Originally, the driver was very optimistic and thought that he could arrive at Lincheng at 12:00 noon. As a result, there was a shower of rain on the road and the car had to pass a section of muddy road without road repair, so the car didn't arrive at 12:00.

Everyone is hungry. They are all boys. No one will think of bringing anything to eat. The counselors are women, but they bring some.

Ye Shuimo chuckles in his heart and really guesses right for the family. He takes out a beautiful and exquisite lunch box from his bag and plans to invite everyone to have a little. Unexpectedly, he finds a bag of snacks under the lunch box.

"Daoxiang village? Jinlilai? Oh, that's a good idea. Sure enough, there are girls in the class. " The boys share the food with a smile. Of course, they are embarrassed about the exquisite sushi box.

The monitor took a furtive look and thought that it was the man who prepared it. Unexpectedly, he was so careful.

Boys have a big appetite. Snacks can relieve hunger, but they can't be full. As soon as they arrive in Linshi, everyone immediately rushes to the restaurant that can be seen in the field of vision.

Fast food restaurant, sparsely populated. The boss and mother squatted on the cement floor at the door to peel green onions. There are scallion skins all over the ground.

"Boss, 30 cages of steamed buns, 30 cups of soybean milk, more chili sauce." Young counselors and monitor are responsible for everyone's diet.

The scallion man bowed his head and said, "OK." Seeing so many people, the boss was happy and immediately went to make arrangements.

On a wooden table covered with white iron. Except that the iron sheet was white, the other parts were black and greasy. Although they were dirty, they didn't care. Anyway, they were all boys.

The monitor is still a little worried. He specially asks Ye Shuimo to sit in a clean place. He thinks that one thing is going to happen to girls, and the other thing is that he is worried that the other party will not get used to the beautiful food.

The boys in the class think the same way. They spontaneously leave the best table for the girls and specially wipe the table.

Two cages of steamed stuffed buns were quickly brought up by the boss, and the boys also had the gentlemanly manner to let the counselor and ye Shuimo eat first.

The arrogant heat was put on the table, and a small bowl of bean paste mixed with spicy oil and sesame seeds was put on the table. Next to it is a bowl of soybean milk.

Ye Shuimo is not particularly spicy, but he likes the sauce of this family. So in order to eat the sauce, the bowl of soybean milk can just be used to dilute the spicy taste in the mouth.

After eating and drinking, 30 people got back on the bus to the hotel. The hotel was built in advance, just two people in a room. When he took the key, the front desk manager came up to the counselor and ye Shuimo and said that the standard room for them just broke down yesterday and could not be used. He planned to give them a deluxe room and asked if it was ok.

Of course, it's OK. It's equivalent to living in a luxury room with standard room money. Why not.

When everyone took the key, the front desk manager went back to the computer and made their previous reservation room into an un reserved state. Yesterday, he received a phone number saying that he hoped to upgrade the room into a luxury suite and increase the money.

The front desk manager specially observed the two women just now and speculated whose boyfriend was so intimate. After four hours in a row, everyone was a little tired. After dinner, they were even more sleepy. Anyway, they were free in the afternoon. There was only a bonfire party in the evening, so everyone was happy to have a sleep first.

Bonfire night was made by a Mongolian boss, who specially made several yurts on the beach in Shanghai. The staff were also dressed in Mongolian style clothes, which looked decent.

At 8:30 p.m., the square of the tourist spot lit a big bonfire on time. Except for those who didn't attend, all the tourists in the whole tourist spot gathered on the square of 40 meters. The fire is more and more prosperous, and the sky fire attracts hundreds of flying insects. Under the high-pressure searchlight, they are like midnight elves dancing above people's heads.

The lights on the stage had not yet been turned on, and people were standing around, waiting to watch the song and dance performance. All kinds of languages are echoing in the crowd. People are social animals. Most of them will not miss such a lively party. More excited, will run to the dark night fireworks, point firecrackers.

As soon as ye Shuimo and his party arrived, they were soon brought up by this atmosphere. Boys love to play, so they quickly integrated into it. The counselor said a few words at the beginning, but they were all adults. They should protect themselves and let everyone go.

At this time, on the stage of colorful lights showing off, the sound of striving horse head Qin sounded. Six men and six women, holding chopsticks, jumped onto the stage from both sides of the stage and danced happily, thus opening the prelude of the bonfire party.

Many people feel very excited to watch the performance at close range in front of the fire. Others think that the darkness is the best protective color. Another self hidden in the vague subconscious sneaks out to indulge himself. Outside the crowd, some people dance in pairs with the music coming from behind. From time to time came the slow rock.

When the instructor set up the chopsticks, they ran to the stage and watched the other two boys jump up and down.Monitor has been paying attention to the trend of students, the grandstand that interesting, took a few photos of the scene put in the group at home.

Nangong Shang is in the wechat group at home. Usually, he doesn't pay much attention to the group at home. After all, the articles sent by the older generation are too few to read. Today, I had dinner with customers, and the dinner was too boring. Just as the news came out, he opened it and passed on the relevant photos to his friends.

"Tut Tut, it seems that you have been guarding the empty boudoir alone these two days. Miss Ye is very happy."

Text message back very quickly, only a simple sentence, "a few more."

The monitor didn't know that distant cousin talked to him for the first time today, and asked him to take more photos of the scene, indicating that he was taking girls.

He sighed that despite his cousin's talent and success, he was so hungry.

after dancing, people gathered around him and sat on the beach with the sea breeze blowing. The atmosphere of the party was very strong.

The waiter sent the menu to several people, "here's roast whole sheep, depending on the swan meat. What kind do you want?"

"Roast swan meat!" Ye Shuimo was surprised, "are you sure it's swan meat here?"

"Of course!" The waiter was sure, "it's all swan meat, authentic game."

You don't quite understand why Ye Shuimo was so excited. He ordered roast whole sheep and ye Shuimo was restless.

The monitor sat next to her and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Ye Shuimo is heartbroken. She was born as a volunteer. She was unhappy when she saw others treat wild animals.

Swan, belongs to the national second level key protected wild animals! How can I eat roast swan!

The monitor knew that it was not affectation, but because of her volunteer experience, she secretly said, "I think there are so many swans. Maybe they are fake, or we can go and have a look secretly. If it's not a swan, it's a swan."

Ye Shuimo immediately said, "I can buy them! You can't watch them roast swans! "

They left their seats and ran quietly to the kitchen. The students at the back looked at them puckering their hips and peeping into the tent. They thought it was very interesting. They secretly took pictures and sent them to the group.

After a while, the two came back. What kind of swan is a common goose raised at home. The monitor thought the photos in the group were interesting, so he collected them and sent them to the group according to his cousin's previous intention.

Nangong still thought it was very interesting. He was a little curious about his cousin who never paid attention before. It's not uncommon for such a obedient baby.

After playing, everyone was tired and paralyzed when they returned to the hotel. Ye Shuimo felt a little guilty. Because he had too much fun today, he didn't chat with his man, so he took a good bath and made a phone call while the counselor went to take a bath.

"Back?" Ye Miao is looking at the photo. When he sees two people puckering their hips to watch in the tent, he laughs unkindly.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Shuimo doesn't understand. He just feels in a good mood.

Ye Miao smile convergence, "nothing, what's new today?"

"There are so many new things. I tell you, at dinner, the waiter told me that they sell swans!"


Ye Miao finally knows the origin of this picture. She is worried about selling swans and inquires about it.

"If they do sell swans, I'll report them."

"Well," Ye Miao said, "I provide a telephone."

"Ink, who do you want to report?"

They chatted so happily that they didn't even find the counselor coming out after a good bath. Ye Shuimo said a few words to his lover in a hurry, then hung up the phone and had no dream all night.

The next day, people charter a car to a famous mountain here. The mountain has not been developed, so it is very original. They plan to camp here.

They are all boys, so it's natural to set up a tent. Originally, the monitor asked two male students to help the only girl in the class set up a tent. However, at first glance, ye Shuimo's tent is not willing to be built by others. It's very impressive. The previous volunteer experience has really helped a lot.

Picnics are the most important part. Men are no better than women, and their hands-on ability is also poor. Even some boys can cook, but with 30 mouths, the speed of cooking is faster.

People are looking forward to the only two women on the scene. The counselor is just in his 20s, but it's no surprise that a spatula is playing brilliantly. Then, people are dull and watching Ye Shuimo pour the egg liquid into the pot without oil.

Ten minutes later, everyone accepted that the national treasure in the class was a wonderful flower with empty force but no cooking ability.

This male classmate brought a stool, and the male classmate handed her a fan. Then her job became to see if the rice was cooked.

The rice pot is bubbling out. Ye Shuimo finds that a male classmate in the class is packing without saying a word. A knife falls out and the other party takes it out and puts it into the jacket pocket as if nothing had happened.

That male classmate she is not very familiar with, after all, just went to school soon, but because of the other party's behavior, she can't help observing this male classmate.