Chapter 173 - Visiting Someone (2)

When all 12 roses were neatly placed on top the tomb, Shen Feng started speaking.

There are so many things he wanted to tell Xi Wei that this day might not be enough to say all of it if he really would. After all, the things he wanted to share with her is worth 12 years and that certainly is not a short time.

He started off telling about their daughter, "Wei'er, you know what? Our daughter married a good man and I really like him, he is that lad from the Lim Family. You might not remember it but you already met him once when he was a little and you've even consented him to marry our daughter when she has yet to be born that time!"

Remembering that scenario made him chuckle a little. Xi Wei was still carrying Ana in her wȯmb but she is already finding prospect husband for her!

This is also the reason why he didn't really say anything when his father-in-law informed him of Xi Ana's marriage to Lim Yi Sheng because he knew that Xi Wei would not mind at all, that maybe it was even Xi Wei's will for it to happen after 27 years.

"Our daughter became addicted to working that sometimes she would not do anything anymore besides from working but when they got married, this side of Ana mellowed down a bit and she became more relaxed than before that is why I'm very thankful to Yi Sheng."

"Ana, also found friends that treasure her the way we do and there are three of them but if there is someone I want to thank the most among them, it would be An Qi Lu. Our daughter changed a lot when you left, she doesn't talk much anymore and she became aloof that even us does not know how to interact with her anymore but that lad was so patient with her that Xi Ana eventually let him inside her walls."

When Ana was transferred to that school with controlled environment where most kids from rich families are studying she met An Qi Lu. It was not controlled in the sense like it was an experiment, it was just that they were really thought to be proficient in everything and the security was so tight that it could be suffocating.

At first, he was reluctant to do send her to that school but because of the things that were happening, keeping her there was the safest thing to do at that time.

Shen Feng is very much aware how much that person means to his daughter and just how she means to him as well and as a man, it was impossible not to see how much he loves Xi Ana unconditionally. He knows because An Qi Lu always look at Xi Ana the same way he looked at Xi Wei before.

"They've been together since they were young and I know that even though they don't see much of each other much anymore, he is still protecting her from the sidelines. He was there when she needed him the most and I know that it was a big contribution as to how she is now."

This is without a doubt, he had seen them grow so he knew well enough.

When Xi Ana is still in the country, he could easily watch her from a far but it became a little harder when Xi Ana went overseas because she would always be moving and he can't keep up well.

"As for our son, I feel sad that he doesn't have much memory of you because he was still small that time but that can't be helped right? He was a little sickly when he was a baby that you can't even sleep a wink when he has a fever but he grew up healthily! It must be because you were there to keep him safe all the time."

"Chen is currently working in our company and he is being trained by his sister. He has a good sense of responsibility which may be because of how he has been watching Ana all these years. The only thing I worry sometimes is the fact that he is too attached to his sister than anyone else in this world."

When he thought of that, he can already imagine what Xi Wei would have said if she was here. She would say, 'What's the matter with being attached to his sister, at least he would know how to treasure a woman properly.'

At this, the tears that had already dried up from his casual talking had once again wet his cheeks. These tears were already accumulating from his conversation with Li Jingli at lunch and now that they are already falling they can't seem to know when to stop anymore.

Just when he was struggling to stop his tears, he was startled to hear a familiar voice, "Father?"

He turned to see where the voice came from and he saw his son-in-law standing there, he composed himself and turned to look at the tomb once again.

For a grown up man like him with a married daughter and a son who is already a young man, it was a bit embarrassing to be seen by your son-in-lw crying.

Before speaking, he first cleared his throat but it still sounded like he caught a cold. "You're here."

Lim Yi Sheng on the other hand walked towards where Shen Feng is and sat beside him also without caring whether his trousers were dirtied and this made the latter satisfied with his son-in-law.

He also did not comment any more than necessary.

"I don't know what made me want to suddenly come here to visit Mother but when I realized it, I'm already on my way here. At the foot of the hill, I saw Father's car and was a little bit surprised." Lim Yi Sheng said, this is really not something he planned for today but who would have known that he would actually see his father-in-law here at the same time.

Shen Feng chuckled, "I also didn't plan to go here today but I suddenly had the urge to visit her so I came. You must have something to say to her, aren't you? Do you need privacy?"

Of course there must be something that he wanted to say that him think of visiting Xi Wei and there is no doubt that it is about Ana. Since he is already done speaking anyway, it would be fine for him to leave already to give Lim Yi Sheng some privacy to talk with his mother-in-law.

"It's fine, Father can stay. It's just that Ana and I had been married for almost a year now and I only visited Mother once with Ana before and I feel like this time I should see her."

"Time flies so fast, right? At the beginning of last year, you might not have thought about marrying a all." he said this because he knew that Ana and him only met officially for the first time and they already go engaged o the very same day.

Since ancient time, this type of marriage within the upper society is already a norm so no one finds it weird anymore.

When Lim Yi Sheng heard this he immediately agreed because it really is the truth.

"I was too focused with my work that I really didn't think about marriage. To be completely honest with Father, when Ana and I just got married we didn't even think that we would work out this well and even reach this point though we were really open with every possibility there is."

Men, when talking among themselves tend to become a little sentimental about everything that they don't even realize that they were talking about things that were usually awkward to talk about.

"I thought so, both of you were to focused with what's in front of you that if it wasn't because of the pressure from Father and Elder Lim, the both you wouldn't have met at all! It was really different from my story with Wei'er but it also has its own charm. If only my son-in-law is so idle, I would probably start storytelling right now." he joked with a chuckle.

"I'm not that busy, Father. I can listen to you all day." this made words from Lim Yi Sheng made Shen Feng laughed even more.

"Son-in-law is sensible but I am just joking and it's not like our story is a secret at all, right?" all the upper class families of City A would probably know about their story and those were not really far from the real deal.

Their story was described as a Cinderella story, only it was him who is the 'Cinderella' and not Xi Wei but that was actually a little bit exaggerated.