At the moment when the mental power comes into contact with those dark shadows, Zhang Heng seems to feel endless chaos and madness. Those dark shadows seem to be composed of countless disordered thoughts. At the moment when they are melted by spiritual force, those thoughts are also like ink into the water, and instantly flow into Zhang Heng's mind!

Zhang Heng's pupils shrank and his eyes were covered with blood. He only felt an indescribable anger and rage in his heart, driving him to kill everything and destroy everything!

Zhang Heng took a deep breath and forced those thoughts into the depth of his mind. At this time, his cheeks were red, and he stood stiffly in place, holding his hands dead!

"Your Excellency the commander!" Aware of Zhang Heng's abnormality, the clone soldiers behind him immediately reflected it. They quickly surrounded Zhang Heng in a circle and firmly protected Zhang Heng. Several clone soldiers who were specially responsible for medical treatment went to Zhang Heng and wanted to check Zhang Heng's body.

"Get out of here Zhang Heng hums in silence. Suddenly, those clone warriors seem to have been hit hard, and their bodies are thrown out by invisible forces. Then he steps on them and suddenly rushes out of the hole!


Strong air waves hit, Zhang Heng directly into the supersonic state, until flying hundreds of meters in the air, he did not stop his body, at this time he covered his head, eyes are all destructive madness!

"Da La, Da La, Da La Da..."

However, at this time, the strange nursery rhyme resounded in Zhang Heng's ears again. Zhang Heng looked back ferociously, but he saw Zhang Xin's phantom standing not far away from him, but the other side was facing himself and slowly waving his arms towards the distance

Zhang Heng looks more ferocious. He runs several kilometers again, but the nursery rhyme turns into a variety of familiar sounds

"Brother Do you want me Zhang Xin sobbed.

"You child, go home The father's stern voice broke out.

"Come back, you have done enough, don't live so tired..." This is the mother's voice with a lump in her throat.

"Zhang Heng, what about your heart?" Li Yiru cried.

"Commander, don't abandon me, I'm afraid!" The sound of Adam's dying cry

"Ah! Get out of here

All of a sudden, Zhang Heng roared up to the sky and let out a roar like a wounded beast. At the same time, endless light shot out of his eyebrows, tearing a startling gap in the dark sky above his head!

All of a sudden, bursts of cool gushed out from the brow, and the noise disappeared.

Until he vented the anger in his heart, Zhang Heng came down with a gasp and sat down on the ground. At the same time, an indescribable fatigue emerged in his heart. This is the evil spirit that he has accumulated under the care of walking on thin ice for two years. All these things are now burst out by the curse in the dark!

After optimizing the gene of T virus and the transformation of Genova cells, he has already surpassed human beings. His body is no longer human, but his consciousness has not changed too much. At the bottom of his heart, he still thinks he is human.

Since he is a human being, there are flaws in his heart, but fortunately, the spiritual gem protects him.

Gradually recovered, at this time, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the night sky. He seemed to feel that there was a kind of existence in the spirit gem emitting light temporarily faded.

The eyes were full of greed and madness, as if the fierce hungry wolf was staring at the prey, waiting for the prey to show its flaws

This kind of feeling was noticed when he came to the surface of the black hole, but now it appears again. If it was not for the spiritual gem that protected him twice, I am afraid he would have fallen into madness and his consciousness would have collapsed completely.

Is all this really just meme?

Zhang Heng's judgment on himself suddenly wavered. He shook his head and went back to Edwards Air Force base again. However, he found that the air force base had already been lit up at this time. In the endless darkness, it was very obvious.

When Zhang Heng walked into the building, he saw Xuanyuan standing at the door. As soon as he saw Zhang Heng, he said, "Sir, we have found the supercomputer database of the base. At the same time, we have also found a standby generator to restart the power of the whole base. Now we just need to break the database to see if there are any technologies related to the jump engine that we need If we are lucky, we can finish the task soon

"Good." Zhang Heng nodded, but at this time, a clone fighter suddenly called out in the phone, "0823 found survivors! Repeat, 0823, survivors found in the air force base grain depot! "

Zhang Heng was shocked when he heard the speech. He immediately stepped on it, and a burst of air surged out. Zhang Heng directly broke the sound barrier and rushed to the position of the grain warehouse!

At this time, outside the grain warehouse, several clone soldiers are standing in a circle, and they are surrounded by a ragged, dirty man who can't recognize his appearance. At this time, the man is constantly beating on the ground. It seems that his spirit has been abnormal and he screams bitterly and hopelessly.When Zhang Heng arrived, he saw such a scene.

"Who are you?" Zhang Heng quickly stepped up and moved in. He raised the man on the ground and asked him in a loud voice. But the man didn't answer at all. He just closed his eyes and blurted out, "take off the hell, take off the hell!"

"Commander, you'd better come here and have a look." The clone warrior on the side reminds, then points to the inside of the warehouse.

Zhang Heng put down the man and walked towards the warehouse in a big stride and entered the grain warehouse. All of a sudden, bags of neat military grain came into view. These grains were arranged orderly, but many grains in the corner had been taken apart. On the ground, all kinds of garbage and excrement could be seen. In the deepest part of the warehouse, there was a similar guard The dormitory is very hidden.

It is obvious that this man, on the day of the doomsday, escaped here and survived on the food and the water remaining in the water tank.

Zhang Heng walked into the warden's dormitory, only to see that the windows in the room were sealed, and the door was reinforced by many boards. The whole room smelled of damp and moldy acid.

On the wall, you can also see the scratches with a knife. If the man carved one a day according to the light in the gap of the window, that is to say, the end has come for at least two years.

Zhang Heng showed a clear look, and after confirming that there was no omission, he returned to the outside of the warehouse. At this time, a clone soldier pulled out the syringe and inserted it into the man's neck. All of a sudden, the man lost all his strength and sat down on the ground completely. His mood fell into abnormal calm.

It's a sedative.

After injecting the tranquilizer, Zhang Heng went to the man again and squatted down at the same time. At this time, he realized that the man's eyes were closed from the beginning to the end. He broke off the eyelids of the man, but he saw that the inside was muddy.

This man is blind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!