The figure of Zhang Heng's back, if you can call it "human", is about 2.4 meters tall. His head almost reaches the ceiling. His head is smooth and without hair. It looks like several bamboo poles put together. It is slender and slender. Especially, his arms are even dragged to the ground. It looks very strange!

However, when he saw the figure behind him, he did not catch his breath!

A slight impact sound came, Zhang Heng did not want to immediately lower his head, at the same time immediately low drink, "bow down, don't look at his face!"

However, it seems to be late.

Zhang Heng only heard a burst of crying and screaming in the bottom of his voice. The slender figure seemed to scratch his face, while Joey pointed his gun at each other in a daze and said to himself, "what the hell is this?"

"Damn it!" Zhang Heng scolded, "Joey, run quickly!"

"What?" Joey did not know, so he turned to look at Zhang Heng, "what do you say?"

Zhang Heng shook his head and was just about to say something again, but just then, the slender monster let out a scream and suddenly fell on Joey!

"Ah! Go to hell Joey screamed, and there was gunfire, and then there was Joey's heartrending scream, "no! He's pulling out my intestines. For God's sake, who's going to pull him apart for me

Zhang Heng didn't turn his head. In order to prevent being hurt by stray bullets, Zhang Heng turned around and hid in the corner. At this time, the screams of monsters and Joey came from his ears, and the loud drinking and swearing of the people around him. Then, the screams of other people also came along. At the same time, the noisy footsteps of people escaping

After two or three minutes of confusion, silence returned to the corridor again.

At this time, Zhang hengcai slowly walked out of the dark corner. He looked at the ground. Before that, joy, who was still alive and vigorous, had already become a corpse all over the ground, as if he had been trampled by an angry bull. His body was not human, and his viscera and brain were splashed all over the ground

Zhang Heng's face was a little gloomy. He slowly picked up Glock 19 left by Joey from the ground. But at this moment, a footstep came again. Zhang Heng raised his head slightly and tried not to look at each other's face until he saw a pair of leather shoes and trousers.

I saw the big man with beard pale face. Some of them came to Zhang Heng. They looked at each other and showed a bitter smile at the same time.

"That monster Is it scp-096? " Asked the bearded man in a low voice.

"Yes, I think you've heard of it." Zhang Heng nodded and looked down at the gun.

"It's a good thing you reminded me before." "If it wasn't for your warning, I'm afraid I could not help looking at each other's faces Fuck, I heard that as long as someone sees his face, even if you escape to the moon, you will be completely chased and torn up by it! "

"Did everyone else 'see' Zhang Heng waved his hand and asked helplessly.

"No one else responded except the two of us." The bearded man nodded, turned to look at the direction of the remaining two people's escape, "it is estimated that they are dead."

"It's not an estimate, it's an affirmation." Zhang Heng sighed, "go ahead. What I fear most now is that even if we find the contact, the command of the headquarters is to destroy the whole base. After all, there are 682 guys in the base."

"Now I just hope 682 doesn't leak." The big man with beard was silent for a moment, but finally he still forced himself forward.

Zhang Heng looked at the back of the man with a beard, and then shook Glock 19 in his hand. Based on his understanding of the gun, he only needed to estimate the weight, and immediately understood that there were only two bullets left in it. However, he had to lower his head and rummage through Joey's meat pile again, and then found a spare cartridge clip.

"Come on, I don't want to stay in this damn place for a second!" In front of him came the dull urge of a man with a beard.

Zhang hengmo quietly followed up, and the two began to trot forward. Soon, with the help of Professor Anderson's ID card, they came to the confidential security level area that required more than three levels of authority.

At this time, they saw that in a certain part of the corridor, there was a shelter. The door of the shelter, which was several meters thick, had been completely destroyed. It was as if a bomb had exploded from inside to the outside. It could be seen that the breakthrough object was in the shape of a human being. On the wall beside the door, there was a warning notice with four big words in English No entry!

At this time, the passage was full of chaos. He could imagine what the doomsday scene of the T.N.T. explosion was like when scp-096 broke through the steel wall with a thickness of half a meter. At this time, in addition to the iron and steel fragments on the ground, there were countless materials scattered around. Zhang Heng bent down to pick up one and saw the above:Project No.: scp-096

project level: Euclid

special accommodation measures: scp-096 should always be stored in a 5mx5mx5m steel air tight cube compartment, and the compartment must be checked for cracks or holes every week. No monitoring or any optical tools are allowed in the compartment. Security personnel should use pre installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to confirm whether scp-096 is in the compartment.

No photo, video or portrait of scp-096 is allowed without O5 permission.

Description: scp-096 is a humanoid creature about 2.38 meters tall. The subjects had almost no muscle. The preliminary weight analysis showed that they had mild malnutrition, their arms were seriously out of proportion to their bodies, their skin contained no pigment, and their body surface had no hair.

The jaw angle of scp-096 is four times that of normal human. Except for the eyes without pigment, other facial features of scp-096 are the same as those of human beings. It is not found that scp-096 has advanced brain function, and it is impossible to confirm whether the other party contains wisdom.

Scp-096 is usually very tame, but when someone sees scp-096's face, whether it is directly seen, or seen the video, or even see the photo, it will enter a serious state of sadness, at this time, it will cover its face with hands, start to scream, cry and make confused sounds. About a minute or two after being seen, scp-096 will rush to the observer who sees its face.

The speed of scp-096 varies from 35kmh to 999kmh, and the maximum speed limit has not been found yet. Its speed depends on the distance from the observer. It can be seen from the reception records that no known materials and methods can prevent scp-096 from advancing. It seems to be born to detect the location of any observer.

Note: Observation of his artistic paintings will not stimulate this reaction.

As soon as scp-096 reaches the observer's location, it will kill and [data delete] the observer. Next, scp-096 will sit for a few minutes, regain calm, become tame again, and then try to return to its natural habitat and [data delete].

Due to the potential for large-scale chain reactions, including the destruction of the foundation's secrecy and the loss of a large number of civilians, the recovery of objects should be regarded as an alpha priority


Zhang Heng swept the information into his mind, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a series of dull footsteps coming from his back again. He looked at the big man with beard and beard who also heard the footsteps. He did not dare to stop at all. He directly passed through the reception area and ran in the direction of contact equipment.

Soon, the sound of footsteps behind him disappeared, but Zhang Heng gradually showed the color of contemplation. All along, he did not want to expose. After all, his purpose of mixing into the world was to find out the connection between the dimensional star and the world. Unfortunately, the Heavenly God was not beautiful. He only stayed in the world for a month, and then he met with a failure of reception.

Generally speaking, this kind of failure to take shelter is the result of the total destruction of the base. Even if some people survive, they are executed because they know what they should not have known, or because the foundation is afraid that you have potential infection factors.

In the event of a reception failure of such a bad nature, even the level 4 security supervisor in charge of the base will be executed mercilessly, not to mention Zhang Heng, a little shrimp of level 2.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng sighed secretly, but at this time, he suddenly felt that the air around him had become extremely cold, as if there was a group of cold air around him!

Zhang Heng gave a slight pause at his feet. Suddenly, the big man with beard in front of him turned the corner and disappeared completely. In the empty corridor, only Zhang Heng was still running.

"It's not right!" Zhang Heng looked more gloomy. "This is the omen of curse memes. Have I been infected by curse memes?"

Just thinking of this, a black shadow suddenly appeared on a wall behind Zhang Heng. At the same time, Zhang Heng only felt that the cold around him was more intense. He took a look at the direction where the big man with beard disappeared. He took his identity card after all. If the other party found that he did not keep up with him, he would turn back to look for himself even for the identity card But up to now, nobody appears around the corner. Obviously, this illogical phenomenon has something to do with curse memes

Zhang Heng's face became extremely dignified. He clenched his fist slightly, and the powerful light of his soul was released, forming a diamond shaped protective layer all over his body. Fortunately, he had just recovered part of his strength because of the capsule sent by Yuehua. Although this power is not enough for his noumenon, at least in the face of such a degree of crisis, he barely had a trace of self-protection power.

At the moment when Zhang Heng seemed to feel something and was ready to turn back, in the shadow on the wall behind him, a pale and thin arm stretched out silently and grabbed at the corner of Zhang Heng's clothes like lightning!

"It's you who are waiting!" However, at the moment that the hand was about to seize Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng suddenly turned back, and the light of his heart exploded. The steel wall behind Zhang Heng was twisted directly, as if it had been subjected to a strong explosion. At the same time, there was an earth shaking roar!Boom!

The violent explosion directly broke through a whole layer of alloy wall, and the cold that enveloped Zhang Heng also disappeared in an instant. Until then, Zhang hengcai turned his head with lingering fear. Where there was any thin arm in his sight, even the dark shadow disappeared completely!

"Well, the most annoying is the curse meme." Zhang Heng shook his head and showed helplessness. He understood that the cold was not eliminated by himself, but was just dormant again. He could come back at any time.

The so-called curse memes can not be explained by the existing physical laws. Unless the level of mastering the rules is completely achieved, memes will have no solution for human beings. It can be said that this kind of supernatural phenomenon can only be resisted by the same supernatural phenomenon.


At this time, Zhang Heng's mind suddenly flashed. He turned his head to look at another direction, revealing a deep look. "Scp-148 seems to have shelter here. Maybe, I can find a chance to survive there?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng's eyes flashed a touch of determination. He directly deviated from the scheduled route and ran in the opposite direction of the passage , the fastest update of the webnovel!