Half an hour later, each of the three Thompson had an extra blood sample test report. The report was extremely detailed, and there were marks on the part and time of blood extraction. However, after seeing the report, everyone's face showed a look of great shock.

"Fantastic work!" Feng Lun exclaimed, "its blood is no longer called blood. It can be said that Bernie has been integrated. He is like an amoeba. Even blood is a part of his body. If we have to describe it, his blood is no different from the first meat strip carrying the virus."

"He is not so much a creature as a collection of dx-1118 viruses," Kong Zhongcai also concluded. "He is a humanoid virus, and countless viruses combine to shape his image. These viruses, like neurons in the brain, create a unified consciousness. He is like the experimental body No. 34, which has no longer existed The brain, the heart and so on fatal weakness, but an empty human form, but has nothing to do with human beings

"The problem is, this monster has a lot more intelligence and body power than humans." Thompson finally added, "to be honest, this virus can be used as a biological weapon, but I'm not optimistic about it when it's used to strengthen human beings."

"There is an old saying in China that everything is difficult at the beginning. If you don't try it, how do you know it can't be done?" Feng Lun said with a smile, "in short, I am optimistic about the future of dx-1118 virus."

When the three people were in full swing, Yuehua was watching all this in silence. Yuehua had always been wary of dx-1118, a super virus. In her opinion, these scientists still underestimated the power of dx-1118 virus. She even remembered Zhang Heng's expression of lingering fear when she returned from the original form of killing Zhang Heng's only experience of loss and reduction of d.s.f troops.

This shows how vicious dx-1118 virus is.

However, according to Zhang Heng's arrangement, the defense of the hive has almost reached the limit that can be reached by human science and technology. No matter how vigilant or cautious, there can be no further progress. Just as Kong Zhongcai said: if the layout of B7 layer can not block the experimental body, it is estimated that there will be no defense facilities in the world.

However, it is even more impossible for scientists to give up the research on dx-1118 virus. The development of human science and technology has always been accompanied by high risks. If we do not study because of the danger, then we will not achieve the present achievements.

Human nature is curiosity and curiosity for the unknown.

Curiosity and curiosity are always the root of human progress.


Late at night.

Thompson three people are still excited about the experiment and discussion, and as a new dx-1118 virus experimental body, Bernie has been injected with a large number of tranquilizers, he is no longer noisy, but completely fell into a deep sleep. However, although he has been locked in the isolated room like an iron wall, people still haven't put down their vigilance to him.

The hardness of polymerized gold toughened glass is much higher than that of steel, and it is no worse than that of tungsten gold. The three meter thick polymerized gold toughened glass wall is a super special-shaped queen to break free from the chain, not to mention the experimental body in front of us.

However, when the three were still in their minds, Yuehua urged again, "three, you have been working hard for more than ten hours. Please keep normal work and rest, so as to get the maximum efficiency."

"I see, my lord Yuehua." Thompson nodded with a wry smile and said to them, "Professor Feng Lun, Professor Kong Zhongcai, let's call it a day."

"Well, many of the experimental reports will not come out until tomorrow. It will be almost enough to have a sleep. Next, I will give them to Mr. Yue Hua." Two people also nodded, until the excitement passed, three people felt a burst of fatigue hit.

But at this time, another alarm came out from the console. People subconsciously saw that Bernie's body suddenly trembled because of his nightmare. The electromagnetic patch attached to his forehead to detect EEG data actually fell off.

"All right, three of you. This will be handled by a specially assigned person. Everyone will leave the laboratory immediately." Yuehua did not wait for the three people to open their mouths. She knew that if she did not say so, the three would definitely propose to let assistants in, and those who had not been trained would enter. The uncertainty was too high.

When the three workaholics and many assistants were driven out of the laboratory, Yuehua informed Zhishang. About half an hour later, Zhishang, wearing power armor and more than a dozen fully armed clone soldiers, entered the laboratory.

"Is that him?" When he saw Bernie in the isolation room, he couldn't help shrinking his pupils. In his induction, the man in the isolation room exuded a very dangerous breath, just like a human being facing a giant dragon, which was a kind of life form suppression!

"That's right. I'll open the door of the isolation room. All you have to do is send someone in and paste the electromagnetic patch off his body to his forehead." Yuehua's voice came directly from the sound of the laboratory, "remember, the experimental body in front of you is extremely dangerous! If anything happens, I will immediately activate the self destruct system in the isolation room and destroy the people and the experimental bodyStop the war to nod, he followed the finger to a soldier nearby, "Zhige, you go."

The soldiers on one side nodded silently. The clone soldiers had no feelings. Even though the instinct of life constantly reminded them to stay away from the man, if they really gave the mission of death, they would not hesitate to carry out it. There was absolutely no saying of resisting life.

"Everyone ready!" When the clone warrior named Zhige came to the door of the isolation room, Zhishang immediately ordered that the next second, all clone soldiers raised their pulse rifles and aimed at the gate of the isolation room. It seemed that the other party would rush out of the gate in the next second.

"Isolation room ready to open..." A cold mechanical electronic voice automatically rings, "everyone, please keep alert, turn on the countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7..."

The eyes of Zhishang and all clone warriors have become very solemn.

"Three, two, one, open!"


With a light electronic sound, the door of the isolation room suddenly sent out a low friction sound, at the same time, it rose rapidly under the attention of the public.


A burst of steam is discharged from the air compressor, and the negative pressure in the isolation room instantly circulates with the air outside the isolation room, and people's vigilance has risen to the peak state!

Zhige controls the power armor to quickly enter the isolation room. The weight of the power armor treads on the alloy floor, making a dull sound.


After Zhige enters the isolation room, the door of the isolation room is locked tightly again.

"Everything is OK." Until after the lock, all people slightly relieved. Then he watched Zhige step by step walk up to Bernie, picked up the electromagnetic patch that had fallen on the ground and stuck it on Bernie's forehead again, and then gave a thumbs up to everyone.

However, at this time, Bernie, who had fallen into a deep sleep because of the injection of a large dose of tranquilizer, suddenly opened his eyes. At the same time, a strong metal twisting sound was heard again from the manganese steel confinement device of his limbs. The next second, a thick arm directly broke away from the confinement, and caught it like lightning towards the Zhige!

Zhige is not surprised at all. The clone warrior's reaction power is far beyond the limit of human beings. The power arm that can crush steel suddenly stretches out. One clasps the other's arm, and at the same time, he tries to subdue the opponent with fighting skills!

However, at the moment when he clasped Bernie's arm, Bernie turned into red tentacles. These tentacles, like small snakes, went straight into the cracks of power armor!

The next second, Zhige can't help holding his head and squatting down in a howl!

The fight between the two almost ended in less than a second, almost between the electric light and flint, the red alarm suddenly rang through the entire laboratory!

"Warning, warning, accident in quarantine room!"

In the fierce alarm sound, the devastating plasma flame thrower suddenly ejected from the roof, the next second, the high-temperature flame enough to vaporize the steel suddenly submerged the entire isolation room!

Yuehua, decisive move!

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