At night, stars shine.

Standing at the top of the building and watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, it should have been a pleasant and romantic time, but for some reason, Tony always felt restless.

"Since this morning, the spirit of the world and Friday have lost contact with me..." Tony's eyes twinkled with loss. He still remembered the words he had said to him on Friday, the day before he lost contact --

"brother Tony, no problem, there's a fellow of yours, 'he' "He" has broken through, breaking through the mechanism of causal prediction! "

"Brother Tony, I'm leaving. The spirit of the world is in great danger." he's looking for us! "

"That is the ultimate destruction. Once the spirit of the world falls into his hands, the multiverse will fall into eternal darkness..."

"Woo I'll miss you, brother Tony Take care! The other party is likely to come to you. This time, you have to rely on yourself... "

The voice came from Tony's sleep last night. He didn't notice it until he woke up in the morning and left a message before leaving on Friday

"No!" Tony clenched his fist and hammered his hands against the railing on the roof of the building, causing the railing to rattle!

Just then, a blonde, blue eyed, hot girl in the room suddenly came out, dressed in an ivory white nightgown, glowing in the moonlight. The girl walked slowly behind Tony and hugged him from behind.

"Don't worry. It will be safe on Friday, won't it?"

"No, you don't understand." Tony took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Friday is my virtual personality. Once I leave my host, it means that she has completely lost the value of being."

A touch of sadness flashed in Tony's eyes. "It means that she has been destroyed by the spirit of the world..."

Behind him gradually silent, just that weak body, hold him more tightly.

Tony sighed and reflected on his life over the years. In those years, he inherited the spirit of the world from his father, and then established the avenger alliance by relying on the U.S. government. With this team, he explored and collected technology in all aspects, and made himself stronger and stronger.

Later, relying on the strength of the people, the earth survived the first doomsday impact brought by rocky evil god, and then passed the second impact of black fog evil god. After that, together with the galaxy guard team, we resisted the power of destroying the sky and the earth!

At this point, even the extermination of tyrants can not defeat their own team. According to reason, with the strength of their own team at this time, there is no need to be afraid of any crisis.

However, even in the face of extermination, the spirit of the world did not show any fear at all. Can we say that the crisis faced by the spirit of the world is stronger than that of the strongest one in those years?

Thinking of this, Tony shook his head, turned to the woman behind him and said, "the night is deep, you go to sleep first, I need to contact my partner."

"Go ahead, you should really put your mission first, my hero." The woman kisses Tony, with a flash of encouragement in her eyes, and turns away from the balcony.

Tony watched the woman return to the room. After confirming that the other party had left, he pressed on his chest. With his push, a set of red and gold alloy armor full of science fiction suddenly appeared and wrapped her directly. Then, Tony flew into the sky and flew towards the headquarters of Avengers alliance!

"When I left on Friday, he said that the other party would probably come to us, but he didn't explain the reason. Is it because I am one of the hosts of the spirit of the world..." Along the way, Tony thought in silence. The latest version of armor on his body uses antimatter energy, which is dozens of times higher than that of the nuclear fusion energy. However, he flew thousands of kilometers in ten minutes to see a huge sky fortress suspended in the atmosphere like a small city!

There, is the latest Avenger alliance headquarters, is also the core of world force!

However, before he flew to the interior of the sky fortress, suddenly, the energy detection mechanism in the armor issued a burst of urgent warning!

"Warning, warning! High energy reaction detected, 330km away, 30 degrees west of the target! "

"What the hell?" Tony's face changed. Isn't this the position he just left New York? He suddenly turned his head in mid air, and his powerful armor performance made him stay still at the speed of more than ten times the speed of sound, suspended in the air! At the same time, he immediately saw that in the distant sky of New York, there was a dark hole which opened like the gate of hell!

Different dimension wormhole!

Tony's face changed, and he didn't want to go back to the route he was on. He contacted Sky City headquarters again and yelled, "Nick, what's going on?"

"I don't know. I just got the news. Is rocky back?" In the connector, came the steady voice of the strong black man.

"No way." Tony said coldly, "I believe that Thor should be able to train his brother. Well, anyway, I'll get to the scene right away, and you'll be responsible for informing my friends that I hope they'll get out of the black widow's bed and get their pants up before I do this. "Dudu.

Suddenly, Tony's thin metal tube was blown out of his body. At the same time, Tony's thin metal tube almost broke out of his body. At the same time, Tony's body quickly broke a thin metal tube, and then, without waiting for the temperature, Tony's body suddenly burst out a thin metal tube, which was almost the same as that of Nick's body, Heading for New York City at nearly a hundred times the speed of sound!

"New York, what a disaster..."

At this time, Tony was paralyzed in the space above New York City, but it took him about one minute to return to the city The police kept order in vain, and in a faint glimpse of superheroes converging towards the center of New York. It was obvious that many people had reached the battlefield earlier than Tony.

"The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield and crush them!"


"The enemy has five seconds to go to the battlefield, please get ready!"




The intelligence in the armor issued a burst of warning. At this time, Tony had no time to gather with his companions. He could only stand under the black hole and stare at the huge hole like an abyss. From his position, he could see that the hole was dark, as if it could swallow the whole world!



With the armor intelligent count to one, a trace of red, suddenly appeared in the black hole! , the fastest update of the webnovel!