Chapter 103 - Reciprocated Feelings (2)

Lim Yi Sheng's words made her want to cry. She knew that those words he uttered were not something that came out on a spur of the moment.

Unconsciously, a tear fell down from her eyes but she only realized this when Lim Yi Sheng mentioned it as he wiped those teas away with his thumbs. "Why are crying? Do you hate me now? Are you regretting it after all?"

Those words made her laugh, who in their right mind would ask something like that in this kind of atmosphere? "If you don't believe me then it's your choice. We can just sleep like usual, it's not my problem anyway."

She's not dumb not to know that every time her teasing becomes too much this man would go to the bathroom to relieve himself, she might not have experience when it comes to this thing or to relationship between a man and a woman she still know some things though these things are what one usually learns from school.

"NO!" Lim Yi Sheng protested with aggrieved tone as if they were not talking about something that only ȧduŀts do.

Did she really marry a kid? Why are they having this kind of conversation at a time like this.

"Are you a kid? You've already ruined the atmosphere and you still want to continue?" whenever she sees this side of Lim Yi Sheng she can't help but tease him.

Furthermore, this side of him is something no one outside knew to the point that even if she shouted in front of so many people that her husband is a shameless and acts like a child in front of her no one would dare believe her.

Suddenly, the man in front of her kissed her like there's no tomorrow that when it's over she even needed to desperately gasp for air. It was not rough nor was it gentle, it was just a little bit too long.

"Are you crazy?" she was surprised with the suddenness of the kiss and so she retorted. Sometimes this man could also be unreasonable just like this.

"A kid can't do that."

After he said that, he looked at her eyes with burning passion and kissed her once again but now, it was more gentle and passionate and she can feel that through this kiss he's trying to say how much he loves her.

For a long time her life only revolved around her family, friends, the company, and knowing who the person that killed her mom and has been torturing her.

That kind of life, she had been able to maintain it for years, all this time she would always avoid attaching herself to people and things because she is afraid of involving them to her messy world. For her having these few people with her is enough to make her life fulfilled.

Actually, that time when she heard that her marriage meeting was with Lim Yi Sheng who was known as the cold and domineering CEO who can close a billion dollar deal in one day she was somewhat surprised.

Personally though, she didn't know him and the only thing she knew about him is what everyone in the social circle knew about him which is him being the man who is currently the one holding the most power over Lim Group. Who would say that he is not a good candidate for a husband, right? Even she who has no interest thinks so.

From what she knew back then, his family is also pressuring him for a marriage alliance but he was not interested with it and this made Xi Ana propose the marriage. After all, it is only advantageous to the both sides. Her only goal was to keep her grandfather quiet for a while which she would achieve by marrying, divorce might not be a problem and she does not even consider being divorcee a big thing.

However, what she didn't expect is that after the time were together he had learned so many things about him. He is not a heartless demon as what people thought him to be, nor is he a cold and domineering person instead he is a warm and caring person and he would abide by the promises he made with her.

But, Lim Yi Sheng entering her life was not planned. If she would think back on the day she agreed with the marriage she could say that she didn't give it much of a thought. During that time she was handling a lot on her plate and her grandfather being pushy with her marriage is the least of her worries.

Actually, whoever it might have been that her grandfather would have introduced that time she would have possibly done the same thing.

In between their kiss, she interrupted him for a while in a teasing tone. "I have something to confess to you."

Lim Yi Sheng frowned, "Ana, you're killing me."

"Oh is that so? Don't worry, this is only for a bit."

Lim Yi Sheng tightened his hold of her and because they are too close to each other she could feel a certain bodily reaction from him.


"If you knew then please be lenient on me, Ana. This is torture." his face looked distorted as if he is indeed suffering a lot of grievances.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/reciprocated-feelings-(2)_50441016204907421">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/reciprocated-feelings-(2)_50441016204907421</a> for visiting.

Xi Ana chuckled, "Do you know that there is a possibility that you might not have become my husband at all."

"What do you mean?"

"If it was not you who grandfather set up a meeting with me at that time I would still have proposed a marriage."

Lim Yi Sheng was quiet for a while before finally speaking, "Lu Nai He must have been right, I guess I indeed used a lifetime's luck to be able to get married to you in this life."

That reply was not something she had expected.

Having someone remind her to eat, who would help her dry her hair, or force her to rest when she is already overworking. The fact that a person is waiting for her at night before going to sleep, these things she had experienced because of Lim Yi Sheng and those simple actions made her heart which has been steady for a long time move.

Now that she had finally accepted him, what would she do?

Her thoughts drifted away when she felt that she was being carried by Lim Yi Sheng. She was surprised when she was dropped on the bed, she didn't even realize that the robe were already loose.

"This time I won't stop midway, I don't even think I can. This might sound weird in this situation but thank you, Ana. Thank you for being my wife, and thank you for loving me back."