
Four year old Zhang Heng's arm trembled slightly, and the crayon suddenly fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.

At this time, Zhang Heng's mother suddenly came in. She saw Zhang Heng staring at the wall. After another pattern appeared on the wall, she exclaimed, hugged Zhang Heng and cried directly!

"Mom, why are you crying?" Zhang Heng flashed a daze in his eyes and gently stroked his mother's cheek, "did I make my mother angry again?"

"No, mother is not angry!" The mother shook her head and just kept crying, until Zhang Heng's father, who heard the sound, rushed in. When he saw the crayon in front of Zhang Heng and the half painted Star Technology logo, the man also wept silently. The whole room fell into unspeakable silence.


"It's a classic potential depression." In the psychological clinic, a woman with gold rimmed glasses and professional clothes is sitting on the sofa. She looks at a pile of graffiti on the wall by Zhang Heng's parents with crayons. Her eyes twinkle with a touch of pride and confidence.

"Depression? Are you sure, Dr. white? " At this time, the face of the young woman sitting on the sofa changes her face. When she sits on the sofa, her parents change her face.

"Yes, I'm basically sure your son is suffering from this disease." The woman, known as doctor Bai, nodded and said seriously, "but don't worry too much. The so-called potential depression does not necessarily turn into depression. It is generally characterized by autism, complex thinking disease, multiple personality and so on. However, the specific symptoms depend on the environmental factors of the patient's growth. In early childhood, the patient is not able to communicate with others, indulge in their own world and can not extricate themselves Obviously, your son's every move over the past two years is a combination of autism and complex thinking

"What about the words and patterns on the walls?" Zhang Heng's father couldn't help asking.

"TV, picture books and kindergarten teachers' instruction." Dr. white immediately replied, "or, it's your son's imagination."

The woman, known as Dr. Bai, put a stack of printed materials in front of them. "I searched the Internet for such keywords as" Curse "," meme "and" Star Technology ". The first word can not be found on the network. The second word comes from an evolutionary book called selfish gene. The author is a famous evolutionary theory Richard Dawkins, published in 1976. As for the third keyword, there are too many on the Internet For example, Qingdao Institute of stellar science and technology, Henan Star Technology Co., Ltd., Changsha Star Technology Development Co., Ltd., etc., are all star technologies. As for more details, they can not be verified at all. "

With that, Dr. Bai raised his glasses and continued to analyze, "these key words are not really important. They just show that your son, like other potential depression patients, generally does not like to play with peers in his childhood. He is more willing to paint on the wall or spend a day playing with a few simple blocks. Their heart thinks that They have their own real existence, and everything else is false, including relatives and animals. For them, everything is false. "

"But we don't think my son thinks we're fake." Zhang Heng's mother touched Zhang Heng's head with heartache, and subconsciously retorted.

"I can understand how you feel." The woman, who is known as doctor Bai, smiles and doesn't mind saying, "her son is defined as depression by strangers, which is unacceptable to many parents, so it will subconsciously produce protective behavior. But for the sake of the children, I hope you can continue to listen. In short, your son behaves like other children, but his inner self is so closed that you can hardly detect it

With that, the three looked at Zhang Heng. At this time, Zhang Heng was listening to the doctor's words in silence. However, it was strange that he knew that the other side was talking about himself. However, the child, who was only four years old, looked extremely calm, as if he and the people around him were air Or are four year olds still too young to realize what they are saying?

For a moment, doctor Bai couldn't help frowning.

"How can I cure my child, doctor?" Zhang Heng's mother looked at Zhang Heng without any reaction, which convinced him of doctor Bai's words and asked again with some heartache.

"It's not completely incurable, but it has to be treated with drugs and psychotherapy." "And I don't think you need to worry about it, because there is a very appropriate name for this disease - Genius disease."

At this point, Dr. Bai sighed, "let me make an example. When an ordinary person observes an ant, the brain receives what color the ant is, how many feet it has, and how it looks. What the potential depression patients see is the internal structure of ants, the range of activity, the neural network, and so on. We will also analyze what ants may eat, what they eat, how food moves from the mouth to the inside, and so on through imagination and speculation. This is the fundamental difference between ordinary people and patients with potential depression"Most patients are much stronger than ordinary people in terms of calculation, creation and logical thinking. They have the ability to watch suspense movies and know the end at the beginning. They also have the ability to thoroughly analyze the exact personality, life and habits of the other person from the appearance, language and action of a person." Seeing the shocked reaction of Zhang Heng's parents, Dr. Bai finally added, "it is said that Einstein, Newton, Da Vinci and so on are the patients with this disease."

Zhang Heng's parents were stunned. They wanted to see each other, and then asked tentatively, "in other words, my son is actually a genius?"

"It depends on whether he can adapt to his illness." Doctor Bai nodded, "it's OK when you were a child. When your son grows up, this kind of mental illness will produce two kinds of people. One is to accept and exert this ability. These people are either very strong willed or have high IQ. They will make outstanding achievements in some fields. And the other kind of people with weak will and low IQ will either commit suicide or go to a mental hospital. "

"My son is very clever!" Zhang Heng's mother said quickly.

"I believe it." Dr. Bai nodded politely. She looked at her watch and suddenly looked at Zhang Heng, revealing a friendly smile. "Two parents, please stay away. I need to talk to your children in person."

Zhang Heng's parents hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded. Before leaving, Zhang Heng's mother touched Zhang Heng's head lovingly.

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