Xi Ana typed in a string of numbers and dialed it which was answered in just a few rings.

"Did you reach City A just fine, Gian?" Xi Ana asked while scanning her tablet, she just reached home an hour ago after dropping her husband off on the airport.

"Yeah, I'm already at the hotel suit you've prepared for me. I've also prepared the thing you asked me." as a gift, Xi Ana asked Gian to create a new fragrant especially for Lim Shinyi.

"Thank you, Gian. I'm sorry that I cannot accompany you there, I have a lot of business to do here." he was already informed a few weeks ago about this event so he managed to clear his schedule on time and he knows that even if Xi Ana only informed him a day before he would have still attended.

"It's perfectly fine, Ana. You've already prepared everything for me, you even paid handsomely on the perfume even though I told you that you really don't have to."

"It's alright, after all I was the one who asked for a favor. It's the least thing I could do."

"Still." Xi Ana already helped him a lot, if it wasn't for her he wouldn't be where he is now. GL came into existence only because Xi Ana was there.

"Alright, alright don't get started with me. You've expressed your gratitude way enough, you really should consider me as a friend and a potential customer you know and not someone who 'helped' you. I don't need your gratitude, I need a friend."

Gian laughed as he imagined her face while saying those words, "Fine, don't worry I will talk to your sister-in-law but only because its you. Accepting her as a trainee still depends on her perseverance and passion"

"I know. Still, I want to thank you for sparing your time. I'll treat you on a meal when I see you."

"Just drop by anytime when you're in France. If I, Gian Lake will not make time for you I would not be Gian Lake anymore."

Xi Ana laughed at his remarks. "Okay, I will. If you need anything you can call my ȧssistant anytime, I've already instructed her so don't stand on ceremony with me, alright? I'm hanging up."

"See you soon, Ana."

"Yeah, see you soon."

- - -

The entire venue was bright and decorated rather elegantly. The entry to this event was quite strict in which only those who received the special invitation could enter, from politicians, to business tycoons, and A-list celebrities, this banquet was surely packed with highly prominent people.

Today, the entire City A's attention was on this banquet since this is the birthday banquet of the only princess of Lim Group, Lim Shinyi and of course a lot of people wanted to suck up to them.

Aside from being the Young Miss of Lim Group, her reputation as an international actress is something no one would ignore.

Although there are only few reporters who were invited for tonight's event which came from reputable companies, there are still a lot of pictures of the event that is circulating on the internet.

'Oh my gosh! Did you see that? The venue itself is superb, our Shinyi would surely be stunning tonight'

'To those who are taking pictures secretly, thank you very much. Can you also take a picture of Lim Yi Sheng, please?'

'I have to agree to the commenter above, I bet he's gorgeously handsome as always!'

'Just a glimpse of our goddess, Xi Ana please. Thank you!'

'Yes, please! Even a picture of her back will be fine.'

There are various reactions from the netizens, this event certainly created a buzz in the whole country but unknown to them, the announcement that the star of the night will make will shook a lot of people to their core.

In a certain room, Lim Shinyi was talking with her manager about the announcement she was about to make.

"Are you sure about this?" the manager asked.

From the very first day of working with Lim Shinyi she was already informed that she will retire before reaching 25 years old so she is actually in no position to talk her out of this. What is a mere manager compared to the Lim Group, right?

"I would need to do it soon anyway, there is no point in prolonging it."

They discussed for a bit more about the things she will say and was only interrupted by a sudden knock.

As the door opened, her brother entered the room. The manager then politely excused herself. "Big brother!"

"Here's my gift for you."

An elegantly wrapped small box was handed to her, she excitedly took the box and looked at her brother, "Can I open it?"

"Go ahead."

Upon opening the box she found a key which seems to be a key to a door or something, "I bought a villa in Eight Waves under your name. I hope you like it."

"What do you mean 'like'? I love it, brother. Thank you very much!" she stood and gave her brother a big hug.

"You're welcome."

"Anyway, why isn't Big Sister with you?" hearing his precious little sister calling his wife 'Big Sister' really warms up his heart.

"She's on a business trip in City M and won't be able to make it but she told me that someone else will bring her gift for you."

"Who? Why didn't she just give it to you?"

Instead of answering, he turned to the door and spoke which made Lim Shinyi confused, "You can open the door."

The door opened and a man who look like he's in his late twenties entered. His looks was kind of a mixed Chinese and American. When Lim Shinyi realized who the man is she squealed in excitement, "Gian Lake, right? You're Gian Lake!"

"Happy birthday, Ms. Lim." he smiled sweetly and passed her a bottle of perfume with a ribbon tied to it.

"Ana asked me to create a new fragrant for you, I hope you liked it."

"Oh my gosh, this is awesome! Thank you very much for delivering this personally, I never thought you will be attend by birthday banquet all the way from New York."

Just who would believe right? It's GL! Personally delivering a gift!

"Don't worry Ms. Lim, Ana prepared everything in fact she told me that you are very much interested in perfumes bit since this is your night we can talk about it tomorrow. If not much of a trouble, for today's event I would like to stay at the backseat if that's alright."

"Of course, of course. It's no problem at all." it's known that Gian Lake wasn't the type of person who likes crowd very much.