Chapter 121 - Shen Feng is Coming Back

The world is indeed small. Her right hand that's holding the mouse previously was already clenched in a fist beside it as she stared at the image in front of her in a daze. This certainly isn't one of the things she expected from this investigation.

Although there is no proof yet she could already ȧssume that the father of Wang Xinyi is most likely the person who murdered her mother. Connecting the existing information she already have, this is one of the most probable conclusion there is.

Actually she really can't recall the face of the man entirely, everything that happened that night were clear in her mind except the face of that person.

In her dreams, it felt like she could see clearly but when she woke up she could no longer picture the whole but when she saw Wang Xinyi she could see the image of that person on her, like a shadow of him that's why when Wang Xinyi asked , she said that she looks like someone she does not want to forget that's basically it.

Wang Xinyi looked like that person while her 'mother' looks like Xi Ana's mother as well, doesn't that show just how obsess he is? If that person s really him.

This is still not yet the final result of the investigation regarding Wang Xinyi's identity but it already took a big blow on her, just what more could she possibly learn when the time comes that investigation finally reached its conclusion.

Xi Ana was only able to come back from her daze when her phone suddenly rang, she immediately closed the window that is showing the image on a reflex.

When she looked at the string of numbers that are currently showing on her cellphone screen she realized that it was her grandfather, why would he be calling at a time like this she thought.

She answered the call and put the phone beside her ear, "Yes, grandfather?"

"Hello Ana, do you have a schedule for this evening?" from his tone it seems like he needed to tell her something and she felt odd about it. The last they had a conversation it didn't end well.

Either way, Xi Ana checked the calendar on her table where Hannah put notes about her important meetings and upon checking it seems like there is nothing really important for this evening. "I don't think I have an important matter to attend to, why? Does grandfather need me for something?"

"I was just wondering if we could have a dinner with you and Lim Yi Sheng tonight?" Xi Ana could hear the faint sound of nervousness from her grandfather, is he hiding something from me? She thought. Also,it seems like the word 'we' was emphasized unintentionally.

"By 'we' who do you mean you're with?" is he plotting something?

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"That depends on what you are planning to do, I don't have the luxury to play around." her voice was stern but not really to the point of it being scary.

On the other side of the line she could hear the deep sigh of her grandfather, "It's actually like this, Ana. You're father's flight will be landing at around 5PM today and Xi Chen will go and pick him up, I was just thinking if we could have dinner at home since this will also be the first time Shen Feng will meet your husband."

Upon hearing the ultimate purpose of of her grandfather suddenly calling her eyes narrowed. She knew that he is coming back but he didn't expect it to be this sudden and it's not like she is actually asking for details so how would she know?

"Grandfather, I already told you that this matter has nothing to do with me. If he wants to go back then it's fine but don't drag me into liking this idea."

She said those words as calm as she can, as much as possible she wanted to always give in to her grandfather, she never wanted to get into an argument nor disagreement with him.

"Only this time, I promise I won't force it on you anymore. Can you at least consider this dinner for grandfather?" hearing the distress on his voice, Xi Ana's heart ached.

There was no doubt that her grandfather treats her father as if he is his real son.

Her grandfather really has gone through a lot of emotional burdens, does she really want to add more to that more than she already has? She really is a selfish person, isn't she?

"Did he ask you to do this?" of course the 'he' she refers to is Shen Feng. Although she knows that this doubt was very unlikely due to her father's personality but she still asked anyway.

"No, your father never asked me. It is of my own interest to create this opportunity for the two you to at least talk, Ana. He didn't ask me to help him, if you're mother is here she wouldn't want for the two of you to be apart like this."

The problem is they grew apart like this exactly because he mother died, she can understand where his grandfather is coming from but this is something she can't solve over a single dinner. It already took years but nothing changed, how would it change overnight?

"I'm only considering this because it's grandfather who asked but only this time. As for whether Yi Sheng will come, I still need to check with him since I'm not too sure whether he has an important schedule or something."

"Alright, that's completely fine with me. I'll see you this evening then!"

Her grandfather enthusiastically ended the call without even waiting for her to respond.

Thinking about it, it's been years since she last saw her father, although he sends gifts and cards all these years during holidays or birthdays she just let the servants stock them on her room and up until now she still has no plans to open them.

Even when he visited, Xi Ana just ignore those invitations and busied herself with whatever.

Tonight there will be no excuses, just what kind of feeling should she have?