The rest of the warships had no time to rescue. They watched the warship crush under the tentacles in the void. Everyone was shocked!

In the next second, the tentacles of hundreds of kilometers in diameter slowly retract. At the same time, a huge gap is opened in the void again. A giant monster, like a planet, slowly extrudes from the gap. The ferocious tentacles and the strange appearance make everyone cold!

However, the body of this monster gives people a vague feeling of nothingness.

"This is not the other party's noumenon, it is just a projection branded under the timeline. The other party has the characteristics of controlling time. Seize its past tense and defeat it!" In the communication, there was an emergency call from the commander-in-chief. All the warships immediately turned the bow, and the bow of one of the warships stretched out a special needle shaped weapon!

"Mandatory causal transformation, three, two, one!"

A wave that seems to be able to tear the vacuum is shot out of the needle weapon, twining around the huge monster's body surface in a flash, and suddenly hundreds of tentacles are broken!

Under this kind of special attack, it seems that even the monster's head shell also split a lot of cracks!

Almost at the same time, the newly destroyed lyre headquarters is constantly devouring the logical Zerg noumenon of neutron star debris. Its tentacles suddenly break apart without warning. At the same time, the crustacean of the head splits, and the monster gives out a painful whine. However, the eight tiny, almost invisible eyeballs of the other party flash through a humanized joke At the same time, in front of it, a space was torn apart, and the whole body of the monster suddenly earned, and ran directly into the void!

"He's going to run away!"

On the other side, the nine battleships also saw the projection of monsters in the void squeezing into the gap. They didn't want to think about it. The remaining eight battleships also showed their needle weapons. Numerous waves disturbed the monster's body, which became more and more clear!

"Catch it, increase the power, and pull its noumenon out of the timeline!"

The faces of the people were shocked. Under the disturbance of needle weapons, the giant monster in front of them became more and more clear. Just when they thought that they were about to win, several tentacles stretched out from the void behind each warship and exploded like lightning!

"No, we're in a trap. There's more than one quantum trap set by each other!" The next second, three more battleships were destroyed. Even though the battleships had strong armor, the monsters did not know what means to use, and the battleships were still vulnerable in front of each other!

"The opponent's strength exceeds the expectation, withdraw immediately, repeat, withdraw immediately!"

Finally, in the flagship of the battleship, there was a crazy roar from the commander. In front of the remaining six battleships, a vortex like wormhole flickered at the same time. However, when these warships were about to escape, a huge tentacle came out of these wormholes at the same time!

There was a flash of despair in everyone's eyes.


The planetary system where Tanis is is still called the solar system according to the past custom. The human military base headquarters around the edge of the solar system, known as the shining star, revolves around the solar system at the speed of sub light, guarding human civilization and the planet Tanis.

At this time, ten battleships cruised out of the void, full of scars left by the war, and some were even constantly in flames, missing most of their bodies.

"Your honor, our troops have returned." In the office, Zhang Dawei received a report from the commander-in-chief of the operation.

"Good. How is it?" Zhang Dawei asked lightly.

"The warships and soldiers suffered huge casualties, but fortunately, we have not lost our lives. We have successfully obtained the results you want. All these are the new weapon tests of Lyra people. In the conflict with each other, we have learned the data of these weapons. We will store the weapon data into the central system, and all the data of secret weapons have been exposed." A man in military uniform reported, his face was full of cracks, like a porcelain about to break.

"That's good." Zhang Dawei nodded and waited until the other side's projection disappeared, but his expression changed. "Wait, there seems to be something wrong..."

With that, Zhang Dawei thought hard about it. However, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of where the problem was. So he quickly connected his secretary and said, "immediately supervise the ten battleships coming back to me, and the other party's every move should be reported to me!"

"Yes, your honor!"

After receiving this call, the secretary was confused, but his good quality made him carry out the order without hesitation. The detection and investigation system of star city began to operate rapidly.

On the other side, the commander with a cracked face stepped out of the ship and came to the headquarters of the human army, the headquarters of the giant military base, which was docked in outer space, like a huge planet, the shining star.

"Charles, you're back." Just after getting off the warship, an old man and several soldiers in phase shifting armor came over and said, "you and your soldiers need to come with me after receiving the order from the leader."The man, known as Charles, turned his head mechanically and looked at the old man with a pair of dead eyes. His eyes were muddy, just like those who had been dead for a long time.

"Why, won't you?" The old man frowned, but strangely, the old man didn't notice the difference of the man at all, "this is the order from above. Are you going by yourself or let me ask you to go?"

"Click, click..."

However, for a long time, he didn't wait for the other party's reply. When he couldn't help but order to take the other party away, a sound like something was breaking came. The old man was stunned, "what sound?"


Charles's head and body directly into a pool of fragmented pieces fell to the ground, only a shell wrapped brain exposed, and the bottom of the brain, countless tentacles rolled up, the old man even did not react, was directly torn by the huge force!

At the same time, the soldiers on the whole warship also broke apart with the first person. Even the ten battleships were smashed in the sound of clattering, revealing countless ferocious tentacles!

In a flash, the huge military headquarters of the whole planet, the general base of the fleet of mankind, was devastated!

"The enemy attacks, everyone enters their own post! Ready to fight, communication group. Contact Star City now. We need reinforcements

The commander-in-chief of the military base let out a roar. On his body, a set of strong force armor automatically emerged. At the same time, endless energy was attracted. All kinds of thermal weapons and regular weapons were activated. The whole military base entered the highest alert state in an instant!

At the same time, at the top of the military base, a sickle like instrument protrudes from the inside. From the quantum state, countless vibrating strings are directly cut off by this sickle like instrument. Under a chain reaction mechanism, the whole void is in a state of instability!

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