Chapter 156 - Selfless Love

Rayden smiled upon hearing the question from Doctor Lu. From this question alone, and the facial expression he has while asking Rayden could already infer a few things.

One is that they might know something about Xi Ana's condition, as for how deep not knowledge is he cannot tell and second is that one way or another they truly care of Xi Ana and as a friend, won't that make him happy?

As Xi Ana's personal psychiatrist of course he knew about her trauma and the recurring nightmares she always have. Even her long time insomnia is something he is very much aware of.

Xi Ana has always been the type of person who doesn't easily open up to others, if it wasn't because they were friends and An Qi Lu's support she wouldn't have thought of seeing a doctor. Since Lu Nai He is also a doctor, he must have found out about Xi Ana's intake of sleeping pills.

Going back to his question, he really can't answer it since everything about doctor's patient is confidential.

Instead of answering the question directly what he did was smile and thanked him, "Thank you for thinking about Xi Ana, Doctor Lu."

If someone would have heard their conversation they would think that him thanking Lu Nai He was a little bit out of the place considering the question.

In his defense he thanked him for the obvious worry he has for Xi Ana although it was not explicitly said, as for whether he will understand it or not it is up to him. Furthermore, if Xi Ana told them that she is indeed seeing a doctor if so then for him his words were already an acknowledgement that Xi Ana is a 'patient'.

"I've done nothing worth thanking for Doctor Sy. Rather I'd like to thank you for taking care of her on behalf of my brother Yi Sheng as well."

Those words accompanied by a warm smile is enough for the two men to have a tacit understanding with the matter at hand. More words aren't necessary anymore.

Both of them exchanged a few more words before going their separate ways.

Rayden might not have met Xi Ana's husband himself but seeing another close friend of hers who genuinely cares about her well-being is enough for him.

He boarded his car with the smile never leaving his face. Xi Ana I his patient as well as his friend and knowing that she is surrounded by people who cares for her would definitely improve her condition.

Furthermore, from her latest consultation with him it seems like her anxiety attacks occurred less frequently as compared to the previous years. Even her bottle of sleeping pills lasted a lot longer now than before.

Rayden arrived at his hotel room after a while and just when he was about to take a shower his phone suddenly rang which startled him a little. He checked who the caller is and when he saw that it was An Qi Lu he answered the call immediately.

"Xi Ana went back to the country and I was on the plane when you called. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing. I saw Xi Ana at the hospital where I had a meeting preciously and told her that I need to talk to her but when I called her, she isn't answering anymore so I got a little frantic. You know that I have that tendency to panic, right?"

"I see. It' good that it is only like that, I thought something bad happened."

"Sorry for making a fuss out of it. Anyway, I met a friend of Xi Ana's husband."

"Oh. Perhaps it's Lu Nai He, he is the closest friend he has."

Naturally, the 'he' he is pertaining to is Lim Yi Sheng himself

"Indeed it was him. From my short encounter with him it seems like they are treating Xi Ana well. At least that's what I could tell."

For a few couple of second there was only silence but he didn't dare hang up the call and waited for An Qi Lu to speak. "They are and that's more than I could hope for. Xi ana is the most important person in my life, and them treating he well is more than enough for me. So long as Xi Ana is happy, I'm fine with anything,."

Rayden had known both Xi Ana and An Qi Lu for a long period of time already and anyone could tell just how much importance does An Qi Lu put in Xi Ana which is already at the point of it being obvious.

If there is someone oblivious to it, it would be Xi Ana herself.

From his opinion, it 's not like Xi Ana is dense and she does think that An Qi Lu is someone very important and special to her, it's just that he is too important that Xi Ana never thought of him being her lover or whatnot. 

But, this thing doesn't really mind An Qi Lu. Just like how a mother would love her child selflessly, An Qi Lu is also like that towards Xi Ana. He never asked to be loved back, he just wanted her to live peacefully and if An Qi Lu could let her do so while in the shadows the he is more than willing to do that.

For him the most important thing is not for his feelings to be reciprocated but for Xi Ana to live peacefully and happily.

People said that a love like this only existed in dramas, that in reality a human's greediness will always persist but when he met An Qi Lu he realized something else.

Indeed, people could be greedy and that's natural but acting on it is different. If a person is willing to give up on his greed to make the person he loves happy, then for him that's what love really is.


Lim Yi Sheng was busy peeling an apple to make a rabbit-shaped apple for Samantha because he had a lot of free time today.

Although at first he really didn't know what she meant and even had to rely on the Internet for such thing, he enjoyed the process of knowing what rabbit-shaped apple is.

Samantha is currently not here as she was taken by a nurse a while ago for some tests that she had to undergo. Though they were not necessarily be special tests, they are still important so they had to comply.

Once he is finished with what he is doing he pput those things inside the refrigerator to maintain its color. After doing so, the door to of the ward was opened from the outside and Lu Nai He entered.

"The seminar is already over?" he asked while tidying the things he had used earlier.

Lim Yi Sheng knew that Lu Nai He's flight back to the country is already tonight and this seminar is already the last schedule he has here in the America.

Lu Nai He slumped his back on the couch and lazed a little bit. Sitting on a chair with his back straight for hours was really tiring, he thought. 

"Do you really have time to laze around, isn't your flight will take place early in the evening?"

The man who was asked didn't even bother opening his eyes and just answered lazily, "It's fine. I really don't have anything impotant to do since I've already setteled all of them. Just let me sleep for a while, who knows when will I get such luxury when I get back home."

Lim Yi Sheng knew that his friend's schedule is also packed like his, it's just that they are moving in different fields and each has its own sets of difficulties. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/selfless-love_51464634149955827">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/selfless-love_51464634149955827</a> for visiting.

"Oh! By the way, guess who I met at the seminar?" Lu Nai He asked.

"I don't have the strength to play a guessing game with you. Just spill it." since he already picked up the documents he was reading earlier and sat comfortably on another couch he really didn't want his attention to be focused on guessing. 

"What a mood killer. Anyway, I met Doctor Rayden Sy."

Hearing an unfamiliar name really didn't arouse his interest so he just answered him halfheartedly. "Oh? I see that's good for you."

"My bad. What I meant is that I met Doctor Rayden Sy who happens to be Xi Ana's friend and if I'm coreect he is also the friend doctor Xi Ana is talking about."

Of course, upon the mention of his wife he would naturally respind a lot faster than usual. "Oh, why didn't you say so immediately?"

Lu Nai He chuckled upon seeing the abrupt change in Lim Yi Sheng's reaction. "When it comes to your wife the change in your facial expression is really priceless."

He just kept quiet because he knew that the further he spoke the more he would be teased so he just let Lu Nai He make fun for him for a while until he is satisfied.