Chapter 110 - 'Cinderella' Story

When Lim Yi Sheng was around the age of Xi Chen he would usually go here and unwind by himself, some people may find comfort in going in crowds and talking to a lot of people but he was different. He was one of those who find comfort at being alone.

They walked towards the shore, with the plastic bag on his hand Lim Yi Sheng nonchalantly sat on the sand forgetting entirely that his trousers and suit were custom made.

When Xi Chen saw the action of his brother-in-law he followed after him without any questions.

It didn't take long before the were resdy seated on the sand comfortably. Lim Yi Sheng glanced at the young man beside him before taking a can of beer and casually opened it.

"Here." he gave it to Xi Chen before opening one for himself as well.

The gentle sounds of waves were echoing in this quiet place which makes the atmosphere lighter than usual.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/&apos;cinderella&apos;-story_50536025176471984">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/&apos;cinderella&apos;-story_50536025176471984</a> for visiting.

The both of them didn't speak at first and just quietly took sip of their respective drinks until Lim Yi Sheng broke the silence.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" he observed his reaction and he can see that there is no changes on it.

It's not like he really wanted to force him to speak, if Xi Chen wanted to speak about  he would, of couse, listen but if he doesn't want to then that also fine.

He's always been the kind of person who never wanted to be force other just so he would know what they were thinking because he himself didn't want to be forced like that.

"Actually it's just me being childish." Lim Yi Sheng glanced at him and saw that he was holding the can in his hand rather firmly and he was staring at the darkness that surronds the sea.

He paused for a while and so Lim Yi Sheng just let him take his time, "During dinner, my sister announced that in two years she will be stepping down from being the president but she will be the chairman instead that means I'll be the new president when that time comes."

Lim Yi sheng was also a little bit surprised at what Xi Chen said since this news is also new to him but he didn't show it on his face.

Furthermore, Lim Yi Sheng knew that she might be the 'chairman' but she would only make herself a person who would only sign documents, if he is right she would slowly make Xi Chen take over the whole Xi Empire little by little and the first step to that is this.

"I should be happy about it know after all that is the main  reason why I've been working hard all this time." 

His words felt more like an encouragement to himself, "But what is it that you really feel after all?"

"To be honest I don't really have any qualms about being the president I just donlt like how it makes me feel that my sister is leaving."

It seems like Xi Ana leaving Xi Chen when he was a little gave him trauma that he this way, "Did you tell them about what you really felt?"

"I tried but it seems like the way I had said it made the situation even worse." his expression showed guilt.

Lim Yi Sheng stared at the gentle waves of the sea before speaking his mind, "From the day I married your siser I already know that she will never do something without reason."

"I also know about that but even though I'm her brother I still can't figure out what was on her mind at all."

They already had a similar conversation before, even then it was Xi Chen who was always talking about his sister.

The difference between that time and now is that before he still didn't know what it really is that he felt for Xi Ana but now he is already clear that what he was feeling is love. That in itself is a big difference. 

"Your sister is naturally a person who is hard to read. Trying to understand her thoughts is basically as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. At first, I also had a hard time trying to guess what's running on her mind but then eventually I realized that I actually don't need to do that because when she's ready,  she would be the one who will willingly lay it out in the open for you."

He 'd done all sorts of things just to understand and know about Xi Ana more, even to the extent of hiring an investigator but still all these things that he wanted to ask,  Xi Ana was the one who told him.

Lim Yi Sheng suddenly recalled the envelope that Mo Chuxia gave him earlier this day, when he opened it there was a piece of folded white paper inside and when he opened there as only one sentence written on it 'Xi Ana is not a simple person.'

He knew instantly that whoever that sent that letter wants to stir his relationship with his wife. As for the purpose, he didn't have any clue about it but he had a gut feeling that whoever it is he is also the same person who sent the pictures of Xi Ana and that 'Master An' who Xi Ana referred to as An Qi Lu a few months ago.

Also, upon reading that sentence he didn't know what exactly to feel because of all people he himself would know that Xi Ana is not a simple person.

The mere fact that he can't get any information about Xi Ana during the time when she was out of the country is a proof that she is definitey not a simple person. Added the fact that both Li Jingli and Fang Wenna were part of the Nine Noble Families of the country and are both influential firgures in City M who would dare call Xi Ana an ordinary rich woman.

Furthermore, there is also that person named An Qi Lu which Lim Yi Sheng believes that he is also a friend of the other two. Clearly, the four of them were together during those years she was away and they've been friends from then on.

Lim Yi Sheng was pulled back to the reality when Ci Chen suddenly spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"I was only two years old when our mother died and I have absolutely no recollection of her. When I was four, father also left overseas for work."

"He's handling some affiliations of Xi Empire all over the world, right?" he'd once wanted to formally ask for Xi Ana's hand in marriage from Shen Feng, Xi Ana and Xi Che'n father but Xi Ana refused and from that moment he knew immediately that Xi Ana is rather Ana's distant towards her own father.

The story of Shen Feng and Xi Wei of the Xi Family is something that is well known in the upper society because it's like a different version of your cinderalla story.

In this case, it was actually the man who became the 'cinderella' and not the other way around.

Shen Feng is actually a well known person in the industry because he's a very talented person and he excells at everything he does. At a very young age he already received numerous awards because of his excellence in being a marketing analyst and he even had the opportunity to take up his masteral and doctorate in business management in a highly regarded institution in England for free.

He achieved all those even though he is an orphan. Shen Feng met Xi Wei when he was in England studying and to cut the long story short the two fell in love with each other.

Elder Xi was not really against their relationship even though Shen Feng does not hold a background that could match to his daughter which compared to her other suitors who people deemed to be more appropriate for Xi Wei, Elder Xi didn't care and still supported his daughter.

The only problem is that, Xi Wei being the only heir to the Xi Empire cannot marry into another family because the surname 'Xi' would then cease to exist at some point.

But, Shen Feng suggested that he would be married over instead. It was supposed to be Xi Ana who will be added to the Family Register of Shen Feng but due to the circumstances it was different.

So that is indeed City A's version of the Cinderella story.

"Yeah, he would only be in the country around three times at most every year but that is something I don't particularly care because I have my sister back then that's why when she suddenly left, I was so afraid. I was afraid of people abandoning me over and over again."