In the two days when Zhang Heng left China for the United States, dx-1118 virus also entered the human trial stage.

At this time, Thompson was obsessed with looking at a specimen storage tank standing on the ground. Among the tank body with more than one person, the light yellow formalin solution was revealed, while inside the tank was a monster specimen with thicker forelimbs and shorter hind limbs.

Close to see, it will be found that this well preserved specimen, turned out to be a very fierce looking chimpanzee.

However, this is not an ordinary chimpanzee. Its body size has expanded from 50 kg to 100 kg. It is full of muscles and muscles. It seems that it is going to crush the skin. The fangs on the mouth are exposed crazily, and the face is ferocious. Even if it has already died, people seem to be able to feel the light pressure of this beast.

Even a tiger and a lion are no different in front of him like a cat and a dog.

Outside the jar, there is a label with the logo of Star Technology: experimental body 034, species: chimpanzee, infection characteristics: aggressive, IQ improved, learning ability improved, regeneration ability significantly enhanced, strength significantly enhanced.

Among all primates, chimpanzees and humans have the smallest difference. Some scientists have done experiments. They listed the genes of human, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and gibbons together. Among the genetic similarity of these species, chimpanzees and humans have the closest genetic relationship, even surpassing their genetic relationship with gorillas.

In the unimportant gene loci, the similarity between humans and chimpanzees is 98.4%, while in those important gene loci, the similarity between humans and chimpanzees is as high as 99.4%.

Chimpanzees are very similar to human behavior. They can make tools, have reasoning ability, self-awareness, and be aware of the existence of other consciousness. After training, they can recognize numbers from 0 to 9 and arrange them from small to large. They can also use hundreds of word symbols, understand thousands of English words, and feel sad for the death of their relatives

It can be said that after training, chimpanzees can have the intelligence quotient and thinking ability of children of four or five years old, which is almost the same as that of human beings.

So, of all the creatures on earth, chimpanzees are the best substitutes for human experiments, none of them.

Before that, the research group composed of Thompson and others used chimpanzees as the experimental body of the 34th experiment, injected them with high concentration dx-1118 virus, and the results were very gratifying. The chimpanzees infected by the high concentration virus almost mutated into a new organism! Just like the prototype Alex, the experimental body has incredible flesh body strength, and shows no inferior learning ability than human beings!

In short, its intelligence and combat effectiveness have been greatly enhanced!

After getting enough data, they destroyed the experimental body. After dissecting, they found that the gene sequence in the chimpanzee had completely changed! In other words, dx-1118 virus has occupied the chimpanzee's body like a dove's nest. The monster in front of us is not an ordinary earth species before, but a new life composed of viruses!

"It's a gift from God." Feng Lun also went to Thompson and sighed at the specimen container in front of him. "This virus is more powerful than the previous T virus. If it can be used by human beings, everyone in human beings can become Superman!"

"But if you do, then you are no longer you." Kong Zhongcai also came over and sneered, "if only a small amount of virus is infected, it can not provide enough energy for the infected person. It will only lead to the collapse of the gene sequence of the infected person due to lack of energy, and destroy the infected person's thinking, so that the infected person can become a zombie who only knows how to absorb energy and bite the living things."

"But if you inject enough virus into the infected person, you can accelerate the gene mutation of the infected person. Even the most complex brain organs will be recombined by the virus, and a new personality will be born. But this new personality is not yourself."

"We can find a way to avoid the virus recombining the brain." Feng Lun immediately said, "as long as you find a way to change the brain, but not affect human thinking and consciousness, then there will be no worries."

"With the attack characteristics of dx-1118 virus, do you want it not to attack brain cells? Don't even think about it unless you create a virus. " Kong Zhongcai sneered.

"Please don't quarrel Thompson rubbed his forehead with some headache. Although they quarreled in Chinese, he didn't understand it very well, but only by listening to their tone, he could understand that they had different opinions. He had to quickly reach out and persuade him, "two guys, the experimental body No. 35 is coming soon. This is a formal human experiment. If you have any questions, can we talk about it after the experiment

"Good." Then they nodded and glared at each other and turned their heads coldly.

Thompson was relieved to see that the two did not continue to quarrel in his ear. He contacted the outside world with his wristwatch. Soon, a white man tied to a mobile stretcher, struggling and yelling, was pushed into the laboratory.The man is as strong as a black bear. Although his hair has been shaved off, his hair color can be seen from his golden body hair. It is only because he seems to have been detained for a long time that his face looks extremely haggard.

An assistant gave Thompson a copy of the information, and Thompson looked through it, then walked up to the shouting man and said, "Sergeant Bernie Clyde?"

"What do you want to do to me? I ask for human rights and special treatment for prisoners! My country will redeem me! " The man, known as Bernie, seemed to be aware of his situation and growled uneasily.

Thompson ignored the other party, but said to the information in his hand, "Sergeant Bernie Clyde, born in Washington in 1978, joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1995, participated in the Kosovo war in 1999, killed eight enemies, and then joined the seal team because of his outstanding performance. In 2002, he was selected as a member of the SOG secret service under the CIA, and was captured on June 7, 18."

"Damn it, don't read it. I've been in custody for two months, damn two months!" Bernie continued to struggle, but his hands and feet were caught in the iron ring, not a few tons of tension can not get rid of this manganese steel ring.

Thompson then observed Bernie, finally nodded, and then looked at Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai. "The spirit of the experimental target is a bit manic, but the physical data shows that he is very healthy. I think this experimental body can be used for the 35th experiment. What do you think?"

"Seconded." Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai nodded.

Thompson turned around and said to the two assistants pushing the mobile stretcher, "push him into the isolation Bay and get everything ready." , the fastest update of the webnovel!