorry for making you wait grandfather." Xi Ana said as the two of them sat on their respective seats and the servants attentively helped them with their meal as they served one dish after he other carefully.

They were only having a casual conversation and one could say that the mood of the dinner is actually very light. In the middle of their meal, Xi Chen came looking haggard but he still didn't forget his manners, "Grandfather, father, sister , and bother-in-law please forgive me for being impolite by coming so late."

"This child, there is no need to be like this for being late for a few minutes. Come and take your seat, you should eat first before explaining." as the head of the family, it was only natural X Shendong was the one who made Xi Chen sit.

"Thank you, grandfather." he immediately went to wash his hand before taking his seat.

Xi Chen really wanted to go home early since its been a long time since all of them last ate together and he was actually really looking forward to it ever since his sister called him in the afternoon but he just have to be bombarded with sudden work that he was forced to stay a little bit longer in the office to check on it.

By the time Xi Chen reached the table, the servants are already arranging his tablewares and when they finished Xi Chen naturally thanked them. In this mansion, no servants nor maids were mistreated that their relationship with their masters has always been good.

"So what made you late, Chen?" Xi Ana asked. She knew that something must have happened that delayed him because if not it would be almost impossible for Xi Chen to be late

"It was about the selection for the new brand ambassador of our company but don't worry it's nothing serious, it's just that the current model seems to have heard about tha's why she came to my office to throw tantrums."

Their current brand ambassador will soon finish her contract with them and with that models recent attitude problems and that last drug scandal she was involved in, it will only be her wishful thinking to think about her contract being renewed.

If they didn't intercept that news, they would surely be impacted by that so they used Xi Empires personal PR team to clean that mess anyway they would soon remove her from the company as long as she behaves they could part in good terms.

Xi Corporation doesn't need such a boastful and problematic person in their company. "You don't have to be polite to her, did she really think she is someone indispensable to us? She was only protected once but and she already let that get to her head. If you can't deal with her then don't hesitate to come and ask help from me."

Xi Ana was also well informed about that issue because it was her who approved to use the PR team of Xi Empire.

"I understand, Ana Jie. Don't worry, I already know how to handle her but if I were to encounter a problem that I don't know how to solve I'd surely to you for help."

Xi Ana was quite satisfied with his answer, "Then that's good, do not forget that you have me. I may be strict when it comes to the way I train you but asking help from me doesn't mean you'e incompetent."

"Yes, Ana Jie."

The conversation continued as normal as it could possibly be and their conversation mostly revolved around business since it is the common denominator among hem all. Even Lim Yi Sheng wold sometimes speak his thoughts about the matter

The servants who are watching this heart-warming scene were so happy for their masters that the joy is very obvious on their faces. It is realy been a while since the last time that this big dining hall became lively.

Among these servants, the one who were the happiest were the older ones who have watched the young miss amd young master grew up.

"Auntie Cheng, why are you crying?" a younger servant asked the old lady who is busy wiping the tears off her face.

Auntie Cheng is one of the oldest servant in this family and the scene in front of her is really making her remember a lot of things that happened in the past. "I just felt happy that our mansion which was devoid with warmness for a long time is starting to gain that warm back again."

The young servant didn't really get what the old lady meant but Auntie Cheng only smiled as she didn't particularly care because she is still overwhelmed by the feeling she has at the moment.

Ever since their Miss died that year, this big house was only filled with coldness and loneliness but with Master Feng coming back and their Young Miss being happily married, that loneliness was covered little by little by this warmth and being in this old age she doesn't wish for anything else but to see her masters be happy finally.