Chapter 178 - Decision (2)

Just when they were immersed in their conversation, they heard the door bell rang followed by Ms. Jang's voice from the intercom, "President, pardon my intrusion. Your dinner is ready."

Hearing this words Xi Ana only realized that she did ask for a dinner to be sent but because they suddenly started talking, she had already forgotten about this.

"I'm sorry that was my mistake." Xi Ana looked apologetically towards her friends before she walked towards the door and opened it.

She then saw that Ms. Jang personally delivered the food with a cart. Ms. Jang is already, "Next time you can ask someone to help you with errands like this. If you're worrying about the confidential matters he might see, just choose someone you really trust and I can handle the rest."

"I understand, president." she didn't say anything until she had settled the food inside and once she's done she respectfully took her leave.

Things like this could really ruin the atmosphere. Interruptions really are not in good terms with Xi Ana so there was still a slight frown on her forehead.

Once the tension on her eyebrows ceased, their conversation finally resumed as if it was not a meal that was delivered to them. Of course with how focused they are with their conversation, it is definitely not the right time to eat so no one bothered with the food again.

Their talk naturally went back to the issue about the employees who sold information outside in exchange for some money.

Fang Wenna is currently observing the expressions on her friends' faces and she can tell that they almost have the same cold aura right now that if one were to suddenly enter, they would surely feel the unusual in the air.

Naturally, they put great importance on Crown International because that is where they all started and to say that it was the place where they practically grew up is not wrong.

For Crown International to be this big of course it didn't happen overnight, it was an accumulation of failures on top of failures for how many years which honed their skills that is why they will never be willing to let it go.

For Fang Wenna, that reason alone is enough to fire those impudent employees who took their hard earned effort in creating this from scratch in exchange for a few money. It is as if they really just took it for granted and this is something she would never be able to stomach.

Who cares if people will think they were arrogant to fire that may people at once, they may be young compared to the old folks in the industry but it was still them who made Crown International exist.

"Then it is settled, once everything was put into place these employees does not need to report anymore. Selling inside information is definitely intolerable so this is only right for them." since it was Li Jingli who asked, it is only natural that he would be the last one to decide on the matter and with him saying this it was already resolved.

"As for the investors, they were already mentioned a while ago but we still do not have a concrete action to do about them so what should we do?" Li Jingli asked.

Xi Ana was the one who spoke first, "I think it will be best if we just let them go for a while, I don't think it is necessary for us to make action against them for now. Though we are not lacking of these investors, the number of withdrawals was definitely not small and taking action on so many people at once may cause an adverse effect."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/decision-(2)_51928584838769201">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/decision-(2)_51928584838769201</a> for visiting.

"Then are you proposing to let them go for now and in case they wanted to go back, we should still accept them?" Fang Wenna asked with a questioning look on her face while trying to think about the rationale behind this suggestion of Xi Ana.

Of course she clearly understand what she meant by an adverse effect and she can also agree with this but knowing Xi Ana, she would not propose something that would not profit us in any way.

"We can accept them again but since we are not pushovers, if they wanted to go back to us they will have to re-sign an amended contract which will state that once something like this happened again and they decided to withdrew they will have to pay 10% of their initial investment on top of the original the compensation fee for breaking the contract."

This is exactly what she felt that was lacking a while ago. Xi Ana is still Xi Ana, if she won't be a profiteer then she won't be her.

Now that they heard her suggestion they also thought that it is reasonable, this will not only serve as a warning to these investors but also a way to tell other people that there is a price to pay once they mess with the wrong people, literally and figuratively.

"Though there may be retaliations I believe it will work, as for those who does not want to accept the amended contract then they can get lost and find another company to invest to. Moreover, I'm sure that once we are revealed the market value of our stocks would also increase."

This is what's good if you and your friends are all in the same type of industry and since they also grew up together, their business ideals were quite identical to each other which makes group decisions a lot smoother.

"Now that we already decided on this, it is only natural that we will need to hold a press conference." she reminded her friends.

Since they are already planning to go head on, they should do so from the beginning up to the end. "What do you want to do, Wenna?"

When it comes to self directed public plays she is really good at it although she does not attend social gatherings that much once she had put her mind into it then it could only be a surprise.

They already intended to let them go but they were the ones to came knocking at their door, if Fang Wenna would spare them then wouldn't that be her wasting their efforts.

"It's really nothing much, since we already agreed to go public then it is only right if all of us attend the press conference. This is the best way to let them see that those weren't mere words but reality."

That's the only cooperation she needs, as for what comes after that of course Fang Wenna will take care of that. She may not know it but right now, she really resembles a cat who is imagining how she would play with the mouse once it was caught.

It might be because she grew up surrounded by complicated toys that their company ids producing that she had picked up the habit of playing around with something she is fond of.

"Wenna, that counts me out right?" An Qi Lu suddenly pulled her out of her reverie.

Well, it is not surprising at all that since his identity is quite special, "Of course, we can't risk exposing you. Anyway, what should we do if we were asked about the fourth person? The rumors mentioned you but not necessarily mean that we should to."

"Indeed, we can just avoid the topic and let them speculate.In the photos that circulated a while back, there was only three of us and it's not like they can actually press on that fact for long. The only thing that could prove that there is an existence of a fourth owner is through legal documents and they can't possibly request us to show that." Li Jingli said.

"We can do that, I will also handle it so that there won't be any mistakes." Fang Wenna volunteered.

"I still have another meeting right now, Ana and Wenna take care of yourselves. If you feel like something is wrong then don't try to resolve everything by yourselves."

"Alright, don't delay anymore since you are busy. We will take care of ourselves then you should to. After the last incident, there are already more than two people protecting us from a far right so there is nothing to worry about." Xi Ana said what she wanted to say as well.

There are times when these two really treat them as kids but surprisingly, instead of feeling annoyed they actually felt warm in their hearts with their actions.