At a time when the world was still arguing about the launch of Pangu spacecraft, the spacecraft completely crossed the Earth Moon distance of 384400 km and appeared in the sky of the moon.

Moreover, Zhang Heng installed quantum communication facilities on the spaceship, so there was no delay in all this. More than hundreds of millions of people watched the epic feats in front of them while they were fighting on the Internet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now that the Pangu colonial spacecraft has successfully entered the lunar gravitational circle, it is automatically captured by the moon. Next, after the spacecraft enters the predetermined position, we will land on the moon, and then immediately start to build the first batch of materials that the colony should have."

The former UN representatives were still sitting in their respective seats and staring at all this. At this time, Li Yiru had already finished his work and successfully left the field. Instead of Li Yiru as the commentator, a young engineer with a delicate appearance took the place of Li Yiru. As the commentator who attracted the attention of the public, this young man entered quickly in addition to being a little embarrassed at the beginning State, showing good quality.

"I know you all have a question. After all, the moon has only one sixth of the earth's gravity, and there is no atmosphere to protect it. The harsh environment and cold temperature are enough to make any human directly exposed to the moon die within half a minute. So, why should we colonize the moon?"

"I can tell you now." The young engineer said with pride, "the moon is the threshold and testing ground for human beings to step out of the cradle of the earth and into the deep space."

"From the perspective of the long-term development of outer space exploration, it is an inevitable trend to explore the moon, land on the moon, build a lunar base, and enter more distant space - because the moon is rich in resources and is the base for human resources reserve, which is also an important reason to attract us to implement the lunar colonization program."

"First of all, there are two kinds of resources on the moon that will bring great contributions to mankind: first, the moon can receive abundant solar energy. After all, there is no atmosphere on the moon, and the direct sunlight area can even reach hundreds of high temperatures. Second, the moon is rich in mineral resources. The moon has countless high-purity iron ores and titanium alloy ores, especially rich in nuclear fusion fuel Helium-3, which is the most needed fuel for nuclear fusion technology that we have in stellar technology. "

At this point, the young engineer's expression of excitement, "in addition, water resources is one of the reasons why we chose the moon. As we all know, water is the source of life. As early as several years ago, the United States has discovered that there are more than 40 craters of different sizes in the north pole of the moon. Each crater is full of water ice, containing nearly 600 million tons of water ice. "

"So why does the moon, a dry and lifeless planet, produce water?" The engineer sold a key point: "scientists believe that there may be three sources of water on the moon: first, comets or asteroids that impact the moon; second, the impact event releases water under the lunar surface; third, the solar wind carrying hydrogen atoms, which combine with oxygen atoms in the lunar soil to form water. Our observations confirm a third possibility for the formation of lunar water sources. "

"After all, you should know that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. The formation of water is inseparable from hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The moon is like a sponge ball of the sea, constantly absorbing charged particles from the sun. These charged particles react with oxygen atoms in the dust on the moon's surface to produce water. "

Speaking of this, on the large screen, the spacecraft has successfully entered the predetermined coordinates of the sky, here is the north pole of the moon, looking down from hundreds of thousands of meters high, the ground is full of large and small meteorite craters, these craters with the breath of eternal ancient, some of them only exist for thousands of thousands of years, some of them exist for hundreds of millions of years!

There is no wind on the moon, so these ancient craters have not been eroded by any wind erosion, and they will continue to remain until the end of the universe

While countless people were staring at the screen, all of a sudden, the spaceship changed its direction again and landed in the predetermined position. All the people watched nervously, as if they were afraid that the spaceship would lose its balance in mid air, and the first step of human colonization of the moon would die before success.

After all, no matter how fierce they scold on the Internet, but this step represents the pace of all mankind after all. Under the collective resonance, people with malice are not willing to blaspheme.

For a moment, the world seemed to fall into a dead silence.


Half an hour later, the ground in front of people's eyes was getting closer and closer. Then a piece of dust rose in front of the camera, and then there was a slight shaking of the screen. When the shaking stopped, the colonial spaceship Pangu had successfully landed on the surface of the moon!

The first step of lunar landing, success!

Many people began to cheer subconsciously, and even those who disliked star technology most temporarily stopped their disgusting expressions and showed a look of relief.

Next, as the camera turns, a group of humanoid robots that look like skeletons and many crawler construction vehicles gradually gather at the exit of the spaceship. As the gate of the exit of the spaceship slowly opens, these robots swarm out like a tide. They carry huge iron boxes in their hands. However, because there is no comparison between human beings, the view in front of the TV set is not obvious People can't find a contrast, but they vaguely understand that the size of these iron boxes is not small."Now, our construction robots have successfully landed on the moon. In fact, there are still hundreds of human beings in the spacecraft. They will be the first batch of people in human history to immigrate to the moon, but we don't need them to set up colonies."

, as like as two peas in the world, the audience in front of the world was shocked. Although stars technology already possessed far exceeding reality, the robots who saw almost identical robots in the Terminator movie had produced illusions about watching science fiction.

With the start of the robot army, countless iron boxes have been opened, revealing the glass like pieces of things inside, all people's minds immediately came up with such a word - dome!

In fact, the glass dome can't block the sunlight from the stadium. In fact, this kind of structure can't block the sunlight from the stadium. Obviously, the glass is to isolate the inside and outside of the colony and create a necessary building suitable for human habitation.

"You can't guess wrong. This is the roof of our colony - a kind of polymer plexiglass, which has strong automatic adhesion ability and can connect seamlessly when building. This kind of material has a strong ornamental value. It will not let our colonists have some obsessive-compulsive disorder when they look up at the sky at a 45 degree angle."

The young engineer was very humorous. He continued to say with pride, "in addition, the colony also has artificial gravity facilities. In fact, it is the reverse application of anti gravity, which can make the gravity within the colony equal to that of the earth. In addition, we also brought seedlings of various plants, as well as fertilized eggs of hundreds of animals. When everything is on the right track, the colony's The residents will enjoy food as good as anywhere on earth. "

"All this is free for the colony. The only thing you need to do is pick up the phone at hand and dial the number at the bottom of the screen, XXXXXX. Maybe you are the second batch of colonists to become lunar residents in human history!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!