In the hall, hundreds of prisoners were staring at Albert as if they were fixed.

"Oh, hell, it doesn't seem like the quality of grade D personnel this time." Albert swept around the crowd. There were not many women on death row, let alone beautiful women.

"In that case, you, you, you And you, all of you When her wish was not fulfilled, Alberta had to curl her mouth and select a few of the more robust male prisoners.

The person named came out reluctantly and followed Alberta to the corner of the hall. Only then did he clap his hands again and say to the crowd, "everyone, please be quiet!"

"Who are you and where are we?" But before he could speak, a male prisoner in the crowd called out, "what are you going to do to us?"

"Quiet, quiet..." Albert pressed his hands down and made a quiet gesture, but after the prisoner had finished speaking, the twelve immediately began to clamor.

"Be quiet, OK, be quiet. I need to If you can give me be quiet! I said be quiet Looking at the people who were still questioning, Alberta exclaimed impatiently, "I said Can you please I said Shut the hell up

The crowd was quiet.

"Hooray! Well, now that you're quiet, you can start. " Alberta breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm Alberta, an ordinary researcher. Next to me is Stephen, a junior researcher..." However, he just said a few words, there was some noise in the crowd.

"I said shut the hell up!"

The crowd quieted down again, and Alberta rubbed his temple, and his voice became obviously impatient. "Well, from today on, I'm your immediate boss. Maybe you want to know where you are now, but I'm sorry, I won't answer you because it's confidential. Maybe you want to know who we are, but it's also confidential. So, all I can tell you is that we are currently in a research base for a particular project. "

"Before that, our soldiers should have asked you to sign an agreement - you have two choices, you can choose to hang yourself in your cell, or you can choose to volunteer for a month long test. Obviously, you all agree to cooperate, so you must..."

But before that, one of the prisoners immediately yelled, "no, I didn't sign this agreement. I don't agree!"

"What, don't you agree?" Alberta slapped her forehead hard and said with a headache, "didn't I tell you? If you agree to participate, you will be free at the end of the month, but you idiot will not agree? My God... "

"You're a liar, we don't believe it!" The prisoner yelled at once.

"Guard, excuse me, guard!" Albert is completely impatient. He looks at the two guards, points to the prisoner and says, "please take him back to the big team. I need a replacement. Thank you."

When the apparently troublemaker was taken away, Alberta continued to say, "as I said, if you pass the test, we will release you at the end of the month. You know, if you're willing to do your best to help us Sounds good, doesn't it? Does anyone else disagree? Well, let's go on. If you can keep going through this month, you'll get

"Live this month? You mean this test is life-threatening? " But before he had finished, the crowd started shouting again, and all the prisoners were watching Alberta with vigilance.

"No, of course not!" Alberta immediately shook her head like a rattle and tried to drown out the other party's noise. She stressed in a loud voice, "you've heard me wrong. I'm talking about cooperation, not about living. Do you understand? I mean Well, it's really a dangerous job, and that's why we're going to use your group of death row criminals to participate in this test. Otherwise, do you think your scum has any other value? "

The prisoners in the crowd suddenly turned angry, and one of them said in a loud voice, "Sir, what do you mean by danger?"

"By danger I mean..." Alberta spoke, looked around, seemed to be looking for something to compare with, and after a few seconds said, "er You can imagine it as a bomb. After all, a bomb is a very dangerous thing. If you have nothing to do around it... "

"Oh, my God, can we refuse?" Exclaimed the prisoner.

Alberta looked like an idiot. "No! You don't have the right to refuse. You may have to go around the bomb, but if you follow my instructions, you will be very safe. Well, that's it

"What about the people before us?" The prisoners went on questioning.

"The last group of d-level personnel?" Alberta looked at the ceiling. "They Of course, they lived well, none of them died, and they were all free at the end of the month. At that time, I watched them run back to their own wilderness, just like a group of cute, murderous kittens, ha ha Alberta was determined, "you just do what we say, and you can go home and see your wife and children Well, kashlak, you can't. you kill your wife and your childrenAlberta looked at the prisoner with the word "kershlak" on his chest and said, "well, I'll keep you informed. When I'm finished, you'll go to the room next to the hall, where your wrists and chests will be tattooed with your respective numbers, which will hurt a little Yeah? Why your chest? Well, in an explosion, the breast meat is most likely to remain intact. "

"Wow The prisoners exploded.

"Ha ha ha ha! I'm kidding! Of course, I'm joking Before the crowd broke out, Alberta was the first to burst out laughing, bending over and explaining, "yes, I promise! This kind of thing is very, very difficult to happen. We haven't had an explosion for half a month! "

"Wow Another exclamation from the crowd caused other prisoners and guards to look at it.

Zhang Heng is standing beside Alberta. This Alberta researcher is really

"Ha ha ha, look at him!" Zhang Heng suddenly felt the weight of his shoulder again. Alberta bent over, put his hand on his shoulder, pointed to the blue faced prisoner and said, "he thinks I'm serious, ha ha ha ha!"

"Are you sure it's just a joke?" The prisoners were relieved.

Alberta shook her head and barely stood up straight. "No, you'll have your number on your chest. It's no joke. Well, if you want, at the end of the month you can ask for it to be removed No, it's no money. It's a painless procedure. Don't worry. "

Looking at Alberta playing with the group of people, Zhang Heng speechless step forward and take over the other side's words, "everyone, after getting the tattoo, you will be escorted to the special custody area, where you will spend a month, and will be on standby at any time to cooperate with us in the test project."

"Yes, that's it." Alberta said quickly, "it's not a prison. We don't want anything going on in prison. If you bully someone, you'll be sent back to death row. If you insult us, you will be sent back to death row. Yes, this time I'm serious! Rest assured, a month of testing, and then you can be free. Don't ruin this opportunity. "

"Well, guards, please escort them away. Thank you very much." Before the crowd could speak again, Alberta turned and walked out of the hall, cursing in a low voice, "this group of people are the most naughty, stinking D-class people I've ever seen. Damn it..."

With that, Alberta turned to look at Zhang Heng who was following him and said, "little Mr. Stephen, when these people are released, please let me know. I want to see their expressions at that time."

"Yes, Mr. Alberta." , the fastest update of the webnovel!