Above the earth's surface, at an altitude of more than 10000 meters, a huge black flying boat is quietly flying in the sky.

It's like an aircraft carrier. It's not like an aircraft carrier. It's like a flying ship. It's a metal structure. However, on its four sides, there are four lift turbines with a diameter of more than 50 meters, which can be called a huge lift turbine. It is by these four huge lift turbines and some ion thrusters that this black flying boat with a length of more than 300 meters and a width of more than 150 meters can travel on the top of the sky of the earth ball!

This is the headquarters of aegis, code named 64!

At this moment, in the command room of the space carrier, a black man in a black windbreaker and an eye mask in his left eye is leaning on the conference table with his hands on it. Anyone who looks at it can see his cold look. Even if he has only one eye, his cold and sharp eyes will make the other party feel cold at the bottom of his heart.

This black man is director Nick Frey, the current supreme commander of aegis. It is he who contributed to the existence of the avenger alliance and withstood the crisis that the world was on the verge of falling two years ago!

"Do you mean that the spirit of the world has issued a shock warning again?" Nick's icy gaze glanced at Tony with unparalleled seriousness. "Tony, don't joke with me. You should understand what the word" impact "means."

"Of course I understand!" Tony hummed.

"I'm sure Tony won't joke about things like this." On one side, a strong man in red and blue tights and a big A-shaped headdress advised, "although his usual style is always He is speechless, but he is a reliable comrade in arms

"Yes, I believe in Tony, too." Next to the strong man, with dark red curly hair, the beautiful woman also said.

"I know, but I still can't believe it." The cold black man nodded and turned to look at Tony. "Your father was favored by the spirit of the world in those years. He became the chosen one to protect the world. In order to protect our world, he created the aegis. He is the man I respect most."

"Me too." Tony solemnly said, "after my father died, I inherited his" God chosen "identity. Although I didn't disclose this information at the beginning, I vowed to inherit his legacy after I learned that the aegis Bureau was created by my father. Therefore, I will never lie about such things."

"Well, tell me about the second shock." The black man nodded his head, showing his solemnity. "How about compared with rocky, the evil god two years ago?"

"I I don't know. " "The spirit of the world didn't give me any hint, just told me that the second shock had come, but what was our goal, where the impact started, and what should we do The spirit of the world told me nothing

"How could that be possible?" Nick frowned. "Where's your second dimensional assistant?"

"She was punished by the spirit of the world." Tony looked heartbroken. "I won't see her in a month."

All the members of the avenger alliance here know that the spirit of the world exists. In fact, Tony's father told the U.S. government directly after he got the spirit of the world. It was through the spirit of the world that stark arms company was able to rise in the world and even create it Super soldier serum and sound-absorbing steel, almost indestructible! The aegis was born in such a situation. However, all these are top secrets. Besides the aegis Bureau, only every president can know the secret.

"We still know too little about the spirit of the world." Nick said helplessly, "in addition to the three-year cross plane mission, only on Friday can we communicate with you. Without her, we are losing a very important intelligence personnel."

"But fortunately, she is at risk of being wiped out by the spirit of the world, which brings us a very important message." As soon as everyone was sad, Tony spoke again. Suddenly, all the people looked at him with surprise. As the only "God chosen" who was favored by the spirit of the world, only he could communicate with the spirit of the world. His identity can be said to be an indispensable existence of the aegis and even the whole human race.

"What did she say?" They asked in a hurry.

"She only said four words," Tony looked back at the crowd. "Be careful of the black fog!"

"Watch out for the black fog?" All of us fell into a deep thought. The endless words made people more confused.

"Didn't your second dimensional assistant say anything more?" Nick frowned.

"That's the limit." Tony shook his head. "If she then divulges the information of cosmostar, the only end is to be completely wiped out by the spirit of the universe. I don't think you want this result?"

"Good. Thank you for Friday for me and America." Nick turned back to the front of the conference table, took out a telephone with the characteristics of the U.S. military, encrypted a piece of information and sent it out. "We and the military will pay attention to it. Once we find any substance like black fog or other words, we will immediately inform you. Please keep on high alert during this period. We may fight at any time!"After saying this, Nick turned and walked out of the command room, leaving only a group of superheroes staring.

"I said, Mr. Nick, can I ask you a question?" Just then, sitting in the corner, a high school student in a red tights, but no headgear, stood up and said, "is it too late for me to quit Avengers now?"

"I didn't say you were a member of the Avengers League." Tony's face was expressionless and hummed. He went to the young man with a green face and rubbed the other side's head vigorously. "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Who said that? I've forgotten, so you can go home and have a bottle

"Hey, Mr. Tony, I'm just joking to ease the atmosphere." The young man quickly waved his hand and said in embarrassment.

"Well, about the second shock, I think we can discuss it again." The strong man came up and said, "who's going to tell tchala and Professor Bruce that we need every fighting power in the face of the second disaster in human history!"

"I'll go!" The cold and fierce man who sat in the corner without saying a word stood up. He was dressed in a black combat uniform, with his arms exposed. He carried a complex mechanical bow and a pile of arrows on his back. Waiting for the crowd to speak again, he turned and walked out.

"As long as we unite, there are no difficulties that can not be overcome." Looking at the figure of the man leaving, the strong man couldn't help but stir up a warm smile and whispered, "unity, we are stronger than before..."

Facing the unknown disaster, the Avengers alliance, the most powerful elite team in the world, finally joined hands again

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