Janova has the ability to regenerate the host.

It can adapt the host's body to numerous situations according to the environment, and this ability is reflected by the Genova cells parasitized in the host. When the host encounters the environment that cannot be adapted to itself or the current body can not meet the needs, the parasitoid will use its own nature to reorganize itself to meet the needs of the host according to the current requirements Main organ requirements.

This is why people infected with Genova are not easy to die, because janova is familiar with the vital organs of human beings, and they can properly protect these vital organs after parasitization. Even if these organs are fatally damaged, Genova can quickly reorganize his form into an individual with the ability of this organ to save his stay The life of the LORD until the host's own organs are repaired.

Therefore, Zhang Heng is confident that his eyeball will grow again without any surgery.

But Genova is not so kind. It is a kind of parasitic life. The purpose of parasitism is to control the host and infect more individuals. With the gradual growth of its own ethnic group, it will eventually infect thousands of life, and then merge with each other when the time is ripe, and finally fight and devour the whole planet, just like the plot of Zhang Heng's "Final Fantasy 7".

However, everything has two sides. When God closes a door for you, he will certainly open a window for you. Janova is not unmatched. Safiros successfully subdues the janova in his body by relying on his strong will and makes his power for himself. Zhang Heng and those clone warriors who have soaked in Genova are all like this.


At the end of January, U.S. Secretary of defense Larkin Cobham looked at the heavy materials on the table in front of him. His look was full of excitement, fear, entanglement and so on. It was hard to see that one could make such a rich and complicated expression at the same time.

There are only a few abridged versions of the materials in front of him, but after all, he is not a scientific researcher. Although he has the right to view all the technical information on weapons, this is totally unnecessary. He does not need to know how to make these weapons. He only needs to understand the parameters and performance of these weapons and what degree they can achieve.

But because there are so many techniques in these materials, although each of them is only a brief description, they are stacked up to half a meter high, just like a high school student's desk. From the opposite side, his figure has disappeared behind the stack of books.

The name of the information on the table is enough to make anyone crazy after seeing it - mature nuclear fusion technology, room temperature superconducting technology, combat robot technology, and combat exoskeleton armor technology, etc

At this time, Cobham was holding on to a corner of the data, and his strong hand almost tore up the excellent printing paper. He could not believe that there was an existence on the earth that was hidden under everyone's eyes, but was more advanced than the United States in science and technology!

What a disaster this is? It's like a ridiculous third rate science fiction play without common sense.

Mature and stable nuclear fusion technology

When the world is still in full swing to carry out the so-called ITER program, imagining that mature and controllable nuclear fusion can appear in this world one day, no one thought that there was already an organization. After that, the living resources of human beings will be greatly increased. In terms of people's livelihood, electricity will be the first resource in the future According to the information, a nuclear reactor with a height of 10 meters and a diameter of 45 meters can supply power to a state!

Civil use is just a small part. There are manufacturing, military, aviation This technology will bring about earth shaking changes in human science and technology. Strictly speaking, it can make human quickly enter the Fifth Industrial Revolution!

There is also room temperature superconducting technology, which is not inferior to nuclear fusion technology. When the world is still using expensive liquid helium to maintain superconductivity, the emergence of this technology is enough to subvert the cognition of human physics! In the military field, electromagnetic weapons will completely replace gunpowder weapons and become the favored upstart in war!

There are also battle robots and exoskeleton armor technology. These two technologies can make the country quickly transition from the era of human resources to the era of machines. More than 10 million soldiers and workers in the world will be completely unemployed. After all, the cost of a robot is far lower than that of soldiers or workers. Human beings will be tired, injured, even surrender and stray, and humanitarian measures should be taken And compensation, but robots can't use them - they don't sleep, they're not tired, they're responsive, they're highly efficient, they're never distracted, they don't have to be afraid of industrial injury pensions

At this time, when he saw a pile of technology on his desk, he saw more than one technology of his own!

If these technologies only belong to the United States, then Cobham will not only not be afraid, but will be surprised and even ecstatic. But when these technologies become a kind of charity of others, his heart is only coldA drop of cold sweat was left on his forehead. He knew the arms gap well. Once there was a war with the organization that supplied American technology, the form of war would be crushed by one side when the arms of both sides were different by one time!

And the gap between these technologies is more than ten years? Even more than 50 years, that is a gap of hundreds of years That is, several times the gap between the times!

Is this the true story of stellar technology?

Cobham grinned and fell on his seat. He had never heard of star technology. As a senior member of the United States, he always knew the existence of this organization. Behind star technology is an organization called the stellar life sciences foundation, which replaced the Freemasonry and became the real backstage man in the United States.

It is said that even the president of this term was supported by the star foundation, and this organization, which is even more terrible than the Freemasonry at the beginning, not only penetrated the United States, but also several European countries did not escape the control of the latter.

Such a colossus has provided unprecedented technology to the United States like alms, and these technologies are not only provided to the United States, but also have a copy of them among the five major countries. Does it not mean that these technologies that can make any organization or country crazy about them are actually playthings that the organization has already eliminated and despised?

Especially when he learned from a secret file sent to him by the president that the foundation had ambition to integrate the world, his vigilance rose to the extreme!

Yes, the merger of the whole human race has countless benefits. Resources are effectively concentrated. Scientific research institutions all over the world no longer fight on their own, but make up for each other's deficiencies, and form an unprecedented and high-speed operation behemoth. Science and technology will develop countless times faster than before!

But at that time, will the Great America still be the United States in your heart? Who can guarantee that the United States will not become a puppet of that foundation and a tool to be used?

Cobham closed his eyes in pain. No matter how reluctant he and the people whose interests were damaged, when these technologies appeared, he completely understood that they had no chance at all in the face of such a crushing force

This God like organization will be on the history of mankind and will completely change the structure of civilization today. This is a general trend, such as the wheel of history, anyone who wants to stop can only be crushed and crushed!

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