Chapter 163 - Xi Ana's Worries

Li Jingli is currently watching the unstable change with the stock prices of Crown International and it doesn't seem like this movement is good.

What they decided was to observe things for a while to see what kind of impact would the rumor bring but Li Jingli didn't expect that it would be this fast, and for it this big it would be wonder if they do not find this suspicious at all.

This time they really need to talk about this because even though they don't spend too much time on Crown International anymore it is after all the the thing they spent their youths on so of course they wouldn't just carelessly ignore it.

He was already able to contact Fang Wenna and An Qi Lu earlier and the only person left to contact is Xi Ana but when he called several times, she did not answer. Before he got panic he remembered that Wang Xinyi is Xi Ana's secretary right now and so he gave her a call and that's when he knew that she only went out for a while.

His subordinates who are incharge of protecting Xi Ana on the sidelines and they told him that she went to the airport with Lim Yi Sheng's ȧssistant. The purpose is quite obvious without the need to say it.

Probably by now she is already back and was about to call him back and just when he thought so, his phone suddenly rang and it is indeed Xi Ana.

"Hello, Jingli? What happened?" Xi Ana asked worriedly.

Lim Yi Sheng immediately figured out that Xi Ana still has no idea about the current happening with the stock prices of Crown International because if she does, he reaction wouldn't be like this.

It Is better to let her see the stock prices itself, this would save him from explaining. "Check Crown International's stock prices and you'll know."


There was only silence on the other side of the line and Li Jingli knew that Xi Ana is already checking it. After a while Xi Ana finally said something, "Is someone deliberately pulling strings from behind?"

"That is also our speculation."

"What did they say?"

"I already talked to them earlier and we decided that it is better to talk in person, Wenna has a free time by next week and I can also free up my schedule so we can probably go there at City A by then."

"Then that's good. My schedule is not as packed as it was the previous week so anytime next week would be fine with me."

"An Qi Lu is currently busy with something so he might not be able to meet with us but he said that he is fine with whatever decision we will make."

"Alright, I understand. Anyway, I bet you already checked it so did you find anything?"

Since it was him who does not have too much on his plate this time, he took it upon himself to monitor the latest happening with Crown International and naturally it was him who first noticed that there was some kind of anomaly.

The rumor started with Han Tu Mo, that they are clear of but this time it felt like it was different. "I still don't know what happened this time but from the way I see it, Han Tu Mo might not be related to this. They only took advantage of the rumor to strike while the iron is still hot."

Although this is only a hypothesis, there is nothing wrong with considering this.

"By the way Ana, we already started dealing with Han Tu Mo. Is that really okay with you?" if only Han Tu Mo is half as sensible as Wang Xinyi then everything would have been fine, but Han Tu Mo really resembles a teenager who is at her rebellious phase which is not good.

"Yeah, I think it's really time to start cutting off her overgrown horns. I've already put this off for a long time but continuing to do so will only give her the reason to continue creating troubles."

"Since you already gave your word then that's enough." If it wasn't because of Xi Ana they wouldn't have tolerated her this long.

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Xi Ana had just finished talking to Li Jingli but her mind is still thinking about Han Tu Mo. When she decided to bring Han Tu Mo with her, her friends scolded her by telling her that she is not an orphanage because that time Wang Xinyi is already under her care.

Furthermore, they were truly against it because Han Tu Mo has violent tendencies back then but she still went and took her in. At first it was only because she took pity on her but eventually she started genuinely care for her

A person who is an expert at childcare advised her that, it is better not to give Han Tu Mo a reason to be jealous because when she was young she was never given the attention she needs and now that she has, she wants to keep it to herself. This is the reason why she didn't know about Wang Xinyi.

She was really reluctant to use force on Han Tu Mo to make her change because if the pas experiences she had but she just keeps on making troubles one after another

All this time she kept on giving herself excuses to justify Han Tu Mo's actions but this time she won't anymore because even her felt that the troubles Han Tu Mo made are getting bigger and bigger. Who knows what would she do next.

Xi Ana forcefully get her mind off of Han Tu Mo's matter and continued with her work because later on she already need to get off work because of her dinner with her husband.

While she was immersed in her work, Wang Xinyi entered and kindly reminded her of the current time, "President, it is already 6 o'clock in the evening."

She glanced at the digital clock on her table and it is indeed already 6:02 in the evening and any minute now Lim Yi Sheng would have arrived here already and so she thanked Wang Xinyi for reminding her. "Thank you, Xinyi. Everything is already good here so you can call it a day."

"I understand president then I shall take my leave." Wang Xinyi respectfully left the room while Xi Ana observed her retreating back.

Wang Xinyi indeed improved a lot these days and seeing her progress Xi Ana couldn't help but be happy. Of course, she is not yet that efficient like how Hannah works but it is still commendable considering that she only started a few days.

Realizing that she actually thought of Hannah made Xi Ana pause a little.

Although the matters with the Southville project is most likely settled, there are still a lot of things around her that is yet to receive a conclusion and no matter how much time she drags on she will eventually need to face and settle everything.

Actually, the person she asked to investigate about Wang Xinyi's identity met a small accident and so the result was delayed but now that he's fine it is only a matter of time before the investigation will have its conclusion.

She did not rush this investigation because she herself is afraid of what kind of result she will see and by leaving it as it is she also got a bit more time to prepare herself.

Another thing that she also has been putting off is the thing about Hannah. It's true that she had never done anything to harm her nor the interests of the company and Xi Ana is very much clear of that.

But, it still doesn't change the fact that she worked for someone behind Xi Ana's back and of all people she had worked for it's just have to be her father!

Right now, Xi Ana is in a dilemma as to whether she will have Hannah back as her secretary or not.

These days there are times when her father attempted to talk to her but she just used the problem with Southville project to avoid him.

That excuse wasn't entirely a lie because she really needed to focus on the project at that time, but the other half of that reason is obviously because she didn't know how to react on the fact that her own father planted a spy so near to her.

She may have successfully dodged this issue a few times but she knows that she can't continue doing so. What she's doing is merely a delaying tactic, once she ran out of excuses she will eventually need to face it. 

Xi Ana isn't naive, she understands best that once these matters were slowly resolved there would definitely be a lot of changes that will happen. As for what those could be, only time can tell.