Chapter -1 - Author's Note:

I'm sorry that I must have disappointed most of you, I know a lot you were waiting for an update. At first, I really had a stable update but lately there's just too much on my plate that whenever I faced my notebook to type something my mind just went blank.

Slowly. I'm trying to regain myself, slowly. I'm not saying you have to wait for me, if you want to drop this story you may do so and the only thing I could give you was my sincerest apology that I can't leave up to your expectations. I, myself is quite displeased and disappointed with myself.

Regarding the future of this story, whether I would continue working on it or not rest ȧssured that I will not drop this novel. I may not update daily, or for a long period of time bit I certainly won't give up on this.

On the 15th of November, I am thinking of updating daily but for now all I can promise is a chapter a day. I don't have a stable Internet here in our place (I'm kind of far from the city center and usually places like ours aren't blessed with good receptions).

Once again, I would like to extend my sincerest apology. This shameful author would also like to thank each and everyone of you for staying with me.

PS. Your words of encouragement would most likely be welcomed.

Lots of Love,
