However, when the lights were shining on the road, an Shenghao's pupils shrank again. Suddenly, he saw that a group of monsters with blood, flesh and blood, and even incomplete limbs had gathered on the dense road, and walked along the direction of the light, staggering and falling towards here!

The road is blocked by countless monsters!

At the moment of seeing the living dead, an Shenghao was almost scared out of his wits. However, the next second, he suddenly realized that this scene had seen countless zombie movies for a long time!


When this familiar term flashed into his mind, an Shenghao seemed to be in a daze: zombies are not living people. Even if they are killed, they will not be punished by law. Moreover, they are not afraid of any zombies when they are riding in an emergency car with huge horsepower!

Thinking of this, an Shenghao heart a fierce, immediately reduced the emergency car to second gear, at the same time, severely stepped on the accelerator, directly rushed out from the crowd!

In a flash, countless blood colors burst directly in front of the emergency car window. At this moment, an Shenghao seems to understand that when the blood of a zombie reaches a certain level, it is not much different from ketchup. It is the kind of solidified dark red, tightly adhered to the window, shocking

The wiper kept fanning to keep an Shenghao's sight. Until he completely rushed out of the zombie group, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he suddenly found that his back was full of sweat

"This is team 10. Call headquarters. Hello, call headquarters!" An Shenghao picked up the walkie talkie with shaking hands, but after he spoke, there was no sound coming. He looked at it and saw that there was no signal on the walkie talkie

What the hell is going on here, asshole An Shenghao suddenly dropped the walkie talkie and roared to vent his fear. "Did you encounter an electromagnetic bomb attack here? There was a radio window period!"

"Ha ha ha..."

However, when an Shenghao roared loudly, suddenly, a piercing strange laughter came from behind him. In an instant, a chill of scalp numbness suddenly rose from the depth of his back. An Shenghao's pupil shrank, he stepped on the brake quickly, then he stiffened his neck and slowly turned back to see A man with a funny and funny clown costume is sitting in the back seat of his own!

"Who are you?" An Shenghao's teeth kept chattering and staring at the clown behind him. First, he met his companion who was bitten to death by a zombie. He drove out of a bloody road and finally escaped. But now, there is something more strange than a zombie. At this moment, his spirit seems to be breaking down!

However, the clown did not answer his words at all. Instead, he gently stretched his head and kept approaching an Shenghao with strange laughter. In the end, the clown stretched his head more than half a meter. It looked very strange!

"Please, don't..." An Shenghao only felt that his whole body was completely stiff, and could not move at all. He watched the clown stick that funny but strange and gloomy face on his face, and then suddenly opened his mouth to reveal his long sharp teeth, and at the same time, he bit him away like lightning!


A hoarse howl came out from the dark street. At the same time, an Shenghao's emergency car was also completely extinguished and merged into the darkness


Dongdamen District of Seoul is located in the East Central of Seoul. It is adjacent to Chengdong District in the south, Zhonglang District in the East, Chengbei district and Zhonglu District in the north and Zhonglu District in the West.

In the late night of May 5, a strange large-scale power failure occurred in the East Gate area, and the communication and all networks in that area were stopped together, which soon attracted the attention of relevant units. Within half an hour, several teams of inspectors drove into the East Gate area, but after sending these personnel, they soon lost contact.

Finally, some professionals concluded that the East Gate area seemed to have been attacked by an electromagnetic pulse, but it is difficult to distinguish whether it was a man-made or a natural disaster. After receiving the news, the government immediately responded and sent a search team headed by two seal helicopters and began to explore the East Gate area.

However, a few hours later, only one of the two seal helicopter search and rescue teams successfully flew back. And to their dismay, the whole helicopter was filled with blood, just like other people turned into blood in the helicopter!

At this time, the helicopter pilot is completely crazy, he kept shouting at people, "dead, all dead! The tide of corpses is coming! " The government had to send someone to control him for the time being. At this stage, even the most insensitive people felt that something terrible had really happened in the East Gate area where they had lost contact

Although it was only late at night, the Seoul government began to inform the military region. The South Korean defense force began to prepare for the deployment from the military region stationed dozens of kilometers away. A total of 20000 people began to march towards Seoul!The night went by slowly. With the arrival of the next day, the sky slowly lit up. Many residents who heard the news left their rooms. Regardless of the obstruction of the police maintaining order, they wanted to enter the Dadongmen district to see what happened.

However, when the first person saw the figure of a rickety figure in the front of the blockade line, it completely showed that this interception did not seem to have any effect at all

An hour later, a sudden manic disorder began to appear throughout Seoul. The patient would suddenly convulse like a stroke without warning, and then he would stop for a few minutes. When everyone thought he was dead, he would suddenly jump up and bite every onlooker around him.

It's an infectious disease.

This is the result of the official announcement, and everyone is alarmed to find that the disease is constantly spreading. From the initial symptoms of this disease in Dongmen District, the disease spread to the most prosperous Jiangnan District in only one morning. Until noon, an unstoppable and unavoidable plague tide occurred in half of Seoul

Seoul government, total collapse

Zombie virus, for the first time in the real world, shows its ferocious fangs , the fastest update of the webnovel!