Ye nianmo's voice did not fluctuate, "evidence."

"I saw with my own eyes that she hugged Xiaoqiang. In the company's tea room, I would not lie." Shuibei felt that she could not understand the look on the other person's face. It was not angry or sad. It seemed that she was just listening to a digression that she was not interested in.

Ye nianmo repeated, voice dry, "you mean you see my wife and other men cuddle together, and only you see?" He said, tapping his knee with his fingers, his eyes cold.

Shuibei can only nod her head. She regrets that she is too impatient. If Xiaoqiang can say it, right! you 're right! Let Xiaoqiang say it!

"You wait." A glimmer of hope flashed on her face. She immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed her colleague Xiaoqiang's phone number. After the number was connected, her face was suddenly radiant.

"Xiaoqiang, I'm with Mr. Ye now. There's one thing I have to ask you. I hope you can answer truthfully." Shuibei takes a look at ye nianmo, and her tone is more serious. She knows that Xiaoqiang is bullying the soft and afraid of the hard. Only when she is tough, can she frighten the other party.

The person opposite the microphone seems to be driving, and the sound of the engine has been roaring to disturb the conversation, "sister Shuibei, can I wait for work tomorrow? I started driving at five this morning, delivering custom clothes to a customer, and now I don't have time to answer the phone. "

Shuibei feels that the other party's line of sight quickly sweeps from him. Besides the line of sight, there is impatience after being disturbed and anger after his wife is innocent framed.

"No, today I saw you and Ding Yiyi in the stairwell!" She is still talking, ye nianmo has stood up and looked down at her.

Xiaoqiang said in a loud voice, "what are you talking about, sister Shuibei? Today I'm driving crazy. What and Yiyi, how can Yiyi take a fancy to me?"

"Miss Shuibei." Ye nianmo opened his mouth, and his tone was distant and indifferent.

Shuibei feels cold in her heart. Regardless of what xiaoqiangzi said to her, she suddenly presses the phone. She feels that her hands and feet are freezing. Subconsciously, she lies back.

The action is too big, the screen is shaken by her, she is like a frightened mouse, looking at the man standing up in panic.

Ye nianmo looks at her as if she is looking at a mole ant. Just because she makes a rumor about Ding Yiyi's stupid behavior is enough for him to treat her coldly, but he still wants to make it clear.

He cleared his throat. His tone was a little clearer than the sound of the water wheel outside the window. "I also want to know, what's your motive for spreading rumors about my wife?"

The whole person in Shuibei is sitting on the chair like a weak and boneless one. There is a voice in her heart reminding her, "don't say it, don't say it. You will be laughed at by him after you say it. This man has never been attracted to you. Now you say it will only make him sneer."

"I like you." She heard her voice flowing out of her mouth like dried tofu, and then dissipated in the air.

She felt that at this moment, all her clothes were stripped off, and she was as naked as a stewed egg. And this stewed egg still needs to stand on the prosperous times square and be ridiculed by tens of thousands of people. They would say, "look at this shameless, shameless stewed egg, and I don't want a discount."

Ye nianmo didn't sneer at her as she imagined. He didn't even frown because of her confession, as if what she said was not referential and necessary to be remembered and discussed.

"Water north." The first time he called her by name and surname, his voice was low. You can think of the doting tone when he called the person he liked most, but in fact, now his low voice was cold.

Shuibei's head was hit by his cold arrow. She looked up at him blankly, and the tattoo made her look old for several years.

Ye nianmo's left foot leans slightly, and his right foot is facing her. This is his action when he is ready to leave. "I love my wife very much, so I hope that all the words and actions that will hurt her will not appear beside her, otherwise I will do a lot of things to protect her."

He left, leaving a string of heartless words. He didn't even look at her again. Naturally, he could ignore the burning tears and the mourning expression on her face.

She said it. Without warning or plan, she put herself under his feet, kissed his toes, said she loved him, and was crushed.

The guests behind seem to have finished the tea in the cup and put the empty cup into the cup plate. The bottom of the glass cup and the collision between the cups and plates make a clear sound.

She is like a baby hovering in the womb, suddenly less and less amniotic fluid, breathing more and more difficult, a strong suction pulled her out of the space to suffocate.

Ye nianmo has gone and completely disappeared in her sight. She has no face to pretend to meet him again. She suddenly gets up and looks around for fear that others will hear her self-esteem talk. The indifference of people around her reassures her. She takes out a note from her purse, pats it on the table, and then leaves in a hurry.After the screen, Ding Yiyi's eyes have been put in front of the glass pot is floating all kinds of materials. There are lotus leaves, medlar, rose, lily, there should be a word. What are those white things? Is it medicine? If so, what is the effect?

Her mind is full of these unimportant things, even if she has heard Shuibei trample on the ground heartbreak left here.

The phone rings and disturbs the customers around. She smiles apologetically like a guest who gives her a glance, and then answers.

"Yiyi elder sister, Shuibei elder sister called me, I said nothing to her, and then she hung up." Xiaoqiang said, a little hesitant, "sister Shuibei, this really won't let Mr. Ye doubt you? I'm willing to do anything to repay you. I hope you won't be hurt. "

Ding Yiyi said firmly, "I will not be hurt." "I know my husband loves me very much. Once he knows that Shuibei has that kind of mind for him, then he will not have much contact with her any more. Even if he happens to meet with her, he will have an improper meaning."

She wanted to laugh, but she couldn't. She said dryly, "plus her unnecessary slander, she can't do anything more."

Xiaoqiang wanted to say something more, but he didn't say why. After a few words, he hung up.

Ding Yiyi lost his mind and looked at the screen which was getting dark. His heart was a little sad. Shuibei refuses to admit that she likes ye nianmo. She can only do this, and let her take the initiative to admit to ye nianmo. If she wants to do something absolutely, she can only let her discredit Ding Yiyi. In this way, even if ye nianmo doesn't care that she is a member of her colleagues, she won't have any interaction with her.

She stood up, a red receipt slip in her bag showed mischievously, and she took out a look. The receipt shows Xiaoqiang's clothes to be delivered to Zhaonan city today.

It takes nearly a day to drive from Dongjiang city to Zhaonan City, the city next door. Xiaoqiang can't appear in the company on this day, so there is evidence of absolute absence.

And if the buyer is Ding Yiyi, then Xiaoqiang's clothes don't need to be sent to Zhaonan city at all. Everything is a gimmick.

Thin red paper in her hands gradually split into pieces, there are a few pieces of mischievous from her fingertips, a little bit fell on the table, a little bit fell in the residual juice.

She put the pieces into the ashtray and then turned away, but it was not over. Instead of going home, she went to the company, and she needed to make sure of one thing.

She has been waiting in the garage, the car has stalled, if she does not speak, no one will find her sitting in the car, like a ghost.

"Manager Gao, are you sure Xiaoqiang can't be in the company today? I mean, is it possible for him to show up in the company first and then run to Zhaonan city? "

"It's impossible. The customers in Zhaonan city have submitted the application for confirmation of receiving goods, that is to say, the customers have received the clothes. It takes several hours from Dongjiang city to Zhaonan city. It's impossible for the situation you said."

When the phone hung up, Shuibei gave his car a kick. The anti riot system on the car turned on, and the lights were on desperately. With the noise, the whole underground garage was full of annoying sounds.

"How could that be?" Shuibei couldn't understand it. Manager Gao couldn't tell a lie. That is to say, Xiaoqiang was driving at that time. Who was the voice she heard at the stairway?

She went to the stairs, carefully looking for a circle, of course, nothing was found. She knew she was just like a clown today.

Tears flow out of frustration, she knows that she lost, the other side did not spend a soldier, it is likely to be and ye nianmo en love, and she somehow lost herself.

A car rang in the distance, and then drove towards the exit, gradually disappearing into the backlight. She looked up, glanced dejectedly, and then swept away.

When Ding Yiyi returns home, ye nianmo hasn't come back. Sister Zhang is sorting out the clothes that should have been sent to Zhaonan city.

"Madam, there are no tags on these clothes. I'll iron them first, and then hang them in the dressing room for you." Sister Zhang felt the fabric through the dust cover.

Ding Yiyi put the car key on the table and sat on the sofa. At that moment, she felt that her strength had been pulled away. She said to Sister Zhang with a smile, "Sister Zhang, your eldest daughter is going to graduate from university. These clothes are given to her. Anyway, these sizes don't match me. I can't wear them."

At first, Sister Zhang thought these clothes were worth a lot of money, but when she saw that there was no tag on the clothes, she felt that the hostess couldn't wear them and it was a waste, so she accepted them with gratitude and hummed songs when she was cooking dinner.

After a while, ye nianmo came back with three gift boxes in his hand. "I bought a little of each flavor. We'll go to Ye's home after dinner."

He handed the gift box to Sister Zhang, then went to the living room, took the initiative to go around the sofa, put his hands on Ding Yiyi's shoulder to help her massage.