Zhang Heng spent his first month in the foundation's site-19 base.

During this month, Zhang Heng got a lot of useful information through deliberate or unintentional inquiries. For example, the base was designed to hold scp-682 in high confidentiality. Of course, with his current status, he can only know the code name "682". As for what scp-682 is, he can't tell by his level. If he knows, it means that he needs to be executed by the foundation.

In this hierarchical organization, it is not a good thing to know too much unless he is in a high position.

However, after all, this seat surface also had a projection in reality. According to his memory in reality, scp-682 seems to be a kind of antipyretic creature named "immortal lizard".

Project number: scp-682

project level: keter

special shelter measures: scp-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible under any circumstances. At present, the SCP team does not have the ability to destroy scp-682 and can only cause huge physical damage to it. Scp-682 needs to be kept in a 5mx5mx5m container lined with a 25.4cm thick strong acid resistant steel plate. Fill the container with hydrochloric acid until scp-682 is completely sunk and unable to resist. If the scp-682 tries to move, speak, or disrupt custody, it must react quickly and do its best to cope with the possible situation.

Description: scp-682 is huge, similar to a large reptile. Its source is unknown. It showed great intelligence, and during the very short meeting with scp-079, we observed a very complex communication between them. After communicating with it several times in custody, scp-682 expressed that it hated all life.

Through observation, scp-682 has extremely high power, speed and reaction speed, which is totally inconsistent with its body shape. By eating and molting, scp-682 can quickly increase or decrease body size. Scp-682 can take energy from anything you eat, whether it's organic or inorganic. It seems that scp-682 has filter gills in its nostrils, which can filter out useless substances in any liquid and keep it resilient in strong acids.

The discovery of scp-682 was just an episode in Zhang Heng's exploration of this seat. However, at the end of Zhang Heng's first month at the SCP foundation, because of his excellent performance, he successfully applied for a five-day holiday with Dr. David.

The so-called vacation here is not as free and comfortable as an ordinary unit. Before the holiday, a chip will be implanted into his brain. This chip can detect whether he has leaked the information of the foundation. Once Zhang Heng has the idea of leakage, the chip that detects the bioelectrical reaction of the brain will explode instantly and kill his mouth directly.

Not only that, when he came to the ground from the ground, two field agents had been waiting for a long time. There was also a large yacht on the dock. The two field agents would follow Zhang Heng's left and right during the holiday, that is, protection and surveillance.

There are not only Zhang Heng in the yacht, but also more than a dozen researchers on the same vacation. The yacht will arrive at Honolulu International Airport in Hawaii after one day. There, the foundation has already reserved a round-trip ticket for Zhang Heng with great humanization.

The foundation is rich. As far as Zhang Heng knows, the financial resources and authority of the foundation are not inferior to the star technology that Zhang Heng once set up. However, the fund of the foundation does not come from itself, but from the O5 Parliament. The 13 O5 members control all the operation of the foundation, and the actual status of these 13 members is the top level of the foundation The secret.

And the foundation is not the only supernatural organization in the world. According to Zhang Heng, there are four or five enemies of the foundation in this world, such as the chaos splitters, the broken God church, and the hand of the snake. These organizations are like fish and dragons, guarding the planet together. Some of these organizations are similar in nature to the foundation, and some of their strength is not lost to the foundation Yes, some of them are like pig opponents. They constantly create troubles and have all kinds of disasters and accidents. They need foundations to wipe their buttocks.

A day later, Zhang Heng got off the yacht, followed by two field agents, and arrived at Honolulu International Airport. After two hours of boring flight, Zhang Heng finally got on the plane to New York, and sat down in 12 hours, and successfully arrived at New York airport.

Next, according to the body's memory, Zhang Heng found Stephen Zhou's home, a Chinese restaurant in New York's Chinatown.

The restaurant run by Stephen Chou's parents is not large in scale, just barely maintaining a well-off life. The whole restaurant is only the size of one facade. It usually sells all kinds of rice covered with water and fried rice, as well as wonton, and in the morning, soybean milk and fried dough sticks are sold.

Zhang Heng's return did not cause much sensation. The parents of this body only thought that their son went to work in a foreign company. At most, they complained that Zhang Heng couldn't get through the phone after he went out, and didn't know to report peace to the family and so on.

Zhang Heng casually explained a few words, then fooled the body's parents in the past, and then, as if he had been, during the holiday, he began to help his parents set up business.This body used to help his parents with business during his school days. Therefore, Zhang Heng's actions have not aroused any suspicion of the two field agents. From the memory of the body, Zhang Heng is also very skilled in helping his parents. I'm afraid no one would have thought that Stephen, at this time, had already been occupied by a supernatural evil spirit?

Late at night on the first day when Zhang Heng returned home, he looked at his watch. It was already ten o'clock. At this time, Stephen's parents were already tired because of their age. So Zhang Heng asked his parents to take a rest, while he prepared to open until 11 o'clock before closing. After all, the food in the restaurant was ready, which needed to be fried or put in the microwave oven at most It's OK to work. Even if he's the only one, he won't be too busy.

Feeling the son's kindness, the parents were very pleased to agree down. Soon, the whole restaurant only left Zhang Heng, and there were two field agents standing outside the restaurant to protect the attached surveillance.

Zhang Heng lowered his head and looked at the time. At this time, it was about 10:30, and he looked at the door. At this time, it happened that a group of four Asian men and women entered the store.

"What would you like to eat?" Zhang Heng came forward and asked with a smile in Chinese.

"A bowl of noodles and five beers!" Among them, a big and three thick man said carelessly, which seemed to be a northeast accent. He took off his vest directly and showed his strong upper body. There was also a dragon shaped tattoo on the man's chest, which was quite like a gangster.

"I'll have a bowl of wonton, and the two next to me want an egg fried rice." On one side, a gentle man with glasses nodded his head and gave a meaningful smile to Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng agreed and turned to the kitchen behind him.

Soon, a bowl of miscellaneous noodles, a bowl of wonton and two portions of egg fried rice were placed in front of the people's table. The four people were talking while eating. What they said was just some family gossip, just like the most common treat for a group of friends, without any exception.

In the past 20 minutes or so, the four people paid the bill and left the restaurant. Zhang Heng looked at the time. It was almost 11 o'clock in the evening. Zhang Heng went to the door and looked at the outside world. Seeing that there were few pedestrians on the road, he nodded to the two field agents standing in the shadow and began to clean up the tables and chairs.

A little more than 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Heng had finished cleaning up. He pulled down the rolling gate and went back to his bedroom.


At this time, Zhang Heng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at his bedroom, narrowed his eyes, and then turned to the toilet and locked the door.

"Sure enough, my bedroom has been installed with a pinhole camera. The foundation is very cautious." Zhang Heng murmured in a low voice. He sat on the toilet, took out a stack of US dollars from his pocket, and then unfolded the stack of dollars slowly. As expected, in the middle of the stack of money, a crystal clear blue capsule appeared in front of Zhang Heng.

This capsule was handed to him by the four before when he paid the bill. Obviously, the identity of the four people was a samsara team controlled by Yuehua. This time, the task of this samsara team is to send the capsule to Zhang Heng, and then each person can get 1000 causality points.

None of this matters. What really matters is this capsule. This capsule drug is a combination of T virus, dx-1118 virus, and Genova cells. It has the power to optimize DNA. Only this capsule is enough to make a person completely different, with incredible strength!

The value of this drug, if converted according to reality, will cost at least hundreds of billions of dollars. Even for the technology of Tanis, it is also a cutting-edge product.

In fact, the manufacture of the drug itself is not cost-effective. At the same price, Zhang Heng can use the funds to research and manufacture this drug to produce hundreds of thousands of biochemical soldiers, or an interstellar battleship that can sweep the galaxy. However, Zhang Heng's goal is not to destroy the planet, but to find out the relationship between the world and the dimensional star That's all. So, this drug is more effective than high-tech devices, biochemical corps, etc.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Heng flicked his fingers, and the petite capsule was sent directly into the mouth. Zhang Heng swallowed it gently and felt that the capsule was suddenly opened in his abdomen. At the same time, a hot feeling immediately filled his whole body!

Zhang Heng let out a comfortable groan. He simply took off his clothes and took a shower with the tap. Under the current, he saw that Zhang Heng's body was constantly overflowing with black stains. These stains just appeared and were washed into the sewer by Zhang Heng. For half an hour, Zhang Heng felt that the heat was gradually fading away. He then put out his hand and suddenly, one of them came out The towel hanging behind the door will naturally fly into Zhang Heng's hand!

Mental power, or Light of heart!

Feeling that the body once again gained the power of spiritual light, Zhang Heng showed a little satisfaction. He flicked his finger again, and the water flowing down the tap seemed to be alive. It turned into a water line and suspended in the air. It ran around Zhang Heng wantonly, just like magic!"Now this body can have about one fifth of the strength of a biochemical warrior. Although it's not much, it's enough to protect itself." Feeling the constant power in his body, Zhang Heng nodded with satisfaction and whispered.

Since he didn't put on his pants any longer, he went back to bed with a big faucet on and went on sleeping

The two days passed quickly. Zhang Heng had only five days' vacation, and his return trip alone occupied three days. Therefore, after staying at home for two days, he said goodbye to his parents again, went to the New York airport, and flew back to the secret base of his foundation again.

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