Chapter 158 - Crown International (2)

They were already ale to take down the anonymous post but they really can't suppress the whole media now that the news has escalated to this. Even the attached pictures on the post are already all over the Internet.

They don't even need to have it checked because as they are the people on those pictures they could definitely tell that those were not edited and they are as real a they can be. Collecting these pictures would have been a real pain since some of these were already a few years back.

With experts on their side they should have known who is the person behind the post but surprisingly they can't track it. After it was taken down all the tracks also disappeared, they tried for a while but the result is still the same.

"It's fine, you don't have to continue." Li Jingli instructed to the person they hired to check the anonymous post for them. 

"Yes, Young Master Li." the man who was tasked to do it it felt rather disappointed at himself for not being able to complete the task given by these young masters but still he excused himself politely.

"The payment will still be sent to your account, so keep what you've seen or heard a secret." although there really wasn't much it is still better to be careful with all the people they have a transaction with.

When the man heard what Li Jingli said, he shuddered a little. Of course normally he would willingly accept the money but he knows that the more powerful the person is, the scarier they could be that's why as much as he wanted not to, he doesn't have much of a choice right?

He knows what he had seen, and that's the face of the person with Young Master Li and if his ȧssumption is correct that person is none other than the 'Master An' that no one has ever seen.

With this transaction he also learned that what the post have said were all true, the owner of Crown International is really them. "I have not seen or heard anything, Young Master."

Seeing how the person tactfully answered, Li Jingli was satisfied and dismissed him.

"It's probably Han Tu Mo stirring up trouble again." An Qi Lu said as a matter of fact.

Han Tu Mo is a kid Xi Ana took in a few years ago. Actually, this is not the first time that she made trouble for them but because Xi Ana still has a little bit of soft spot for her they really can't do something to deal with her.

Li Jingli sighed in defeat. It probably would have been better if Xi Ana didn't meet this kid at all before.

"If it was that simple, even I would have been enough to check it but in this case we even had to hire a real expert but it was still for a naught so there is no doubt it's her." Li Jingli said as he massaged his forehead to ease the tension.

All of them has hacking skills and An Qi Lu is the best of them, skills ca be learned that's why when they had taken an interest on it they really invested their money, time, effort, and patience on it and it did bear fruit it's just that they were too busy that and it is not their priority so their skills were not on par with experts but still they are above average.

"Won't we really deal with her? She's becoming more unruly as each days pass." this is not an exaggeration because she really is.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/crown-international-(2)_51509833312030445">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/crown-international-(2)_51509833312030445</a> for visiting.

At first, messing up with their schedules or getting money occasionally by using her talents would have been fine and they just treated this as a simple child messing up and didn't bother with it anymore but they did forget that even a kid grows up and the things she wants couldn't be fulfilled by a ere child's play.

It's not like they never tried to correct her but instead of changing for the better she even turned for the worst. "I already talked to Ana and she said we can do what we want as long as we won't clean her up for good."

Hearing An Qi Lu's words really brightened up Li Jingli's mood. "This is better and it's not like we will really go that far. Teaching her a lesson will be enough for now."

The leniency they've shown for Han Tu Mo all these years is really not little, if it was other people who had offended them they wouldn't even wait this long before to teach them a lesson.

If this kid is really thinking just how much Xi Ana had given her, she wouldn't have done these things to trouble the person who helper her when no one else will. Thinking about it like this, teaching her a lesson is still a small price to pay on her part after causing so much trouble.

They've worked hard to conceal their identities from all the people that has an involvement with Crown International but a single anonymous post from Han Tu Mo is enough to threaten the stability of that concealment.

Indeed, they are the owner of Crown International and they started it way back when they were still in the university. It is no wonder that it was recognized as one of the risk takers in the business industry before because it is an accumulation of their interests.

If he will explain it in a clearer sense, it is something they just put their money into when they were young. If it works, it's fine and if it does not, then that is also fine but of course they aren't simply throwing money away because they only invest in a business that has at least 30%-50% of chances that it will work.

After a few years, Crown International became more stable and they could expand freely until it became one of the most profitable corporation in Asia though it's main office is in England there are lesser shops there than in Asia.

"By the way Qi Lu, what will we do with this. We've already tried to suppress the information secretly but there are still some that we couldn't control."

"What's going on with Crown International at the moment? Prices of stocks?" An Qi Lu inquired which Li Jingli already checked earlier.

"After the news broke out, the prices of our stocks increased and there are numbers of investments coming in. You can say that it's not bad but I think it is highly probable that this is because they ȧssumed that it was really us who owns Crown International. Who knows what's gonna happen on the next few days."

Li Jingli is being completely honest with this, what happened actually is like the concept of 'panic-buying' but in this situation it's like they are trying to curry favor on them that's why they invested but if there is no confirmation that the news is real then these people would definitely have doubts.

"For now, I think it's better for us to sit and wait for a while before taking an action. Revealing ourselves as the people behind Crown International would put restrictions on us. We will not be able to act freely on it and I know that is not what we wanted. Although it is not at the top of our priorities it doesn't mean it is also like that with the employees working under it."

An Qi Lu is right, because they have their own ȧssets and they have their own companies to run Crown International was not on top of their priorities anymore but it's not like they are slacking off on running it.

Managing it without the burden of their identities makes the whole thing a lot relaxing. Without the pressure and the discerning eyes of the people around them it makes everything a lot easier but if they revealed themselves then they will never be able to enjoy the life of being a carefree boss again.

As much as possible, they really would like it if this whole thing will be kept a secret just like how it has always been.

"In a few days, this news will definitely die down and by then we could ȧssess what kind of impact it will really have on us."

Just thinking of the possibility that he will not be able to enjoy their 'playground' to his heart's content is really giving him a headache.

Right now he really wanted to teach Han Tu Mo a lesson the kind of lesson that will make her realize that they will not yield in everything she does. It is even better if she actually realized that messing with them is not easy as she make it seem so, after all if they have always been soft like they were on her they wouldn't have been able to stand where they are now.