Chapter 176 - Sky City (2)

Xi Ana went straight to Sky City and it's likely that the two are already waiting in her personal suite by this time. Technically speaking they only needed their fingers to enter since their biometrics are already in the system and they are also registered to the people allowed to enter her suite.

Lim Yi sheng has yet to do so since there is really no reason to go to a hotel when they actually have their own house to live in.

When she a at her allotted parking space she thought for a while and she is already here, she decided to make a surprise visit at the lobby of the VIP floor, though by this time they must have known her arrival.

This skycraper has a total of 74 floors wherein the lower floors contains the ordinary hotel room while the upper floors also known as VIP floors which contains luxurious to presidential suites.

The reason why Sky City is one of the highest money-maker of Xi Empire despite being a lone building is because many influential people are staying here, from government officials, to young masters and young misses, to celebrities. Over time, Sky City had already become a symbol of prestige in the city or even in the country.

In here, you can book an ordinary hotel room from the 1st to the 24th floor excluding the necessary facilities like restaurants and all according to the market value regardless of what floor exactly as long as it is within these mentioned ones which really attracts many regular customers.

But upon entering VIP floor, the higher the room is the higher the price as well because you are already paying for the view. Furthermore, one floor doesn't contain multiple rooms because one room is already like an average house for most people.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/sky-city-(2)_51882007008963541">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/sky-city-(2)_51882007008963541</a> for visiting.

Even the facilities here are well equipped and complete to satisfy the needs of the customers. The topmost floor that is available for the people is also a membership club, it is classy unlike those rowdy clubs that frequented by people because the cost of membership itself is astronomical that not all people could simply avail.

Als one of the reasons why rich people are fond of Sky City is because there is a different entrance for those guests staying VIP floors which is clearly beneficial to them both in security and privacy purposes. That is also why most celebrities wit scandal issues tend to stay here.

Now, to say that this building is made for them might not be entirely wrong.

Obviously, the person who handles the top floor is also a different person. The moment she entered the parking lot earlier, the people already informed them of her arrival that as soon as she step foot in the lobby of VIP floors, all the important employees are lined up and greeted her.

"Good evening, President Xi." all the employees said unison as if they practiced it to achieve such an effect.

But then again, she is Xi Ana, if she couldn't even see the nervousness on their faces despite their smiles then she needs to carefully reassess whether she is truly capable or not.

Xi Ana dismissed the others by waving her hand as the person in charge tactfully went to her side and her face doesn't show any trace that she was surprised with Xi Ana's sudden visit which definitely earned Xi Ana's satisfaction.

All the other employees thought that Xi Ana might be here for a sudden inspection and were anxious in their hearts. On the other hand, the person in charge was calm because she knew that the president's friends are currently inside Xi Ana's personal suite waiting for her so she probably won't take long here.

But of course, even if she already knew she is not allowed to say these things to other employees.

As they are important guests it is only natural for the person in charge to take care of them, that's why Ms. Jang is personally attending to them to avoid making mistakes, "Does president still have further instructions for Young Master Li and Young Miss Fang's accommodations?"

Honestly speaking, whenever they stay here they really don't ask for lot of things so it really is not hard to attend to them but still everyone who are working in their rooms are still being extra careful to avoid provoking these people since their identities are not something they could easily offend.

They were currently walking towards the elevator that are being used from this floor upwards. Every guests of Sky City's VIP floors has to pass by this lobby before they could go to their respected floors since there is no direct elevator from the ground floor to here.

"I believe that Ms. Jang won't fail me so any further instructions are not needed, just make sure to attend to them once they have needs. Moreover, they are not really trying for that long this time since we only need to discuss something. By the way, have you sent refreshments and food on my suite that I asked you earlier?"

"I already did , president. About that, I asked both Young Master Li and Young Miss Fang for their preferences but they just answered that they are fine with anything so I just sent in the snacks they usually prefer."

It is obvious that Ms. Jang is very attentive to them to be able to remember such small details that cannot recorded under the system.

"That's good then. You can also calm the other employees that I won't be doing inspections today as to not affect their working efficiency. I will come by another day, I hope they could react well by then." there was a smile on her face but Ms. Jang could definitely understand what this meant.

"I understand president, I will definitely make sure that during that time they will be in their best forms."

Although they look confident a while ago they were still unable to completely hide away their nervousness and there is no doubt that their company president could see that.

Maybe it was because their boss has not visited for a long time that they suddenly felt nervous, either way , it is not to be tolerated the next time.

Seeing that there is no need for more words, Xi Ana sa as she told Ms. Jan that she can go on her on own now.

It's good that you understand, but t's not like I am blaming them. To suddenly get a visit from your boss, of course one would feel that way. What I want is for them to have confidence in their achievements. Anyway, I can go by myself from here. There is no need to sent me all the way there, you can go back to your work now."

"Okay, president. If there is anything lacking, then president can just tell me so that we could immediately fulfill whatever it is that needs to be fulfilled."

"I almost forgot, do send a dinner for three in a while. I still don't know whether they want to eat or not but just to be sure, just prepare it prepare it."

It is very likely that they won't eat anymore but who knows, they might suddenly want it now.

"Yes, president."

Thank you Ms. Jang, you're dismissed."

Xi Ana said as she entered the lift and before the door finally closed she could see Ms. Jang bowing respectfully until she can't see her anymore.

It didn't take long before she finally reached her personal suit and so she didn't dilly-dally anymore and directly went inside and just like she expected the two already waiting for her there.

"Did you stop by somewhere or the traffic jam is heavy? You're a little later than the time I estimated." Li Jingli asked with a little frown on his forehead.

Xi Ana did sent a message to them before she left Xi Corporation but because she stopped a little at the lobby, that consumed some time.

She looked apologetically towards them since she knew that they are also busy in thr own ways yet they still need to go here to accomodate her schedule,"Sorry, I didn't expect that it will already be this late once I arrived. Anyway, I asked Ms. Jang to sent dinner in a while."

"I'm fine with anything. Anyway, we can start the meeting with the smaller issues first then after the dinner we can go straight to the main agendas of tonight. That way there will be no interruptions once we started tackling those things." Fang Wenna suggested.

The two of them obviously has no qualms about it so the just nodded in response.

"Alright, alright. Then Ana you can go and settle down for a while so we could start."

They've always been a bunch of people who prefers efficiency over effectiveness so this is really very common among them.

Work now then play later is something they always prefer.