Chapter 108 - Announcement

"Grandfather, we've been waiting for forever that I thought I'd starve to death." Xi Chen said to their grandfather, it's been a few minutes since they sat down but he only came now when his sister has already been him for a while.

"You are usually mȧturė in front of other people but in front of your sister you always act like a spoiled child. When will you start acting your age in front of your sister?" Xi Shendong teased his grandson as he sat at the head seat of the table.

Hearing the teasing remark of his grandfather he only smiled lazily and proclaimed, "Until before I get married."

There is no doubt that in front of his sister he only wanted to be the spoiled younger brother.

"You might not get the chance to get married if you're always clinging to your sister. Your girlfriend might break up with you because you are a siscon."

Siscon? Xi Chen frowned because it is a terminology he didn't know. "What do you mean by siscon, grandfather?"

"Oh, that's a shortened word for sister complex." seeing the bashful expression on his grandfather's face while saying those words he can't help but feel slightly irritated.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/announcement_50489474441869490">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/announcement_50489474441869490</a> for visiting.

On the other hand, Xi Ana laughed genuinely when she heard it. "Where did you learn that terminology, grandfather? It's quite amusing."

"Oh, I learned that from the comics I was reading. They are not only amusing but also funny."

"Are you that free, grandfather that you have spare time to read these types of comics? Uncle Mu should probably confiscate those things!" if this continues he would not only learn about weird terminologies like this."

"How can you do that to your grandfather, Xi Chen? I even specifically went to Japan just to buy those things and you will confiscate it. No! I refuse."

"It's alright, grandfather you can keep them."

"Ana Jie! He's learning a lot of unnecessary stuffs from it. You should confiscate it."

"So, do you want to get married and bear a son for him so that he will use those spare time in raising you child instead of reading these comics?"

"That's ridiculous!" he protested, he's only 22!

"If you know that then let him be."


"Let's eat."

Before they finally started eating Xi Ana called for the two most trusted person in this household, they are the ones who maintain everything here, "Uncle Mu and Auntie Shen should also eat with us since it is a rare opportunity for us to gather like this.

In this household, they are the oldest servants who are working for them since the ones before them had already retired and they already treat them as part of the family rather than employees.

"Thank you, Young Miss."

With that they already enjoyed the meal in front of the.

In the middle of the dinner Xi Shendong said something out of the blue, "Chen, it seems your father is going back for good now."

"Oh, is that so?" his nonchalant attitude is quite normal.

Despite being away, Shen Feng would still occasionally see Xi Chen from time to time but this didn't make the son attached to him. 'Father is away' that has always been in his mind when he was little.

"Yes, he will probably live here."


"Since this is a rare opportunity I also have something to discuss or rather an announcement to make."

"In two years I will be stepping down from my position in the company and you will be taking over that position that's why you have to learn everything you can in these two years time." her calm expression look as if she was only telling them what to eat for breakfast tomorrow.

"Wait, what? I'm taking over in two years?"

"You already know that I took over at that age right? And it's not like I will completely remove myself from the company since I will be the chairman that time so that grandfather will be able to retire already."

"Why so sudden? " he knows that he will do this eventually but the abruptness of the whole thing felt odd and so he didn't want to accept it.

"It's not sudden, Xi Chen."

"What do you mean, grandfather?"

"Your sister has already informed me about this two years ago, that is also the reason why you have been training all this time. It is a preparation for you."

Hearing these things is really making him frustrated.

"But it was sudden for me! Why? Will you disappear again like before?"

"Chen it's not like that."

"No. Let's stop this conversation for now, I need to cool my head." he stood and left the table.

"Xi Chen, manners!" his sister said which sounded a little angry which made him feel guilty.

"I'm sorry. I'll be back in a while." after saying those words he left the dining hall completely.

He's being childish and he knows that. If it's only about being the president of Xi Corporation he can do that, he's been studying and training for that sole reason and he believes that in two years he will become more reliable than he is now.

But, what's making him frustrated is the fact that his sister sounded like she will disappear again and he hated that fact.

Staying in the house doesn't seem like it will help in cooling his head and so he decided to look for his car keys. He was about to enter garage when suddenly a car pulled over .

He stopped in his tracks and stared at the car, when the person went out he was surprised to see his brother-in-law.

"Are you going somewhere?"

His brother-in-law stared at him for a while, the place is well lit that even though its already evening one could still see the expression of the other clearly.

"I just need to cool my head for a while."

"Oh if that is the case then do you want me to come with you?"

"It's okay, you might be busy."

"It's fine. Wait for me here, I'll just go inside and greet grandfather and also to tell your sister that we'll be going out for a while."
