In the evening, residents of London suddenly saw the sky overhead, a piece of shadow blocking the sky slowly emerging.

It's a monster that has never been seen before, with a shuttle shaped body, a landing gear like a searchlight gun and an iron tower, and its iron gray, rugged metal armor, all with heavy steel texture, just like that shown in Steampunk fantasy animation, it is a group of steel giant beasts mixed with violence and cold mechanical beauty, like moving The mountains across the London skyline, covering the whole sky perfectly!

That's five warships, each of which is bigger than the biggest aircraft carrier of mankind!

Everyone showed a look of horror. Some people began to cry out of despair and ran around. Some people looked at the sky curiously, subconsciously raised their mobile phones, and were interested in shooting the unprecedented wonders above their heads. In this infinitely developed smart phone today, everyone is just like holding a wireless mobile camera. Once there is something wrong with it, the next step will be taken In a second, the world can receive this message.

But today, it is doomed not to be like this. Everyone can only pick up their mobile phones, but the next second, a missile suddenly bursts out from the bottom of the huge warship, like an apocalypse. Everyone has not even regained consciousness, and the missile directly flies into the air and explodes!

However, the expected flame did not appear. It was like a dud, just a flash of sparks and a large stream of smoke, and then disappeared completely

However, if you look from the ship's line of sight, you can see another scene.

From the beginning of the dud explosion, the power system of the whole city seems to have been devastated. Just after the lights of an office building were lit up, they suddenly flashed twice, completely darkening. Next, the street lamps that had just been lit, and the cars that turned on the lights, all the machinery that twinkled with light, all of which were in radial shape after the building went out Delay it!

A building, a street, a city!

The whole city of London began to extinguish in a decadent manner, as if some black fog was spreading. However, in a few seconds, the whole London was completely covered by darkness, and Huawei was in a dead darkness!


Those who hold mobile phones, have not done anything, their mobile phone screen will flicker a confusion, and then completely dim down, flashing a touch of sparks!

Electromagnetic bomb!

Many people finally understand what happened to them


Barry Lynch is a legal citizen in London. He was originally a college student at Queen Mary's college. But just a few days ago, there were several cases of serial disappearance in the school. It was also heard that the police even found bodies. For a time, the school was full of rumors and people were in danger. Many people believed that there were murderers in the school.

Later, the school simply announced the suspension of classes and gave all students a long holiday. For this reason, Barry left the school and lived in a low rent house near the college. In his opinion, this kind of vicious case has already alarmed the government. It is believed that within a month, the suspect will be arrested, and then the school can reopen classes.

However, shortly after he left school, he felt something wrong. He couldn't say what it was like. In short, he didn't know when the whole city became gloomy. The gloom here did not refer to the temperature and weather, but to the atmosphere of the city. Even on a sunny day, Barry seemed to be able to walk on the streets of people I feel a chill penetrating into my bones

He didn't know where this feeling came from, but he found that he seemed to be afraid of darkness and solitude. He liked to stay in places where people were coming and going at any time. After he went to Hyde Park at night, he was shocked to find that it was not only himself, but also many people who felt the same way. These people did not want to stay in their own homes, It's about looking for places with lots of people and staying together like a group to keep warm.

Many of these people have already done psychological counseling, and psychiatrists have also suggested that this symptom is only a common form of anxiety disorder. However, no matter how the doctor enlightens them or even subconsciously suggests it, they can't erase people's uneasiness. What's more, it's not only the group of them, but also the whole city. There are many people with similar symptoms, especially some parks in the city center. Some people even put up tents and live in the park.

This phenomenon has attracted wide attention of the society, even the news media have reported this situation.

However, until this evening, Barry saw a scene that he would never forget.

After dinner, Xu Xiaoxia went back to the sun and his friends in the dark sky.

"Hey, Barry, I'm going to go to the bathroom. Do you want to come with me?" Nick patted on the shoulder and pulled Barry back to reality.

"Good." Barry laughs. It's very common among the park's anxious patients. After all, their symptoms are fear of being alone. Barry didn't say anything, so he stood up and walked together to the public toilet in the park.In the toilet door, Barry's feet a meal, I do not know why, he has a vague sense of ominous surface.

The public toilet environment in the park was good. There were special sanitation workers to clean the public toilets every day. It would not be full of smell and stains like the public toilets in the countryside. It was full of the smell of air freshener at any time. However, standing at the door of the public toilet, Barry had a gloomy feeling, as if something was staring at himself.

"Barry, what's the matter?" Nick patted Barry on the shoulder. "Are you waiting for me at the door?"

"Nick..." Barry shook his head, a little pale. "Let's change a toilet."

"Come on, I can't hold it anymore, OK?" Nick patted Barry hard. "We have to overcome fear. The psychiatrist said it was just an anxiety disorder. Maybe it was caused by the pollen produced by the new flowers transplanted in London in spring. In short, who knows." Without waiting for Barry to answer, he walked in carelessly.

Barry opened his mouth and finally had to follow him in. He watched Nick enter a compartment and lock the revolving door lock. The green "no one" sign outside the door automatically turned into a red sign of "someone".

Seeing this, Barry had to shake his head, then walked to the compartment next to Nick, untied his belt and sat on the toilet.

"Hey, man, you know what?" Maybe he was afraid of the silence. Nick next door suddenly started the topic. "Actually, I've seen ghosts."

"Hey, don't try to scare me." Barry was stunned and immediately shook his head.

"It's true, I did see ghosts, and just a few days ago..." Nick's voice seemed to be getting smaller, with a faint uneasiness in his voice, "you know, I was originally a courier. A few days ago, when I was sending express to funier street, I saw a package address at 897 funier street, which is a very luxurious one-man villa. I drove my car and sent the express to all the families in sequence, but they were waiting to be delivered to 8 On the 97th, for some reason, I felt that there was a very gloomy feeling there... "

Barry gradually closed his mouth and listened to the words from the next door. Nick continued, "I didn't feel anything at that time. I just rang the doorbell, but no one answered. Just as I was about to dial the phone number on the package, the door of the villa opened slowly and automatically..."

"I didn't care. I thought it was just a kind of automatic door. I went in and yelled inside. Suddenly, in a kitchen not far from the corridor, a girl in an apron showed half of her body. Because of the distance, she could not see clearly. She could only hear her shouting to me," please wait a minute. I'll come when I finish my work! "

"I still didn't think much about it, so I waited there. But I felt like I had been waiting for at least five minutes, and no one was coming. At that time, I was a little annoyed." Nick's voice gradually lowered. "So, I called inside again, and then I waited for more than ten seconds. Just as I was going to walk toward the kitchen, the girl leaned out of her body and yelled at me," please wait a minute. I'll come when I finish my work. "

When Barrington was stunned, he faintly felt that something was wrong, but when he thought about it carefully, he didn't feel anything. "Did the girl come out to take the express at last?"

"Hehe, if I took it, I would say I met a ghost?" I don't know if it was Barry's illusion. He heard that Nick's voice had a trill. "I had to bear to wait, but just when I couldn't bear it, the girl appeared again..."

"Just a moment, please. I'll come when I finish my work!" Neither fish nor fowl, Barry's voice as like as two peas, and the voice of Nick learning the girl's voice, was full of tact and drama. But when he heard Nick's nonsense, suddenly, there was an indescribable ice cold over her body. He pressed his arm in a subconscious voice and asked him in a low voice. "Do you mean her third cry is exactly the same as the two before?"

"Yes..." Nick said with a wry smile, "I finally felt wrong. I started to walk in the direction of the kitchen, but when I got to the kitchen, I saw that it was in the kitchen..."

"There is no one at all!"

Barry had a cold war subconsciously. He laughed bitterly, "Nick, you scared me..." But before he finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned. In the next compartment, there was a voice that could not be explained clearly

It can't be said what sound it is. It's just like the sound of a sound cassette, and it's like the rubbing sound when stepping on the wooden floor. In a word, it's a kind of strange "clucking" sound. As time goes by, the sound is getting louder and louder

"Nick? Nick? " Barry had a creepy feeling in his heart. Subconsciously, he tilted his head and put his ears on the partition. However, he was shocked to find that the wooden partition produced a strange cold. At the same time, the clucking sound is close at hand, as if something strange is making the same action with yourself, and I, from that strange thing, there is only one board away!

A goose bumps came out of Barry's body, and he suddenly felt that if he didn't leave immediately, he would die!This feeling is not clear, but it stimulates all the adrenaline in Barry's body. He pulls up his pants at an indescribable speed, then quickly pushes open the compartment door and runs out of the toilet!

As soon as he ran out of the toilet, the cold feeling immediately faded. Until then, he bent down with his hands on his knees and gasped heavily!

But Nick was still looking at the crowd and yelling, "it's no wonder that Nick's eyes are still on the crowd."

These people are the same as his anxiety disorder people, at this time heard Barry's words, immediately three or four brave people into the toilet, under Barry's guidance, a kick opened Nick's compartment door!

The compartment was empty.

Missing Nick

Many people are silent. They all know that such a disappearance is not the first time. Countless disappearances have been reported in the news. However, it is the first time that such disappearances are directly under people's eyes.

"In this world, something is happening that we can't understand..." This is a wise old man's words. Just as he said these words, huge warships began to emerge in the sky.

At the moment of seeing these warships, Barry could not support any more. He rushed out of the park, took a taxi and drove towards the suburbs! He wants to leave here immediately, leave this more and more desolate city, otherwise, he can't believe that the next missing is himself?

However, the car only drove for a few seconds, a burst of smoke suddenly spewed out of the hood. At the same time, the whole car, like a dead car, lost control and hit the street lamp nearby!

At the same time, the city, which was still in the early days of the lights, was totally in darkness!

Boom! Boom!

Around, dozens of cars collided with each other at this moment, and countless pedestrians screamed one after another. When Barry and the battered taxi driver climbed out of the door, they were shocked to find that the whole city was in a dead silence at this moment

No, it's not quiet. Barry suddenly saw that one of the huge warships was suspended not far from his head. At the same time, the hatch at the bottom slowly opened, and something like a container began to be dropped from above!

"Be careful!" Barry roared, turned around and ran away with his head in his arms. Before he escaped far away, he felt a sudden shock at his feet. At the same time, a deafening crash sound came. He stopped in shock and looked behind him. He was shocked to see that a metal cabinet bigger than the second floor villa was thrown down from the height of thousands of meters! It smashed through the convenience store on the roadside, and smashed the taxi I just took

What is this, alien attack on earth?

Barry felt that he was going to be numb. He looked at the metal cabinet, but before he could recover his mind, the metal cabinet suddenly sounded a hissing sound like exhaust gas, as if to remove the air pressure. At the same time, the metal cabinet facing Barry began to rise slowly like a rolling gate, revealing the dense red light inside, as if from hell Devil's eyes

It is a group of things that can only be seen on TV. The skeleton shaped robots are densely placed in the huge metal cabinet in a superposition posture. With the cabinet door opened, these robots burst out like flood discharge. In a few seconds, hundreds of skeleton robots emerge like tides!

At the same time, a long and sharp alarm sounded in the sky over the city. The sound was extremely loud, as if it could transmit tens of kilometers around and penetrate everyone's eardrum. At the same time, among the robot population like skeletons, an electronic broadcasting voice was automatically sounded --

"citizens of London, this is the basis of stellar life science We will take over London from now on. From now on, London has entered the state of military control. The whole city has been blocked. Please return to your home. Anyone who stays on the street will be arrested by the foundation! Repeat, all citizens please stay in their homes. Anyone who stays on the street will be arrested by the foundation! Thank you for your cooperation. "

"From now on, all stores in the city are forbidden to open business. Once found, they will be punished by the foundation. If there are special circumstances, please hang a blue flag in front of your door, or use bed sheets. All blue signs are allowed. We will come to your door to serve you within 10 minutes!"

"From 18:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. of the next day, the city adopts a curfew system. All people are not allowed to go out during this period. Please note that once someone is found staying outside, we will arrest them This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill! For the safety of you and your family, please don't make unnecessary resistance. The foundation is friendly and we promise not to hurt anyone! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!