At Haizhou International Airport, more than a dozen foreigners with wide eyebrows and deep eyes rushed out of the exclusive VIP channel.

The head of a man about 60 years old, with a mustache, wearing a meticulous suit, temperament. But no matter how bright his appearance is, he can't hide the deep anxiety in his eyes.

"Your Highness, the airport is here." Just after he walked out of the aisle, a European beauty dressed as a secretary and wearing sexy silk stockings answered a phone call, then leaned up behind him and whispered a warning.

a strong perfume smell, the man slightly raised his head, and immediately saw not far away, a group of potbellied oriental men tramped on the staggering pace, hurriedly welcome, his face was filled with a look of flattery.

Waiting for the man to speak, several bodyguards immediately blocked the man firmly behind him, and looked at the group of comers with vigilance.

Suddenly, those several big bellied men at the foot of a meal, showing embarrassment, quickly waved his hand and said, "we are our own people!"

"Don't be nervous. This is the safest country in the world." The man said in Arabic, waved back his bodyguard, and then shook hands with each other, "sorry, my people have not seen the world, I hope you don't mind."

"No, no!" "I'm the person in charge of the airport. You're in a hurry this time. The chairman didn't have time to meet you in person. I hope you don't feel sorry."

"Of course not." "The man nodded," originally I was a low-key trip, do not want other people to know, you also understand, those reporters are very headache. "

"Yes, yes!" The person in charge of the airport quickly echoed, "the chairman attaches great importance to your arrival and has prepared a banquet for you and your team. If you don't mind, can you spare time at noon..."

I'm afraid I don't have time The person in charge of the airport has not finished, the man in front of him immediately refused to say, "I come here, there are very important things, so I don't have to worry about it."

"This..." The smile of the person in charge solidified on his face, "but the banquet has already..."

"Next time." The man said politely, but with no doubt in the speech, "next time I will have a drink with you!"

With that, the man shook hands with the people who came to pick up the plane again, and then left the airport without looking back, leaving only the astonished and lost look of the airport people.

Out of the airport, several Reserved special cars slowly came. The female secretary skillfully opened the door and let the man sit in before getting on the other side. Then, the car immediately started and drove in the direction of Haizhou suburbs.

After sitting in the car, the man's face finally showed a tired look. He rubbed his temple and suddenly said to his secretary, "Christina, please contact star technology again and say we are here."

"Yes." The female secretary nodded and picked up the phone to communicate with each other. When she hung up the phone, she showed her excitement. "Your Highness, the general manager of the other party has been waiting for you in a grand way."

"That's good. I hope the negotiation will go smoothly this time." The man's serious look finally showed a trace of relaxed, he turned his head to look out of the window, looking at the bustling city, sighed, "I really envy this country, rising from the tiny end, from a poor two white straight to standing at the top of the world, if only my motherland could do so."

"Yes, so will your motherland." The female secretary hastily agreed.

"Oh, no need to comfort me." The man shook his head and wryly laughed, "with that group of people, my country will never be able to catch up with this country. Once they had the unique advantage of oil, but what did they develop? Now that oil is about to be worthless, what do you think they can rely on? "

The female secretary opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to answer, so she had to sigh.

"Well, don't say that." The man shook his head and did not continue the heavy topic, "how long can we get to the destination?"

"It's expected to take another hour and 20 minutes by car." The Secretary concerned, "do you need a rest first?"

"Well, I'll get some sleep first, and then call me when I get there." The man nodded and then went to sleep with the fatigue of the road

An hour and a half later, the man suddenly felt that the car had stopped. If he opened his eyes and looked out of the window, he saw that the car had stopped in front of a clean and tidy building. The building did not look very special, but he knew that this was star technology, which was called the center of world economy and the gate of human civilization Headquarters building.

"Your Highness, here we are." Christina gets out of the car on the other side, then goes around to the side to help the man open the door. "Shall we go up now?"

"Go up..." The man's face showed a touch of sadness, the expected welcome did not see, it seems that the other party does not care about their arrival, not to mention the welcome ceremony, is not a banner hanging.

A group of people slowly walked into the hall with heavy steps. At this time, Niu Xinping, who had been waiting for a long time at the reception desk of the hall, came up with a few staff members and said, "Hello, are you Mr. Walid, please?""I am." The man came up and said, "I have made an appointment with Miss Li, general manager of your company. May I ask..."

"Manager Li is waiting for you in the office. Please follow me." Niu Xinxin nods, turns and walks towards the elevator. Soon, a group of people appear in front of Li Yiru's general manager's office.

"I'm sorry, you can take up to three people in." But at the door of the office, a young girl dressed as a secretary stopped the crowd again.

"These are the bodyguards of his Royal Highness Prince Walid. If something happens to the prince inside, can you bear the responsibility?" One side of Christina finally can't help, she has never seen her boss suffer this kind of grievance, said indignantly.

"Sorry, this is star technology." "Please don't embarrass me, Mr. Walid."

"Well, Christina, you and varo will follow me in, and the rest of you will wait at the door." The man waved his hand and opened the door of the office.

As soon as he entered the gate, the spacious but simple office style immediately caught the eye of the man. He turned his head and looked to the right. He saw a young woman sitting at his desk. When he saw himself, the woman showed a trace of smile and stood up and walked towards him. "Mr. Walid, welcome to star technology."

"You're welcome, Miss Li. I'm more amazed by your beauty." The man leaned over with one hand on his chest and the other behind him, making a gentleman's courtesy, "if you can, I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight."

Li Yiru shook hands with the man in front of him, and avoided the topic quietly. "Mr. Walid's Chinese also surprised me. This time your arrival makes us bright."

After some greetings, the two guests and the host took their seats, while Christina and another lawyer named varo also stood behind Walid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!