Chapter 142 - Hannah Lee (2)

That's right Hannah's benefactor is President Xi' father, Shen Feng and the story behind their connection a long way back.

Hannah only has her mother back then while growing up because his father died when she was still a baby so she doesn't have memory of him and because of that her mother worked double shifts and even has part time jobs in order to support her with everything she needs.

For years her lifestyle was like that. Her life practically revolved around work and taking care of her daughter, it's as if there is nothing that could disrupt this rhythm.

There are times that she would faint at work, or has nosebleeds. At first, she only brushed it off as fatigue but then when it became frequent Hannah already become worried and forced her to go to the hospital for a check up and that when they learned that she has leukemia.

Hannah only knew then that her mother had experienced several symptoms of the leukemia after the diagnosis has already been given, but then her mother has no idea that those symptoms were actually that serious.

That time she was still in the university, although she had applied for a public university there are still finances she had to take care of and because they were poor her other couldn't get enough medical care that she needs.

When her mother's health deteriorated, there was no other way but to admit her to the hospital and just like that the bills and debts piled up one after another until Hannah came to a point where she needs to give up one, her mother's health or studying and obviously she would pick her mother.

Making the choice wasn't easy but for her mother she has to do so.

The day when she would give her withdrawal application to the dean of her college that's when she first met the person whop changed her life.


Hannah knocked on the door to the dean's office while holding the withdrawal application letter in her hand and when she heard someone said that she can go in, she pushed open the door.

As soon as she entered she immediately realized that the dean is not alone inside the office. "Pardon my intrusion, Dean Jiang. I apologize for interrupting your meeting."

"You're not interrupting anything important, Student Lee. I am merely having a conversation with my friend. Anyway, what brought you to my office today?"

Dean Jiang is the same age as her mother and it seems that the other person is also at the same age bracket as them.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hannah-lee-(2)_51139584867761963">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hannah-lee-(2)_51139584867761963</a> for visiting.

"I just dropped by to give you this, Dean Jiang."

When the dean read the words on the outside of the letter he frowned instantly, "You're withdrawing from school, why? You're one of the most brilliant student in this university not only in this college if you will quit then wouldn't it be a waste since you're about to graduate next semester already?

"Dean Jiang, you must have already know about the condition of my mother. I'm the only person she could rely on and for me to cover the hospital bills I need to work full-time." she already has several part time jobs but it is still not enough for all the expenses. If she had other choice of course she wouldn't quit at all.

"As much as I want to help you there is a limitation as to what a mere college dean could do, I won't promise you anything but I'll try to see what we can do but for now I'll just hold onto this alright?" this means that the withdrawal application will not be processed yet in the mean time although Hannah felt that it will be pointless he didn't say so.

"Thank you, Dean Jiang."

"Alright then you may go."

She bowed as a sign if respect and just when she was about to walk towards the door she was stopped when the other person in the room suddenly spoke.

"Student Lee."

Hannah turned around and looked at the person before she turned to look at the dean questioningly but she only saw anther pair of confused eyes.

"What's the matter Shen Feng?"

The person called Shen Feng didn't answer the dean and looked straight at her, "I can cover all the expenses for your mother's hospital bills, if I did that would you continue studying?"

"Excuse my rudeness sir, but I don't need your pity."

"Student Lee what are you saying! You should accept if a person offers their goodwill." is it really goodwill? Is there really a person in this world who wold casually say something like that upon hearing a story like hers? Indeed, he may look rich but did he think that her mother's hospital only costs a few dollars?

"It's alright Dean Jiang, it was my fault. Suddenly hearing someone you don't know offering such kindness anyone would probably feel creep out." he smiled at the dean before turning to look at Hannah.

"Student Lee, do not worry. I don't have any ill-intention by offering this. From your conversation I already figured out that you're a good student and you doing this right now proves that you are also a good daughter that's why I'm giving you the chance to have both, finances for your mother's health and to continue studying until you graduate."

"Please pardon my rudeness again, sir but why?"

"Actually I also have children, the oldest is a daughter who's around the same age as you and the other one is a son who's five years younger than his sister. Their mom died when they were still very young and never had the opportunity take care of their mother like you do. If all you will do is to work then won't that decrease the time you have with her?"

This is rather a sentimental reason and truth be told if not for her pride she would have accepted it without hearing any reasons anymore but no matter how hard she tries she is not the kind of person who will take advantage of other people's kindness.

"Still, readily accepting such a big help felt like I'm taking advantage of you sir."

This time, the dean quietly listened to the conversation of the two.

"Then why don't we do this, you will write an IOU that all the hospital bills of your mother that will be paid by me and you will pay it back after you graduate from the university and has found a stable job. This way it will only be me lending you money for a while."

Hannah thought for a while and she found the deal much better now. At least this way she can have more time to raise the money and she also does need to stop attending university which increases the chance of find a better place to work in

"If it's like then I can reconsider."

"You're quite mȧturėd for your age, you are just like my daughter."

The day after the conversation inside the dean's office her mother who was previously staying at the hospital's ward was then moved into a private room and all the medicines that she was not able to buy before was now given like they cost nothing.

Seeing that her mother felt a lot more comfortable in the private room the slight hesitation that she has before accepting this deal has already disappeared.


From that day on, she has already considered Shen Feng as her benefactor and she could say that if it wasn't for him she will not be standing where she is now.

Even though she had already paid all the money she owed to him she felt that it is enough as a repayment to all the kindness he had shown.

Her mother really did receive one of the best medical attention she needs for her condition but unfortunately she still ha died after three years but she knew that if she didn't get enough treatment she would have died earlier.

This didn't change the fact that she owed him a lot of things that's why she had decided that if he ever needed her help she will definitely do so without hesitating.

That's why when she heard him talking that he needs someone to work at Xi Corporation's Top Floor where his daughter would soon work at she immediately volunteered herself with the reason that if she applied as Xi Ana's ȧssistant it will be a lot closer than just working within the Top Floor.

For her, Uncle Feng isn't only a person who helped her get through financially but also a person he looked up to like a father than she never had. If this way he can atleast repay, than she is more than willing to help.

Well, at first that was the only reason why she worked at Xi Corporation but eventually she felt that Xi Ana is the best leader she could ever dream of.