Walking to ye chuyun's ward, the door is unlocked, and there is a medicine tray on the table. It is estimated that the nurse went to take things temporarily.

Ye chuyun looks at the sky in his wheelchair, and seems to want to go to the toilet. He turns the axle of the wheelchair, but the car is stuck on the threshold.

As soon as he tried hard, the wheelchair rolled over and he fell to the ground.

Ding Yiyi is so anxious that she wants to open the door. The other hand stops him. She turns her head and turns to be ye Zimo.

"If you go in now, it will only make the child more embarrassed." Ye Zimo light way, Ding Yiyi clenched heart to see to the room.

Ye chuyun collapsed on the ground. He fell on the ground and gasped for a while before he began to move the wheelchair. The wheelchair was very heavy, and he had to work very hard to move it. Finally, he straightened the wheelchair, and the whole person was like pulling it out of the water.

Ding Yiyi's hand is on the doorknob, and she is fighting fiercely in her heart. If she goes in now, ye chuyun will not suffer from these hardships.

"Are you thinking that if you were by his side, he would not suffer from this?" Ye Zimo's cold mouth.

Ding Yiyi looks at the face similar to ye nianmo in surprise and nods in silence.

"A man would rather die in pain than hide behind a woman, especially a woman he loves. This is the last dignity of a man."

In the room, ye chuyun grabs both sides of the wheelchair with both hands, and climbs to the chair bit by bit with great effort. The chair falls back, and he falls to the ground.

Ding Yiyi turned his head and couldn't bear to see, but the voice of the man around him still didn't rise and fall, "you can't see it because you don't believe he can defeat yourself."

"It's not like that!" Ding Yiyi suddenly turns back and retorts angrily.

Ye Zimo raises his eyebrows and puts his eyes back on the transparent glass in front of him. In the room, ye chuyun tries again. This time, he finally climbs to the wheelchair with the strength of his hands.

It's cold winter, but his number suit has been soaked in sweat, wet on the back, Ding Yiyi can't see it, ready to enter.

"Miss Ding, you don't love Chu Yun. You just don't want to disappoint him."

Ding Yiyi twisted the handle of the door and stopped. She didn't turn around, but she could imagine the determination of the man behind her.

"On behalf of the Ye family, I thank you for accompanying him on his last day, and for my eldest son." He pauses, "there was a time when I was not able to accompany their mother and son, so it created his paranoid character. He was very strict with love."

He stopped in silence, seemed to be pondering what to say, and seemed just to empty his mind. Ding Yiyi didn't turn his head until the sound of footsteps began to ring. Ye Zimo suddenly turned back, "today is me, only on behalf of me, on behalf of a father to meet you."

The sound of footsteps sounded again until it disappeared. Ding Yiyi stood at the door, next to a window, under which a black car was parked.

After a while, ye Zimo appears in the field of vision, at the same time, the door opens and Xia Yihan greets him.

Ding Yiyi watched the two enter the car at the same time, but her thoughts had gone far away. It seemed that since she entered the Ye family's life, the two were together at any time.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of love, there is nothing to hide, will each other completely into their lives.

She laughed at her sudden sentimentality and opened the door to greet ye chuyun as if nothing had happened.

Ye chuyun has recovered a calm, "Yiyi come over."

She obediently walked over, squeezing out the most brilliant smile, "I have to leave you for a few days, go home."

Ye chuyun nodded, "it should be."

He pushed the wheelchair back to the room, took out a check from the drawer, wrote a series of numbers on the check and handed it to Ding Yiyi, "say happy new year to my uncle."

Ding Yiyi didn't see how much money she took into her pocket. She said with a smile, "it's two months before you call your father-in-law."

He was silent for a long time. "Don't you regret it? I will die. "

The heavy topic is stirred up again, Ding Yiyi's heart is pulled, sad pain is about to die, but to pretend a happy appearance, "this is also very good, young when a rich woman, a lot of women's dream."

Clearly should be cheerful tone, she said a little choked, do not want to discuss this heavy topic, do not want to let this sad mood affect two, she said goodbye in a hurry and ran out of the hospital.

Outside the hospital, the sun was warm and everyone was jubilant. Two lanterns were hung on the front door of the hospital for the occasion. The driver was waiting for her.

She took a deep breath. "Let's go."

The car sped all the way to Nanzhao city. Ding Meirong's home is in a village in the city on the edge of the city. It's not rich. It's hard to move forward when the car is halfway through.

All the streets on both sides were occupied. They sold Spring Festival couplets and other new year's products. In addition, people were crowded and cars were hard to drive. They only drove a few kilometers in half an hour.

"Leave me here, it doesn't matter." Ding Yiyi asked the driver to go back to Ye's home early to avoid traffic jam on the road. The driver was grateful to help her take her luggage.The car is a luxury car. It was eye-catching when it appeared in the village in the city. Before leaving, the driver called out, "goodbye, Mr. Ding." More and more people are looking at each other.

Ding Yiyi with luggage difficult across the street to go home, Ding Dacheng and Ding Meirong had been waiting at the door, a see her, Ding Dacheng happy set off firecrackers.

The sound of firecrackers was very loud. Ding Dacheng asked for her luggage. "Come in, your aunt has cooked a good table and is waiting for you!"

At the dinner table, Ding Dacheng had a rare drink. Everyone was thinking about what to buy. The day after tomorrow is new year's Eve. In the past, when he was poor, he could only do it simply. Now that he was rich, Ding Yiyi didn't want to worry his father any more.

"Dad, I'll take care of the new year's goods."

Ding Dacheng felt that his daughter was promising and could manage new year's goods by herself, so he happily agreed. The family was eating, and someone knocked at the door.

Ding Meirong went to open the door. There were six people standing outside, each carrying a big bag and a small bag. "Is this Mr. Ding's home, please?"

Ding Meirong nodded suspiciously. The man outside waved his hand. "This is the new year's goods given to Mr. Ding by the Ye family."

"Ye family? Yiyi didn't say that? " Ding Meirong opens her body to let people in. When she hears that it's from the Ye family, Ding Dacheng is not surprised. Ye chuyun and Ding Yiyi are about to get married, even if it's a gift for the Spring Festival.

Before he got hot, he called out, "is Ding Dacheng there? Express

As soon as I went out, I was stunned. The courier was the person I knew. He said with a smile, "sign quickly. Who is ye chuyun, your daughter's husband?"

In the house, the new year's goods almost filled half of the room. Ding Meirong opened one of them casually. It was flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and running on the ground.

"Ye's family is really thoughtful. They sent one by themselves, and chuyun's child also sent one."

Ding Dacheng took a bottle of foreign wine and smelled it. Although he looked happy, he added, "we can't afford to take advantage of others. Meirong, you and I will go shopping tomorrow to buy some special products."

Ding Yiyi looks at the new year's goods everywhere. She knows who sent the first batch of new year's goods. She is surprised that although she has only been away for just a few hours, she actually misses him a little.

The next day, dingda achievement valiantly on the street, dingyiyi cleaning at home, at this time the phone suddenly rang, Qiubai voice bright and clean, "happy new year."

"Happy New Year!"

Just then, a woman came in the door and said, "Yiyi, are you back?"

Ding Yiyi had no choice but to look at her first, frowning slightly. The woman in front of her was her second sister-in-law, who was also the woman who most opposed Ding Yiyi's going to university.

When the family was rich as a child, the second aunt Ding Meicai often came to borrow money from the family. When her mother died, the family's economy was not good. Not only did the second aunt not return the money she borrowed, but her father went to ask for it. It was said that she was stingy and stingy, which made him very ill.

Not only that, but also has been advocating that Ding Yiyi should not be allowed to go to university, saying that girls will fly when they go to university and it is difficult to get married.

It's really bad for people to list one by one.

"Second aunt." Ding Yiyi light hello.

Ding Meicai's fat body forced her into the door, with a smile on her face. "Ouch, it's graduation work. Your sister graduated from Tsinghua University, too. I still think Peking University is good, and graduation is good."

"Yes? Congratulations Edith nodded.

Ding Meicai licked her lips and suddenly said, "don't you have a boyfriend yet?"

Ding Yiyi was stunned, "I don't have a boyfriend, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Ding Meicai said happily, "it doesn't matter. Who calls us relatives? In this way, on New Year's Eve, I'll introduce you to a young man. He's very nice!"

Ding Yiyi just want to refuse, Ding Meicai twist body stride toward the door.

"Who is this woman? She's so annoying." After listening to the whole process, Qiu Bai couldn't help saying.

After a few words, Ding Dacheng came back with a big box in her hand, and Ding Meirong followed her.

As soon as he entered the room, he quickly let Ding Yiyi come over, smiling, "Yiyi! Your father has got the good goods

As he said this, he put down the box in his hand and opened it. There were four large glass jars in it. He took out a wine soaked with a whole snake. "This is snake wine. You should remember that you had a bottle at home when you were a child, but it's hard to see now. It's very useful for rheumatism."

"This is deer whip wine, and this scorpion wine!"

Ding Meirong said with a smile, "other peddlers sell them there. Your father has to buy them all. He says they are making new year's products for the Ye family."

Ding Yiyi knew that the Ye family would not drink these things, but he didn't want to disappoint his father. He nodded and laughed, "well, they will be happy."

The three hotly packed the package and told the express to come and get it. Ding Meirong was not at ease. She was afraid that it would be broken, so she just went with the express to get it.

Ding Dacheng was drinking tea with a cup. Ding Yiyi said, "Dad, my second aunt just came here and said that she would let me go on a blind date tomorrow.""Is it?" Ding Dacheng continued to drink water, but the speed of drinking water was slow.

Ding Yiyi frowned, "second aunt now is not to borrow money."

"Not much, just a little. It's your sister who bought a house in Dongjiang city now, so..." Ding Dacheng sighed and put down the cup. "Your second aunt was really wrong when she was a child, but she was a family."