Chapter 153 - Indefinite Leave

Since last night Hannah could already tell what the president is hinting at. She has no other choice but to tell Xi Ana everything. Lying nor lying were not part of the options anymore.

There is a possibility that this will be last chance that Xi Ana will be giving her, all the more reason to tell everything without concealing anything anymore. Before she decided to open the door to the president's office she had already accepted the possibility of being dismissed.

"Master Feng once helped me and my mother. There is only me and my mother in my family and she was the one who supported me for everything. When I was in the university, she was diagnosed with leukemia, and because of that I decided to withdraw from school but Master Feng happened to friends with the dean of college and he was there when I was about to withdraw."

She paused for a little and observed Xi Ana's facial expression there was no changes, it remained cold and stiff just like how it was after looking shocked momentarily.

"He took pity on me and decided to help me with the medical bill of my mother, I don't want to receive it for free and so I wrote an IOU. I was able to pay it off after a few years of working here."

"Then why did you decide to work here if it was not my father's intention?"

"I'm here right now because of the help I received from Master Feng. It is more than the money that's why I also want to give that back. Master Feng misses the president so much and I thought that by telling him things about you, it will eventually make him happy."

"That's enough. I don't want to hear any more than that."

"I will decide this matter on a later date, until then you don't have to report in the office. Make up some excuse so that the other employees won't talk about it."

"I understand, president."

Hannah knows more than anyone else that those words means that somehow there is still a chance for her to come to Xi Ana's side but a for how long, who knows?

"Before you leave tell Ms Wang from the secretarial floor to come and be a temporary ȧssistant in your place."

"Yes, president."

Hannah wanted to stay at least until the issue with the Southville project has already been resolved but of course she doesn't have the right to say that, the president has already decided that she would temporarily leave her post for now and there is nothing she can do about that.

"You may go."

She bent her back in a respectful bow before leaving the office. Once she closed the door behind her, her knees almost gave out that she stumbled a little.

Someone saw her and got worried. "Are you alright, Ms. Lee?"

"I'm fine, there is nothing to worry about. Thank you for worrying."

Smiling naturally as if there is nothing wrong is the best she could do and after doing so, she straightened up herself and walked back to her office area.

A she looked at the notes and scheduler in front of her, she felt emotional but she stopped herself from being overwhelmed by these emotions. She sat on her seat and started sorting out every documents depending on their purpose.

Once she's done with that she stick notes on them and even on the scheduler so that the person who will temporarily replace her will not have a hard time understanding it, this will also avoid mistakes with the schedule since the president is quite strict with it.

The moment she's done with everything that has to be done, she gathered some of her personal belongings and arranged them neatly . Since she is supposed to be on a leave, it is not good if she took her all belongings and she is also hoping that Xi Ana would reconsider reinstating her to her post.

Doing all that still took a lot of time ans so it is already before lunch when she she asked someone to call Wang Xinyi from the Secretarial floor for her and the latter didn't take much time to do so.

Hannah is looking at the employee profile of Wang Xinyi when the person herself reached her. "Ms. Lee, you were calling for me?"

"Yes, you are Ms. Wang Xinyi?"

"I am, Ms. Lee."

"Starting today, I will be on an indefinite leave and during that time you will be taking over my position as the ȧssistant of the president temporarily.I've already written notes in all the documents that you have to be careful of and even on the schedule of the president."

She said this all at once and she can see that Wang Xinyi was a little bit startled but she immediately composed herself, "Ms. Lee, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Why me? I am one of the youngest employee the company and I have been given such an important task, what if I was not able to meet the president's standard?"

Anyone would have been shocked if they were suddenly told that they will be the ȧssistant of the highest in position within the company so this much is understandable.

"Because the president chose you, from my understanding of the president you were chosen because you have a potential and training you at this age is indeed beneficial for you."

"I understand, Ms. Lee."

Seeing that she seemed o have accepted the fact in front of her, Hannah is more than satisfied. "Although I will be on a leave, you can freely call me whenever you want to ask something such as if there is something you don't understand and I will try to instruct you over the phone as much as I can. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Lee."

"Then that's good. I will ask the president if you can go in already."

Hannah took the telephone and called the president's office. "Hello, president. This is Hannah, I will be sending Ms. Wang inside as I've already instructed everything to her."


Upon receiving a confirmation she smiled and motioned for Wang Xinyi to enter the president's office which the latter did so without complaining.

The smile on Hannah's face faded instantly, once Wang Xinyi went out of that office it means that her 'leave' will finally start and there is nothing she can do about that. Hannah heaved a deep sigh and forced her smile naturally as she stood with her back straight.

She called out the attention of all the people on the Top floor and the crowd became silent, there is no chattering, nor keyboard sounds. All of their attention were focused on her.

"I have something important to tell everyone."

"What is it Ms. Lee? Is it about the notification that came this morning?" One of the employees asked

They are usually attentive to Hannah but today they are more than attentive because of the notification they have received earlier so they are thinking that whatever Hannah will tell them has something to do with that.

"Yes, and more than that. Just like what you have read from the email this morning, all of you will be under a probation period again for one weak and that will determine whether you will stay with Xi Corporation or not."

Hannah was given the go signal by the president earlier to explain about this 'probation period' and what triggered it. Furthermore, she will also take this chance to tell them about her leave.

"If you don't have anything you are keeping from the president or any illegal transactions at that, then there is nothing you have to worry about. Furthermore, you also know that the president has always been fair when it comes to matters like this."

"Does this have something to do with Southville project?"Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/indefinite-leave_51393817923869706">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/indefinite-leave_51393817923869706</a> for visiting.

As they are part of the Top floor they also know about it although not the details itself. "You're right, it has something to do with it. The reason why the president came back ahead of time as well as the notifications you have receive is because of that project. I cannot tell you the exact details but information leakages that's why to avoid like this again in the future, the president decided to single out all the people who are working outside as a mole for other people, or organization."

No one spoke but it is obvious from their facial expressions that they were bothered one way or another about this information.

"Also, I would like to tell everyone that due to a personal matter, starting today I will be on an indefinite leave so I wanna ask each and everyone's cooperation to please help out the president as much you can especially at this time. I will try to go back as soon as I can so until then, I am counting to all of you."