With the director's words spread out, the three screens on the front stage of the square ended the placement advertisement of Star Technology at the same time, and turned into a black screen. At the same time, all the lights on the square dimmed at this moment, but they were not put out in vain. Therefore, although the people were somewhat surprised, they did not cause panic.

Then, all around the open-air sound began to sound a quiet but solemn piano.

For a moment, people who were still talking suddenly closed their mouths. They looked at the stage with a look of curiosity and expectation. They saw that the lights of the stage were also extinguished, leaving only the black screen slowly lit up.

"Looking around, technology has always been around us."

A deep and thick man's voice mixed with background music slowly resounded in the square. With this low voice, the electronic screen slowly lit up.

"In ancient times, the ancestors of mankind opened the fire of sacred civilization. From that day on, human beings have been marching towards the dawn of science and Technology..."

On the screen, the picture is in black and white. A group of primitive people with thick hair are gathered together, and their faces are dignified. One of them is hitting with two stones, and under the stone is a pile of dry and yellow weeds, surrounded by a thick pile.

"Click, click..."

With the slow motion camera, people can see that a large number of sparks are emitted from the impact of two stones. These sparks splash on the weeds like fire. All of a sudden, the weeds are ignited, and the first pile of primitive flame in history slowly burns up.

"The dawn of science and technology, the source of civilization and progress..."

As if sighing, as the picture turns, bow and arrow, papermaking, gunpowder Scene after scene flashed quickly, and the heavy sound was echoing in the gradually rising music.

"It appears in our lives, in many ordinary and unusual aspects..."

Under the apple tree, the famous scientist Newton was pondering. Suddenly, a breeze blew, and a ripe fruit swayed in the wind. Suddenly, with the sound of "pa", it fell from the tree.

"Technology is inspiration."

On the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Galileo showed deep meditation, dragging two iron balls, one big and one small, staring at the distance.

"Technology is practice."

In Xu's eyes, there is no burning in his eyes.

"Science and technology is truth..."

With the firelight devouring Copernicus's figure, devouring the whole screen, the music gradually solemn and stirring, then low, but the next second, it suddenly rose up!

"Science and technology, the wheel of history, is unstoppable!"

With the calm but firm words falling down, the screen shows the emergence of steam engine, internal combustion engine, biological cloning technology, aerospace technology and other technologies in the three industrial revolutions

"Science and technology is the totem of civilization and the root of human progress."

The piano sound in the background has reached a climax, and then the screen images are rendered into bright colors like dripping ink. It seems that the history has been broken. An advanced pharmaceutical production workshop is displayed in front of everyone!

Whether it is the masses outside the venue or the reporters inside the venue, all of them subconsciously hold their breath. They only see that in the production workshop, everyone is wearing heavy chemical protective clothing and working hard on the huge metal machine tool assembly line in front of them.

On the assembly line, spiral shaped glass test tubes lie in the corresponding compartments. With the rolling of the machine tool, they move forward slowly. When they see these tubes, everyone subconsciously yells, "T-1!"

"We've been trying to..." Men's voice gradually changed from heavy to sonorous.

The next second, India's Bombay and star island scenery cross flash, two huge human body freezing centers like pearls standing on the earth, with the morning sun rising, the surface of the huge building reflects bright light!

"We have been surpassing..."

Then, the picture flashed again. A woman wearing a helmet VR helmet gracefully lay on the sofa, smiling, and her eyes were constantly flashing various patterns and colors.

"We have never changed our original intention..."

The camera skips through the room and comes out of the window. The street is bustling with traffic and pedestrians. But strange is, their eyes, even wearing a kind of extraordinary style glasses.

This strange spectacle lens is so small that it can't cover the eyes. However, with the flash of the picture, drawing closer to the angle of the first person, people can only see that all kinds of pictures are flashing in front of everyone.

"Technology has changed our lives. If we dig into its value and make it appear outside the screen..." Outside the picture, the voice is still telling.

A man in a sportswear jogging on the sidewalk, and before his eyes, rows of data appear, recording the journey, speed and distance."In the world we can touch..."

In a car, a woman wearing the same simple glasses is driving and talking. In front of her, there is a screen suspended on the windshield. On the screen is a handsome man. At this time, they are talking and laughing, as if the spark of love is flashing.

"In our every move..."

The painting is full of flash. In one side of the building, several white-collar men and women with glasses are standing in front of a conference table. On the conference table, several people can see a picture similar to hologram, which is the three-dimensional design of a villa. It seems that the two sides have reached some kind of agreement, in which the two leaders smile with satisfaction and shake hands.

"This is a holographic world..."

As the words fall, more and more people with special glasses appear on the screen. Some people walk in the office and talk to the boss on the screen. Some people are constantly decorating their homes with virtual ornaments, and there is an electronic pet dog that can almost be taken for granted under his feet. There was even a child with glasses on his desk at home. In front of him, a miniature teacher stood in front of his homework book, explaining what

As the images unfolded, the voice continued, "what can it bring us? For example, we have a new perspective on our work, a different platform to share our lives, a real world for us to play with, a classroom close to our eyes for students to think about, and an unprecedented communication to explore the unknown... "

"Now, we can realize our dream."

As the words fall, the music stops slowly, and the glasses worn by the people in the picture appear completely on the screen in the audience's exclamation.

"A pair of holographic glasses makes fantasy no longer a fantasy. If you want to look at the world in a different way, the world will let you see everything different. This is - Star AR, the key to the new world. "

"We are the pioneers of the times, we are the star technology."

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