Seeing a falcon fighter take off quickly after receiving the task, Zhang Heng withdrew his eyes and continued to walk towards the command center of the bunker.

"You're going to be ready. When we beat the new California Republic, we're ready to retreat." As he walked, Zhang Heng said, "the radiation plane is still too dangerous. If the technology here is cleaned up, there will be no need for us to continue to develop here."

"To where?" Adam said.

"Take Tanis as the center," Zhang Heng replied faintly, "and head for other planes."

Zhang Heng, who had the plane shuttle equipment, had the courage to say this. Before they returned to the command center, they saw a bomb falling towards the ground with a roaring sound in the distance, but before it landed, a large white laser burst into the sky, detonating the bomb in the air with great accuracy. At the same time, a laser shot, an eagle was flying back The Falcon has been shot down completely!

"Failed?" There was a flash of disappointment in Adam's eyes. Although he still did not know what the so-called "nano bomb" Zhang Heng produced was, it seems that no matter what it was, because the action had failed.

Zhang Heng stirred up a smile and didn't say anything. He just went directly beyond the authority of Adam and Gu Zhan and said to many troops who exchanged fire, "everyone listen to the order: keep the formation, withdraw from St. Louis, and retreat ten kilometers backward."

"Roger that. Unit one is ready to pull back."

"Unit two is ready to pull back."

"Unit 4 has withdrawn from position."


After that, many teams responded in the radio. Ku Zhan didn't respond, but Adam opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Because of the high efficiency of the clone troopers, the evacuation was extremely orderly. The army of the new California Republic even had no time to pursue, and the other side completely disappeared from their sight.

In fact, these troops did not want to pursue, for them, to be able to defeat this group of terrible soldiers was a huge victory. In the past two weeks of fighting, they are deeply impressed by the extremely calm and high-quality fighting capacity of clone fighters. These demonic warriors are extremely strong and do not fear death at all. They often kill one person of each other, and they will suffer 10 times and 100 times of losses on their own side!

Fortunately, the Republic of new California can often send tens of thousands of soldiers, relying on the number of far more than each other, they can fight with clone fighters vividly and constantly.

When Zhang Heng's troops gradually withdrew from the battlefield, the soldiers of the Republic of new California cheered loudly. They sacrificed tens of thousands of companions in a week of high-intensity fighting, but even so, they finally won the battle. Everyone cheered, and even the best Rangers showed relief.

However, these soldiers cheering on the front line did not see that the sky above their headquarters several kilometers away seemed to be covered with a light layer of black fog

At this moment, several commanders with generals on their shoulders are sitting at the conference table in the headquarters of the new California Republic Army. Except for the elderly leader, everyone is excited.

"Retreat! We should pursue it! " One of the blonde men clapped excitedly on the table and said, "this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We will be invincible in the whole United States if we annihilate the other army here."

"Never!" Another man immediately stood up and retorted, "don't forget how terrible the other army is! There is no influence on morale. Even if there is only one person left, he still sticks to the position, does not fear death, and has almost cold sense! That army is like death's legion. This victory is extremely lucky. If we continue to fight, only our troops will collapse. I don't want us to continue to confront each other

"Coward! You've missed the chance to annihilate each other! "

"Idiot! The retreat of the other side is extremely orderly. It is not a flight at all. Chasing the enemy will not allow us to kill one more enemy, but will send our soldiers to the enemy's muzzle! "

"Bullshit, no matter how strong the other side is, it's an experience since ancient times to pursue the enemy and gain more results."

All of a sudden, people with different opinions on both sides began to quarrel!

"Enough!" The old man sitting in the front slapped the table and suppressed the quarrel between the two sides. "There must be some reason for the enemy's sudden retreat this time. What we need to do now is to find out the reason for the other party's retreat, not our own people's quarrel here!"

"But..." The blonde middle-aged man opened his mouth and was about to say something, but suddenly, a burst of noise and screams came from the outside world!

"What's going on?" The blonde turned his head to the door and said, "guard, what happened Guards? "

However, no matter how he called, no one came in to answer.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the room solidified, and everyone could not help but take out the knight errant Hongbin revolver in his waist and looked at the closed door with vigilance.Click, click

All of a sudden, there was a slight scratching sound on the window of the room wall. It was like someone was rubbing against the glass with wire and something like that. The blond man raised his pistol and walked slowly to the window. On the glass, there was a very small silk thread spreading radially. At first, it was only the size of a finger, but it was not In a few seconds, it's the size of your hand!

"What the hell?" The blonde man murmured in a low voice. He slowly looked out of the window, but he saw a piece of black fog spreading and twisting in the air. Occasionally, a soldier rushed out of the room. The black fog surged like a wave and rushed toward the other party. Within a few seconds, the soldier's shrieks and howls disappeared completely. When the black fog dispersed again, there were even a few living soldiers Nothing left!

"Damn it..." The blonde man's pupils shrank, but the next second, the window in front of him cracked with a click

At this time, many clone fighters had withdrawn several kilometers away. Adam, walking in the front, seemed to feel something. He suddenly turned his head and found that at what time, the ruins of St. Louis were covered with a thick layer of black fog!

Moreover, with the gradual spread of the black fog, the ruins of buildings are melting like cream, and from time to time there is a roar of building collapse. I think that the army of the new California Republic still staying in St. Louis will not end well

Adam took a breath of cold air. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhang Heng, who was still walking forward. At this time, he understood why Zhang Heng would give such an order.

The main force of the Republic of new California is annihilated. Next, the Clone Troopers will directly attack each other's nests and seize some advanced technologies they don't have. Then, it's time to give up this seat , the fastest update of the webnovel!