When the South Korean President learned of the news, he almost immediately fell into a crash.

"You can't do that!" At the holographic projection conference, the old female president looked like a shrew. She constantly harassed the meeting hall and yelled, "you can't give such an order! It's enough to clear those infected people, but you want to bomb my whole country. You want to destroy South Korea

"President Park, I can understand your feelings, but I have to say that because of your stupidity, the zombie virus has been exposed in the eyes of the global public, and the recovery of the socio-economic and financial system has been hit hard again." Zhang Heng looked at each other coldly, "but now, you still want to pull the whole human being into the water?"

"Then why don't you do your best to help me?" The South Korean President was hoarse. At this time, she did not care about logic and decency, but constantly expressed her fear and helplessness. "Clearly, you have such advanced weapons, so powerful army, why don't you try your best to help us! Especially the tens of thousands of troops stationed in India, as well as the T-800 and even electromagnetic weapons, you can donate US countless weapons to help us, but you don't! "

Zhang Heng's face gradually cooled down. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the president of the United States. The president of the United States immediately turned his face and pretended to be thinking about something in order to avoid Zhang Heng's eyes. Obviously, the T-800 and electromagnetic weapons known to the South Korean President are all the information provided by the president of the United States.

"Mr. chairman of star technology, please pay attention to your etiquette. The head of a country is in front of you. What qualifications do you have to speak in this manner?" Just then, a middle-aged woman with fair hair and white skin stood up with the label of Australia's foreign minister on her seat.

As an international offensive and defensive alliance led by the five permanent members and the star foundation, many countries have asked to join after seeing their potential. It can be said that the alliance with the five permanent members is another United Nations. There are many countries that want to join in and have a share, among which Australia is one of them. At this time, Australia's seat is filled with the prime minister, defense minister and foreign minister.

"We know you have money and even some advanced technology, but that's not a reason for you to be arrogant. Besides, what's the difference between destroying 70 percent of a country's area and population and a butcher?"

"Cough!" The president of the United States immediately changed his face, coughed and winked at the Australian foreign minister, who seemed to be in a state of narcissism.

Zhang Heng turned his head and looked at each other strangely. Then he looked at the bad eyes of many heads of state on the new seats. It was only then that he realized that the status of himself and Star Technology seemed to be underestimated by these countries.

However, it is also inevitable to think about it. These newly joined countries are all aiming at Star Technology. This time, the so-called international offensive and defensive alliance looks like the five permanent members are preparing to take advantage of star technology, so they join in and want to take a share in it.

However, when they joined, they found that things were not what they thought. However, the mentality of regarding star technology as a fat sheep would not disappear easily. After all, it is very difficult for these countries to understand why a company can follow the five common sayings.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng sneered and turned to look at the middle-aged woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. "It turns out that it's Ms. Julie bishop. Since you asked, I'll tell you with compassion - the difference between me and the butcher is that my foundation and I will always be responsible for the whole human race. In order to make the whole human race continue, sometimes necessary sacrifice is unavoidable No

"But why did South Korea sacrifice, not you?" Australia's foreign minister was aggressive. "Don't forget that you have no right to interfere with the United Nations. It's up to our heads of state to decide on such matters. You and your foundation just need to obey our orders."

As soon as this was said, the whole conference room burst into a roar, and many countries immediately began to whisper. Looking at Zhang Heng, his eyes were full of greed. Only the heads of state of the five permanent states showed a strange look. Among them, the president of the United States, who has the closest relationship with Australia, is constantly coughing, showing pity and helplessness on his face.

Zhang Heng suddenly stood up with his hands on the table and said, "Ms. Julie bishop, I don't know what kind of stupidity can make you say such a thing, but I still want to remind you, what kind of thing do you dare to give orders to me?"

As soon as Zhang Heng's words came out, the whole meeting room exploded directly, with continuous noise and incredible exclamations. It was the first time they met Zhang Heng, such a direct means of communication.

"You Three senior Australian officials stood up at the same time and glared at Zhang Heng, but before they could say anything, Zhang Heng turned his head and looked at the position of the Standing Committee of the five Standing Committee. "Because of Australia's irrational behavior, I propose to kick Australia out of the International Federation offensive and defensive Alliance for the time being. Five please vote now.""Yes."

"Seconded." The high-level officials of China and Russia said without thinking about it.

“…… I agree. " The British Prime Minister hesitated and finally said.

"Yes." The French president said happily.

At this time, the three Australian talents showed a look of astonishment. They could not believe that they looked at the top five big countries in the front row. Just a word from Zhang Heng, four countries agreed to his request without hesitation?

Until then, the Prime Minister of Australia got up in a hurry and said, "Mr. Zhang Heng, please don't be angry. We are just..."

Before he finished his words, Zhang Heng did not give them any chance to continue to speak. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the direction in which the United States was seated. "What do you mean, Mr. Bernie?"

"Abstain..." The president of the United States immediately began to smile bitterly. He sighed, looked at Australia with pity, and finally said.

As soon as the words came out, the whole venue was completely quiet, and an incredible look flashed in everyone's eyes. Even the United States, which has the best relationship with Australia, actually abstained? As is the rule of the permanent Council of the United Nations, a request can be rejected by one vote, but even so, the United States abstained

It's not easy. Has the star foundation reached such a level? Even the five great powers should follow suit!

All the people took a breath of cold air, but the Australian president and foreign minister were all pale in the face. They wanted to have a share of the meeting at first. Because the five powers broadcast the news, and the countries that join the International Federation offensive and defensive alliance have the opportunity to win over the intelligent technology, artificial intelligence technology, nuclear fusion technology, superconducting technology and so on It is precisely because of this that so many countries have been attracted to join us. But now, it is obvious that Australia is basically out of touch with this matter

"You..." Australia's foreign minister was in a muddle when Zhang Heng proposed to put Australia into an International Federation offensive and defensive alliance. Until then, she screamed, "you have no right to do this!"

"My rights are far beyond your imagination." However, Zhang Heng never took such a suit. He directly pushed a button and immediately kicked all three Australians out of the holographic conference hall. Until then, all the countries looked at Zhang Heng with a look of horror. In their eyes, Zhang Heng's existence has become extremely mysterious

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