Tarar's disappearance has sparked considerable international controversy.

Huaxia and Saudi Arabia have always been in a relationship that is neither good nor bad. However, after the fall of American power, Huaxia, relying on Star Technology, has taken the lead in the world. Even Saudi Arabia does not dare to take the lead. Finally, after the Chinese Ministry of foreign affairs made a statement that it will strictly investigate the murderer, the matter ended.

However, many people familiar with the matter vaguely understand that Prince talar's disappearance may be closely related to the star technology that has implicitly controlled the world. They just understand that it is one thing, but no one will be foolish enough to offend the rising star technology for a dead person and a declining empire.

Since the launch of Pangu on January 22, in more than ten days, star technology has sent several exploration ships to the direction of Venus, mercury and Mars.

Since the beginning of 167 century, human exploration of extraterrestrial has begun. From the initial telescope observation to the first landing on the moon in the 1960s, human beings have made numerous important discoveries. However, there has never been a day when human beings are so close to other extraterrestrial planets. With the emergence of anti gravity engines, human space technology can easily touch the sky without paying a huge price. The mature nuclear reactor enables spacecraft to go to the once unreachable stars at a very small price to explore the unknown.

The unmanned spacecraft to mercury arrived at mercury at an astonishing speed after a three-day voyage. After exploration, it is a planet with a huge iron ore deposit. Its shell is composed of silicate, and its center has a much larger iron core than the moon. The main components of this nuclear sphere are iron, nickel and silicate. According to this structure, mercury should contain 200 billion tons of iron. According to the annual output of 800 million tons of steel in the world, it can be mined for 240 billion years

The radius of mercury is 2439 km, which is 38% of the earth's radius. The combination of 18 mercury stars is equal to the size of one earth, accounting for 5.58% of the earth's mass, with an average density of 5.433 g cm3, slightly lower than the average density of the earth. With the high temperature of 427 degrees in the daytime and 173 ℃ in the night, stellar technology has temporarily abandoned the idea of mining minerals here.

In addition to mercury, the exploration results of Venus are much more optimistic. Besides the moon, Venus is the closest planet to the earth, even much closer than Mars. Moreover, it is also called "twin sister" of the earth. Its diameter is only 4% smaller than that of the earth, and its weight is 20% lighter. Theoretically, Venus has an iron nickel core with a radius of 3100 km Very similar to the earth.

The atmospheric pressure of Venus is at least 90 times stronger than that of the earth, and the temperature is as high as 470 ℃. Basically, there is no difference in region, season, day and night. At the same time, Venus also has an atmospheric structure, the main composition of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, and a small amount of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. Because of the greenhouse effect, Venus is more than ten times hotter than the earth.

Mars is the most optimistic existence of all planets. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system from inside to outside. Its diameter is about half of the earth's, its volume is 15% and its mass is 11%. Its surface area is equivalent to the sum of the earth's land area. Its surface gravity is about 2.5 times of that of the moon and two fifths of the Earth's.

Mars is basically a desert planet with sand dunes and gravels on its surface. There is no stable liquid water body. The atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide is thin and cold. Dust is suspended in it, and dust storms often occur every year. The atmosphere density of Mars is only one percent of that of earth. Although the thin atmosphere can also produce greenhouse effect, those thin atmosphere can only raise the temperature of its surface by 5 ℃ and it is very dry. The average surface temperature is 55 ℃ below zero, which is close to the normal temperature of earth in summer and daytime, which is about 27 ℃.

In short, Mars is the most ideal colonial planet for mankind.

All kinds of explorations are still going on, and at this time, the lunar colony is also in constant development. After more than ten days of construction, the first batch of lunar workers have dug out more than 50 deep pits on the surface of the earth, and buried anti gravity facilities in the pits. These facilities will change the gravity of hundreds of kilometers in order to achieve the goal The gravity in this area is exactly the same as that of the earth.

During this period, Pangu traveled dozens of times between earth and moon, carrying a large amount of materials and equipment. Soon, a huge nuclear fusion device was set up in the center of colonial planning. This nuclear fusion device will become a source of power for the colony in the future.

After that, the dome will be built. The colony will be built into a huge hemispherical sealed building with a radius of more than 100 kilometers. Inside the building, rivers, lakes, forests, industrial and residential areas are even designed. These designs can be completed in half a year with the super high efficiency of robots.

Moreover, it seems that star technology is not enough. When everyone didn't respond, dozens of spaceships of the same size as Pangu were built one after another, and the two and three projects of human city were started not far away from human city one.

Moreover, the plan of colonizing Mars has been put on the agenda by star technology.Overnight, like entering the future world, everyone knows that human beings have enough power to open up outer space and colonize in outer space!

In human society, the first batch of colonial volunteers have also entered the recruitment period. On the official website of star technology, an announcement has attracted the attention of countless people. Star technology will jointly recruit 100000 people with the five major powers to enter the colony life in half a year. Relying on the size and speed of the Pangu manned spaceship, human beings are no longer a long time in the past few months It takes only four hours to reach the moon today.

This data has aroused the astonishment of countless people - only four hours, even by plane, is only enough time to get from Urumqi to Shanghai.

This announcement has aroused many people's interest. In the west, many people have the spirit of adventure, while the new generation of China also has the curiosity to tend to novelty. In particular, Star Technology and the five major countries jointly issued a statement claiming that the moon's colonial technology is very mature, and the probability of an air crash is smaller than that of flying. With this guarantee, in just one hour, there will be more than one Millions of people filled in their applications.

Of course, the colonists are not without benefits. Star Technology once promised that after becoming the first batch of human colonists, these people will have the status of employees of star technology, and their monthly salary will reach tens of thousands of dollars, which is just the foundation. After becoming the first batch of colonists, these people will also enjoy the property rights of more than 200 square meters, All food and drink are provided free of charge by star technology. Of course, star technology only provides basic food and drink expenses. If you want to have a big meal in a five-star hotel in the colony, it is not covered by the reimbursement scope of star technology.

and not that they can't return to earth after becoming colonists. Star technology promises that colonists still retain their registered residence in their respective countries. After the establishment of the colony, the flight routes between the moon and the moon will be completely opened. In the future, the journey between the moon and the moon will be as common as the travel abroad, and the colonists can resign and return at any time. The Ball.

It can be said that this extremely generous condition has attracted countless people, but there is also a threshold to become a colonizer. Because the emergence of T series robots, the colony does not need low-end labor force. From sanitation to planting and industry, robots are used to complete. Star technology only recruits talents with unique skills.

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